Sisterhood of The Rose-Notes from Cobra Conference





 At the Event the Sisterhood of the Rose groups will meditate to stabilize the energy. They are the feminine aspect of the liberation process now



 We are responsible for the destiny of the planet. Planet Earth.The destiny of humanity depends on how we fill in our role during the moment of the Event.The destiny of humanity and planet Earth depends on our decision, right now, in this exact moment.We are the ones making decisions, because everybody else is confused.We are the ones who have the abilities, because we have trained our talents throughout all of our lifetimes, for this exact moment.

(note from the translator: to the creators of the Event Support and Sisterhood of the Rose groups : And this is "Our Cause")

From the moment of the Event on we are building up the new society. The Event is the Zero Point for the whole cosmos.



 Through the Sisterhood of the Rose, Goddess Energy comes back to Earth. It is the real consciousness of oneness without competition, without comparing yourself with any other living being. It is part of the the soul presence within the matter. This is all about unconditional love, respect, understanding. We are all facets of one single, beautiful, shining diamond.

The aspects of the Goddess like Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet are all different
expressions of the One.

This understanding now comes back to earth. It helps men and women to awaken and to regain their true power and to get alive again. For the men it is a wake-up call to no longer suppress their feelings and to express them without fear of being ridiculed. For the woman it means they can now be in their truth without getting too masculine, they can be soft and powerful at the same time. The divine child is a symbol for the completely balanced energies of masculine and feminine. So, Horus is a symbol for that, the symbolic child of Isis and Osiris/Ashtar. As a divine child of the Goddess, it is helpful for us to feel the presence of the divine child within us, it creates balance within ourselves and it allows the Goddess energy to flow through us. 

Through our connection with the Goddess we find our balance, spiritually, emotionally and physically. New preferences and new consciousness arise. Giving and receiving, action and reception are balanced.




The central race is the first advanced civilization who gained high wisdom in this
galaxy millions of years ago, as they live near the central sun. Those beings
brought their wisdom into the whole galaxy. They were known as ambassadors, angelos in greek, messengers, angels... They are not only etheric beings, they are physical angels with wings also. Iona is the winged Goddess who brought the mysteries to earth in the times of Atlantis. Isis/Astara was her student. 

When Iona left earth
she gave the mission to Isis to keep the knowledge of the Goddess alive. Isis
founded the mystery schools in Atlantis and they had to go underground when the
downfall of Atlantis happened. The main place of the mystery schools of Earth was in
Egypt. This area was bigger than we perceive it today, it included also many islands
of the mediterranean ocean. On Malta was the main temple which always had been a
light pillar. According to the legends, the temples were build by giants. This was
the beginning of the Sisterhood of the Rose many thousands of years ago in Egypt.
The Sisterhood of the Rose were composed of enlightened beings of high advanced
wisdom and abilities who were living and celebrating sacredly in the temples. So
they were very very powerful and the Archons of course did not like that. 

The Archons destroyed the temples and the knowledge of the Sisterhood was hidden
underground. The Archons sent messengers to pray to their God called Aton. They
forbade the mystery schools which then went under the surface as Isis temples. The
priesthood nevertheless was very strong and because of this they reemerged after a
short time and the temples were active in the mediterranean area again. During the
times of the roman empire, temples of the Sisterhood of the Rose spread all over the
empire, like for example Avalon in Ireland. The knowledge of the Sisterhood of the
Rose was handled extremely secretly and only initiates knew what happened in the
temples. They swore to never ever tell the mysteries to anyone outside of the
Sisterhood. The mysteries of the goddess are highly sacred. They are not meant for
beings who are not ready to receive them. If they would be told to the masses, they
would be distorted and misused. So the deeper mysteries of the Goddess are only told to initiates. Even most of the most awakened beings on this planet are not ready yet to receive the full spectrum of the mysteries of the Goddess. The programming is deeper than even most of the light workers are aware of.

With time, and only after the Event, the complete mysteries will be released
exclusively to those who are ready to receive them. The name of a simple mystery of
the Goddess can be released already now : The mystery of the immortality of the

In roman times again, the Archons tried to destroy the mysteries. In the 4th century
Konstantin the Great wanted to create one synthetic religion made of all religions.
Bishops all over the empire were commanded to gather to the well-known Council of
Nicaea. There, all bishops had to sign the document or they would not have left that
room alive, the "guardians" would have taken care of that. The decree of Nicaea is
the basis of the catholic religion which was and is still used to serve as a special
tool for controlling the masses. Since that day, everything else was forbidden
inside the roman empire. The mysteries of the Goddess did not exist in a written

The temples were destroyed and the priestesses and priests were killed. Later,
the re-incarnated members of the Sisterhood of the Rose worked from underground,
they spread the knowledge by working indirectly by using symbols for example in
architecture, paintings and music. The cathedral of Chartres is one of the buildings
where many of those symbols can be found. The Holy Grail is one of the symbols and
it has gained its faim through being included into buildings and poetry. Another
symbol is the chalice of the Goddess formed like a rose, so the rose as well is a
symbol related to the mysteries of the Goddess, imbedded within poetry and art.There exists a secret book, called "The Red Book", and the catholic church could
never get it. It was given from mother to daughter, on and on.

The Sisterhood of the Rose influenced many times the happenings in the political
world from behind the scenes, as was the case with Hitler, when the Sisterhood
contacted Eva Braun. So, some even worst scenarios could be prevented. At the court of Saladin, many battles have been hindered from happening and often peace was made through the influence of the Sisterhood of the Rose. A new army was sent to Richard Löwenherz when he was heavily wounded, a completely illogical maneuver in history. The Sisterhood of the Rose has prevented the atomic war on earth. The Goddess wants peace and peace will be.

At the Event, the members of the Sisterhood of the Rose will anchor the energies of
silence and peace. The masses will not understand what is happening, so there will
be some kind of agitation, and the Sisterhood of the Rose will calm all this down
through their meditations. This means, they have a key role at the Event. Even
though many do not realize yet the whole meaning of that, it is important to build
the groups now, so that during the Event all will be calm and peaceful. In the
moment it seems likely that most of the same people who are forming Sisterhood of
the Rose groups are also gathering for the masculine aspect of the Event, the Event
Support groups. This is often the case, as the others are not enough awakened yet.
In any case, it is good, to find your own role within this whole process and to
follow your inner guidance -as always.


The pentagram is also a symbol for the Goddess and the circle around the pentagram
means protection. The energy of the Goddess is extremely soft and the same time very very powerful. It is the energy of creation. Throughout history, the dark forces
tried many times to suppress that energy. Strong women, healers and "witches" have
been indeed high priestesses. Through the Sisterhood of the Rose, men and women can take back their life energy and life power which has been suppressed in the past.

~The original design of creation~

An important thing in the universe is free will. Free will means to express
unconditional love of The Goddess and the God freely. Our knowledge about the
Goddess enables us to gain access to our free will. There is no will that is above
our free will : the original blueprint. Our free will is above everything, it is
respected on the highest levels. The religious systems are afraid of the strong
feminine will, and many times women did not surrender to religion. Through wisdom,
spirit comes into matter. If free will is in harmony with the divine, the free will
of someone else will never be restricted and everything happens for the well-being
of the whole. This is how we are meant to live originally.

Now as we are bringing balance back again, it is very important for us to learn how to express ourselves without activating competition and comparison patterns. We can start with this by stopping to compare ourselves to ANY-one. The old system that hasits main basis on competition programming -which serves to suppress Goddess energy- will not work much longer anymore. Especially women have now arrived to enter the process of supporting each other instead of competing and fighting. This is really very significant : to truly learn as women to support other women. 

This is the absolute basis for the re-emergence of the Sisterhood of the Rose, because a circle of women, supporting each other, is the main basis structure of the initiates within the priestesshood of Isis. The divine, the Goddess has many facets and it can not be expressed through only one women, so there are many facets possible to express Goddess energy in varying ways and colors and together they are building one Goddess diamond. This is the start to anchor the divine into matter.The Goddess energy is nurturing itself through itself, and it is absolutely magnetic. A woman who is in the Goddess energy does not need to fight or to gain attention, as she will be a magnet through her very being, through BE-ing herself.

The masculine energy is electric, so the two energies are attracting each other all
the time without doing or adding anything to it. This is creation, divine feminine
and divine masculine, attracting each other by their basic construction.

The more we find ourselves within ourselves, the more the two energies become present in their original way and this means we are magnetic and electric at once.
This again is the power of the lioness/lion in us. The Egyptian Sphinx has a lion body and a women head as a symbol for that lioness power within humans. Women and men who are filled with balanced energies are bearers of that lion energy.
Many Goddesses have an animal at their side, which expresses a certain power or ability. One of the symbol animals of Isis is the dove.

Teachings about the Ankh, the key of life, the breath of life, were described in
Atlantis/Egypt as a symbol for the potential of creation. The Ankh looks also like
an angel, a human being, a key [Note from Untwine : It also symbolizes a Yoni and a
Lingam, click here for more information]- It can also be seen as the infinity symbol
being laid twice over each other with open ends - the "feet" and the "arms" being
the open infinity symbol twice- which means to bring something into life (which
arrives through the loop) from eternity. Isis gave life back to Osiris through
letting her breath flowing through the Ankh. The Ankh can also be held above the
head to connect with the higher self or as a lens to "see" into spiritual realms.
Slowly we learn again how to use our symbols with deep respect and honor for all of
creation. The Ankh is the key to take responsibility within the Sisterhood of the
Rose groups and also to bring our soul energy into our body. One of the deepest
mysteries of Isis is to bring spirit into matter with the Ankh.

In the moment, the strong light energy is removing everything which is synthetic,
everything that is non-alive. So the dark forces are suppressing Goddess energy,
because they know, they will be removed by her, as they are not filled with divine
energy. Now much support is flowing from the Galactic Confederation and from the
central sun to us. The central sun is a giant Goddess and as we can see, it moves in
spirals. So this means that Goddess energy and Goddess consciousness is spiraling.
Goddess consciousness and Goddess power is spiral consciousness. As we now come to understand the spiral consciousness we also understand that we are the ones who have to activate, to allow the spiral consciousness to flow through us, manifest itself through us so that we are the channels for the Goddess energy.Isis and Osiris are archetypes of the energy of balance. The legend about them includes that their love for each other was so strong that it succeeded over all obstacles.

The power of creation is the energy of the divine mother. The mother gives birth to
life through surrendering to the flow of nature. During a birth resistance creates
more pain. We are educated and programmed to be resistant to that energy. As we
learn to surrender to the Goddess energy, birth in all areas of life gets more
joyful and easier. In the mysteries of Isis, milk is the divine drink through which
the divine child receives its life. The crown of Hathor with the horns, embracing
the sun, symbolizes that very beautifully. The cow with the horns is a holy animal
that gives the divine drink, the milk. It is magic, a mystery of nature. Within the
feminine body everything is present to give and to maintain and nurture life -
within the womb and also afterwards through the breasts. The same with the animals
and nature, life comes out of the seed and in the seed everything that wants to
enfold is already present.

We find the number 5 again within the fingers and toes and the in the 5 elements.
The conference we have held now happened during the equinox, a point in time of
balance of the energies. It is the birth of the new life. Everything on the planet
is getting back into balance now. This rhythm is the heartbeat of the universe,
pressure and relaxation. The earth moves together with the universe in the same
rhythm, like a wave in the ocean, like ebb and flow. So is the energy of Goddess and
God, a balance of dynamic and spontaneity.




This is a sisterhood of the Goddesses. Each Goddess can be considered to be a facet
of the same diamond. They bring spirit (stars) into matter.

Essentially, we are each a unique star. The symbol of this Sisterhood is a rose. 

Another symbol is the pentagram.
When you draw a pentagram with the point uppermost, it has similarities to the human form. The head, two arms and two legs are fivefold. We also have five fingers and five toes. We have five senses. The pentagram encircled, is symbolic of the Soul
Star. In our body we bring our unique style into manifestation our creative organs
are in the centre spirit enters into the matter.

The current alignment (Venus transit), over the two days of the conference, involves
strong energies from the Galactic Central Sun. The energy has proved to be much more than expected. Motherships are coming closer. The Central Race are coming closer.

Iona (Goddess) brought the mysteries of the Goddesses to earth and to Atlantis. She
is represented as a goddess with wings. She initiated the most advanced women on the planet. Twelve women were initiated. These became known as goddesses. They keep the presence of the light on the planet. When the goddess energy is strong there are periods of peace. When the goddess energy is suppressed there are eras of wars. Over the last 5000 years the mysteries of the Sisterhood of the Rose had to go underground.

When we refer to the Goddesses, we are dealing with Immortal Beings. Later in
Earth's history, women with imperfect consciousness held the light. Things were
forgotten. Even so, the mysteries were transmitted from mother to daughter over
generations. These women helped to prevent violent events. The Sisterhood even
influenced Eva Braun. They influenced Saladin: in the Crusader wars there was
suddenly peace. It is hard for historians to explain why.
Now the Sisterhood of the Rose has returned so that men and women can hold the
energy of peace and balance.

No longer can nature be forced to man's will. Now the approach must be unified and
balanced. The Goddess Energy determines that it is done right. The New Era will not
be a French revolution. We have one chance to do this right. We are creating a field
of balance. The Goddess Energy is a unique experience. This energy will help you get
to the point of balance. There is a need for people who can hold this energy.
Many people would like evidence. But the evidence of the Goddess Energy comes
through inner experience. It has always been like that in history. Mankind needs to
have the right consciousness to receive it. Enough people need sufficient understanding.

Women met secretly. They were involved in healing. Women in the Sisterhood were high priestesses. They were initiated through the Isis Mystery School.

Isis showed the delegates a large ankh and asked what it looked like. The ankh can
appear like a body. The top part is like a vesicle (vesica pisces). The child comes
through a vesicle into the new reality. It is now time for this new energy to return
to the planet. Women used the ankh as a symbol of the "breath of life". The ankh
represents the coming of spirit into matter.Everything that is done with love becomes magic. The women used milk in their ceremonies. Milk gives life to the baby. This explains in part the symbolic horns on the head of some of the representations of the goddess Isis.It is important that you like your body.

You need to love your body. Then you can change. What is suppressed, what is not loved, cannot be changed. Each person is a unique star and a unique flower.




 Spiritual life cannot just concentrate on Spirit. All aspects of life in the body
needs to be given appropriate space.

Things need to be done slowly and done in balance. Activity and passivity are

The qualities of spiritual life involve:
    Selfless softness

The Goddess brings Justice and Compassion as she returns.
There needs to be:

Surrender (mental, emotional and bodily control)
Acceptance of sexual energy

Some are called to channel Her energy. 

These are the Sisterhood of the Rose. Everyone has a Goddess and a Master to whom they are most connected.




Cobra said, "There is no need for
followers, I do not want followers! I need co-creators! "

I would add to this that you should not care about others criticizing you or about
others wanting to tell you what to think, what to feel and what to believe or not to
believe... Or why you say this or that ... etc. If someone is on a clear path and
strengthens the Light, you will recognize it. Because they will not care about your
life and what you do and how you do it. They will not project their fear on you just
out of "protection" ... because they know the Law of Free Will, the Law of Unity,
the Law of Live and Let Live ... If they are on the true path, they will care about
themselves to fulfill their mission and to contribute to the liberation of the
planet. They will cooperate with those who serve the same purpose and will help
them, support and secure them and will use every minute to serve the Light,
Ascension ... because every minute counts ... they will not follow leaders,
self-appointed gurus and gods, but the heart's word , the call of Love.

If you want to save the Earth, if you want to do something for others, if you want
to give meaning to your life then you only have to save one person: YOURSELF! It is
not about changing others, or making them be this or that... The most important law
is the Law of Free Will. Until you cannot accept it and you do not understand it,
you cannot do anything and all your actions, words and will will be useless.
Stand up finally, lift your head up! You carry Divine quality. All that is causing
you pain, suffering and misery, is unworthy to you.Do not find your path in new religions or belief systems, do not follow others. Be who you are!!! Feel the words: I AM!

If you make a decision, you will be unstoppable, you will not have enemies and the
Divine Plan, for which you were born, will be realized by you.
Everyone shifted into a higher level there and then and we could almost physically
feel the presence of the Pleiadians and their fleet.

Many people made a decision that evening and got going following the words of the
heart ... and Sisterhood of the Rose groups are being formed around the world - as
allies of the hearts. There is Unity and Unconditional Pure Love that bonds them.
Soul families met there that evening and the hearts quietly and silently made their
way ... heart portals opened and received the energies ... the energies were
flowing... and the tears of Love ... as rivers that flow into the ocean ... were
flowing into the Infinite Ocean of Love.I am thankful for being alive, for being able love and for being in Unity.





The Return of the Goddess is very important for the Galactic Wave of Love. It
represents energy in its highest form. It is the feminine aspect of the Absolute,
representing love and receptivity. It is energy that allows and creates space for
transformation. It is very powerful, that is why it has been so severely suppressed
by the dark forces. It was the only way they could control humanity.

When humanity started to awaken, it signalled the end of their control and suppression. Goddess Energy is the perfect mirror of the ONE. When it is awakened there is no stopping it. It has many aspects. One of which is reawakening the Sisterhood of the Rose.The Sisterhood of the Rose was an ancient Mystery School. It was brought to Earth by the Central Race in Atlantis. A certain not so well known Goddess, Iona, belonging to the Central Race, came to Atlantis and initiated 12 Priestesses and transformed the planet.

The knowledge was transmitted to Mystery Schools of Atlantis and from there it was
spread to Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, the Rose Templars and Cathars. St. Germain,
Lord Cagliostro and secret societies transmitted it in the 18thCentury.
Cobra was instructed to recreate the Sisterhood of the Rose a year ago. Today we
take the 1stof the next steps. The most important step, as the Sisterhood of the
Rose will anchor the feminine energy for everybody and everything on the planet.

[During the Conference a group of women (representing all the 23 countries present)
volunteered to organize weekly physical Sisterhood of the Rose meetings in their
country. Cobra initiated these women during a beautiful Ceremony and Isis is
preparing them from beyond the Veil for the second phase of the Return of the
Goddess. During this activation High Priestesses were present right below the
conference building and some above in their Lightships. From the Pleiadians:
Semyasi, Manuela and Stara. Resistance Movement: Kelly, Leia, Sara and Anaya. Ashtar Command: Ashtar Atina. And of course Isis Astara. She considers this the crown of her work. This physical anchor of the Sisterhood of the Rose is essential for the Return of the Goddess Energy on planet earth. Sisterhood of the Rose groups are also for men! They are for everyone.]

The moon is a natural object that transmits Goddess Energy. High Priestesses can use Moon energy to heal their own emotions and of others. Some of the Rosecrucians were member of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

The energy of the Goddess will change our perspective on everything on this planet.
E.g. our physical bodies, art, and the way we communicate. 

It will transform human society, anchor the Galactic Wave of Love and prepare us for First Contact.The physical meetings anchor the Galactic Wave of Love to the planet. 

From now on Light Forces will anchor the Wave of Love through the Sisterhood of the Rose and expand love over the planet.

All Pleiadians have very strong connections to the Goddess presence. Goddess
presence needs to be here for humanity to transform. But there are also other





 An important process is the return of the Goddess in its higher form, it is the
feminine aspect of the absolute love, which creates space for transformation, and
for this reason it has been drastically suppressed (this is the only reason why dark
could success). The Goddess energy is the perfect mirror of The One, and when its
perfect The One begins to manifest.

One important aspect is the re-awakening of the Sisterhood of the Rose, an ancient
mystery school brought to Atlantis by the Central Race. There is a Goddess that
belongs to the Central Race, AIONA, she came to Atlantis and initiated 12
priestesses, gave them all mysteries and were transmitted by generations through
mystery schools in Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, Cathars, Templars, 18th century
Saint Germain, Lord Cagliostro, and many secret societies.

I have received instructions to re-activate the Sisterhood of the Rose and many
groups have been created, now I will release more instructions.

The light forces are requesting to meet physically once a week, so we are creating
these groups right now. We will need 23 women from 23 countries that are choosing to become anchors of the Sisterhood of the Rose. We will create now the next phase for the Sisterhood of the Rose on the planet, create 23 anchors.





 Men are not excluded from the Sisterhood of the Rose, it is not just a feminine
group, it is anchoring the goddess energy for everybody.

The energy of the Goddess will change perspective on everything of the planet,
communication, hobbies, transform human society and prepare it for 1st contact.
Physical meetings of the Sisterhood of the Rose anchors the galactic wave of love,
so the light forces will be able to anchor the energy of the galactic wave of love,
and then expand it through the human society to prepare it for contact. All
Pleiadians have a connection with the Goddess presence and if contact happens
between two species the Goddess presence has to be there.





 The pure feminine principle or energy is pure receptivity. It equals unconditional love. This is the energy needed to heal humanity. It is of primary importance to bring back this energy to the planet and connect to it as much as possible. The pure feminine energy is the mirror of creation.

It is this energy that will make the Contact Dish project possible and attract the
Event. It is like an energy lake: if it is still and peaceful enough, then the Event
can be activated. Every being connected to this energy fills up the lake. The change
and the Event are created by the energetic presence of the Divine Feminine Energy.
We are reviving the Goddess Mysteries to bring these energies back to the planet. We will start to form groups to anchor this energy. The original purpose of the
Sisterhood of the Rose (SotR) groups was to preserve and anchor the Goddess

At the moment there are around 150 SotR groups active on the planet meeting each
other weekly to anchor the Goddess energies.





SotR groups are the main way of anchoring the Goddess energies on the planet. Closer to the Event more and more groups will be active and go into deeper aspects of the Goddess Mysteries, yet to be revealed. Many Goddess vortex points on the planet will be activated then. The most awakened women will become Priestesses and consciously anchor the Goddess Energies to lead the surface population to freedom.




 Pure female energy is pure receptivity and unconditional love.  For women (to embody pure female energy) is the key to heal humanity and make our transition easier. Women are a mirror for creation… a contact dish for connecting to soul and galactic family… for women to become as a still lake of energy. The Event can only happen through the energy dynamic being created by the return of the Goddess to the surface of the planet. Sisterhood of The Rose groups existed  to preserve and anchor Goddess mystery schools by meeting regularly each week. We are calling upon the presence of Isis Astara to initiate us into forming and creating physical Sisterhood of The Rose groups where we live to help anchor the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. Deeper aspects of Goddess mystery schools revealed. Goddess vortex activated, in healing the planetary surface population for the break through to happen. 




 Since May 17, 1998 we entered a dimension of portal transformation…. a 13.6 billion
year cosmic cycle ended and we entered a new chapter in our cosmic history. Each of
us has different talents as we remember and activate our mission. We are the leaders
if the new era and we are the ones that will make it happen and cannot wait for the
Light Forces or the Resistance Movement. 

Our mission has the support of the Light Forces and they will be with us. The seemingly impossible will happen. 

(quote displayed – “Everything was impossible until some one made it possible “ (image of
Yoda – “May the Force Be With You”. )

Certain groups will go behind the pillars of the High Priestess. Hope for many Sisterhood Of The Rose groups will be created. Hope Islands of Light will be activated. Hope my Pleiadian family will create a heaven.The temple goddess Isis has given instructions to revive the ancient mission of the
Goddess… to those open to a certain level of understanding… that can go deeper with
the energy field of love, with those who are ready to receive. The mysteries of the
goddess will be brought back. 

“Our purpose is to share the Light, to bring the Light, to be the Light.. We are
hear to manifest the Golden Age… The time is now!. See you on the other side!” He
thanked Anita and Steven, as we all excitedly clapped and then thanked all the
others who helped make the conference possible, who went up onto the stage to join
Anita and Steve. Then he thanked  the individual Priestesses by name, and then made
a very moving thanks to Isis Astara. We all clapped, raised arms, loudly proclaiming
many times over, “Victory of the Light




 5,000 years ago, the first archon invasion came and destroyed the temples and priestesses.
Everything was almost forgotten.

We must remember because with memory comes knowledge.

In Malta (for example) there was a temple of the Goddess. The energy of the Goddess will come back to memory.

Many years ago, with the assistance of Isis Astara, the Sorority of the Rose was
recreated.It is a very ancient society that keeps the flame of the Goddess alive. 

Image projected on the screen of the room stating:
-I'm going to make everything around me more beautiful. That will be my life.

We have to bring back beauty in art, architecture, music.

Someone asks what to do about the false Lightworkers. 

Cobra replies: "Simply avoid them."

Someone asks why the Earth was invaded. 

Cobra replies that Earth is in a very interesting location. Kind of like "interesting real estate". That is why it was invaded.

Every human has attachments to the two basic chakras connected to a reptilian. For every human being, there is one reptilian.You have to keep your will. Do not let yourself be provoked. Reptilians exacerbate low emotions.It is necessary to get out of pointless conflicts.




In the surface world, Goddess energy is considered as a symbol of weakness. The
truth is, the Goddess energy is the most powerful force in the universe. It is
stronger than any other energy. It is more powerful than all wars and all darkness combined. 

It is the energy for all changes to happen. If we can cultivate care and compassion in our beings and help more people cultivate these qualities, we will be able to anchor more Goddess energy on the surface world. Future transitions will become more balanced.

Another aspect of Goddess energy is the energy of is the expression of soul.We can express our beauty in many ways.  We can express beauty through architecture, music and art. Women can express the beauty of the goddess through their bodies.

Many spiritual communities have neglected women’s outer beauty for a long time. However, the energy of beauty can improve our connection with our souls/ higher self.

Goddess energy can also bring a new Renaissance.  This new renaissance will lead to
a new era of spiritual awakening. People will begin to appreciate beauty once again.

For the past two decades, the Archons have suppressed humans’ sense of beauty, because they know  pure, beautiful things can connect humans with souls. They have made things ugly. They’ve produced ugly and dreadful music.They have made many women have weird, unnatural body shapes. Many models in the fashion industry have been out of normal shapes. These mind programming are destroying women’s beauty.

Many years ago, during the return of the goddess, we created a community whose mission is  to anchor Goddess energy. This community is Sisterhood of the Rose. The Sisterhood  is actually an ancient organization that has been in existence for thousands of years. It was  responsible for anchoring Goddess energy in ancient times. Many sisters worked together  in ancient Egypt, France and many different cultures.

Project Goddess Temple is meant to effectively revitalize Goddess energy on the

This is also part of the New Atlantis project. It is not about creating a new
religion for people to worship Goddess. The key point is to create a public space
where people can appreciate  Goddess energy. you can build a Goddess temple in your own space.

 The temple should be open to the public at least twice a week so they can experience and learn more about Goddess energy. You can invite people to join Goddess-related meditations, concerts, art shows in your Goddess temple. You can always find a room in a  healing / spiritual center  to build a Goddess temple.





 It flourished during the renaissance era. Many years before that in ancient societies many cultures established Sisterhood Of The Rose groups. 

(Cobra then invited anyone to get up onto the stage who wanted to start a sisterhood
of the rose group. I am not sure if he mentioned Isis or not but we could feel her
energy in initiating each one of us in our mission.)

The next phase of establishing Goddess energy on the planet is to physically create Goddess temples. This is basically creating a sacred space where goddess energy can be anchored (on a permanent basis). It can even be a dedicated room that is open to the public. We are creating a net work of Sisterhood Of The Rose groups all over the planet, and many more will be created after the Event… similar to the time of Atlantis where is soul families will re-unite.

At the end, the song “Babylon” was played where people got up on the stage and started dancing… along with Cobra! The mood and vibration was very uplifting and energetic… a feeling of celebration and victory was in the air.




 The sisterhood of the Rose will be activated again. They were ancient group bringing
that goddess energy to the planet since Atlantis, Egypt, and other civilizations. 

After the Venus transit in 2012, SOTR was reactivated again on the surface of the
planet. There was a huge reactivation of SOTR about 5 years ago. More than 200
groups were created worldwide.

Last year, there was a lot of challenges energetically, and there was also
coronavirus and others. Now maybe only about 90-100 groups are remaining. The light forces have committed to activate new SOTR again throughout the planet.

We will strengthen that energy. So, I would like to invite everybody, those of you
who are leaders of SOTR groups, please come foreward. (Cobra surprised as more
leaders came than expected)

Only leaders of the SOTR! Are you all leaders who organize the every week meeting?
And make sure to register your groups on the official SOTR website.
Okay, all the leaders of the SOTR, please hold hands to each other.

Now, we will receive a blessing for the each of the leader from a high priestess
Isis Astara from astral plane. So, each of you will receive her blessing and
assistance for your future activities as a spiritual guide.

(After the cobra does the mudra, he stamps an energetic mark with a crystal on the
top of the head of each of the leaders, who join hands in a circle. Then we meditate
for a few moments.)

Please open you eyes, and return to your seats.
We are all receiving the blessing from Isis Astara.
The energy will stay with you. I hope many groups will be created and these groups
will spread the beautiful energy throughout the planet.
Is anybody want to say anything to the whole group?

1. There is only ONENESS that is what I got from my inner guidance. I love you. I
appreciate you. No matter what it looks like, no one is removed from this circle.
Each and every one of us is important. Divine life surrounds us. Thank you.

2. I don't know anyone in this group, I found Cobra through Iruka's blog and here I
am. I think you are all so beautiful here. But please don't fight. We are in a state
of emergency. Let's learn to love more. I came here and I was moved and very
disappointed at the same time. Your True Self should be much more beautiful. I will
do my best, so let's all do our best! Thank you! (applaud)

3. (One woman stood up and let the beautiful mantra "HU" echo through the hall)
Cobra “translation?” Terry “HUUU” Patrick “HUUU” (laughter)




Q and A session 3

Q. In Chinese I-Ching, between 2023-2025 is the time frame, a massive spiritual
awakening among the women aged in their 30s to 40s in our society. Do you think this
matches with the horoscope you presented?

A. Women in this time frame can become leaders of Sisterhood of the Rose to bring a
lot of goddess energy in next 2 years. So this can be true.




 Some of you in this room will be contacted, and you might receive help and assist
from the light forces in that process of healing and teaching humanity. (At The Event)The sisterhood of rose groups will meditate quite intensively to bring balance and calm to the surface population. The Event Support Group will spread and be more active in transforming society. So there will be a lot of activities for them.




The SOTR is still formed around the planet. You are more than welcome to join. You can also create your own group because more groups will be needed in future as we come closer to the Event. They are needed to anchor the goddess energy. 

 Last year, the light forces have requested to build the goddess temples on the surface of the planet after more than 5,500 years. Light workers already formed temples in Japan, Taiwan, Hungary, the United States, and other countries. If you wish to open your own goddess temple, you need to have a physical place that is open to general public at least once a week two hours. 

In that temple, you can present the energy of goddess to the surface population with music, dance, meditation and everything that express the energy. You can contact the planetary network of the SOTR. They can give you some guidance, or you can contact me if you are really serious temple. More temples are needed on the surface of the planet.

Most people on the surface of the planet have been subjected to very strong Matrix programming. The goddess energy is the key to dissolve the matrix. It dissolves all the programming of the mind, emotion and body. 

As we are getting closer to the polar shift, we will activate the goddess ley line, or the old equator. Many people are doing activations around the ley line such as putting cintamanis, activating tachyon chambers, building goddess temples, opening SOTR groups, and there will be galactic cintamanis around that ley line. This is themost important ley line on the planet. Many people ask me where is the vortex and ley line, this one is the number 1. You can bring and anchor as much goddess energy as you can. I would like to ask you to bring as much light as you can, if you feel guided, to this area. 




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