Mystery Schools by Cobra





This blog post will be about the second positive group that has been working secretly behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity and liberation of the planet.

I have gained access to one of esoteric texts that was written by a member of that group and I am publishing it now in its entirety with full permission of that group.

»Brotherhood of the Star is a planetary oupost of the Blue Lodge of Sirius that is connected with Sirius via Jupiter and Jupiter Command.  The purpose of the Brotherhood of the Star is to guide the evolution of the planet under the guidance of Sanat Kumara. The inner circle of the Brotherhood of the Star are Masters and Arhats that have reached their Ascension on this planet.  The outer circle of the Brotherhood of the Star is the Esoteric Brotherhood comprised of disciples of the Ascended Masters that have reached the seventh subdegree  of the third Initiation. The physical anchor of the Brotherhood of the Star is a vast subterranean kingdom of Shamballa, where the Great mystery school of the Transhimalayan Brotherhood is operating. The Esoteric Brotherhood represents its antechamber.

Brotherhood of the Star was never public since the time of Atlantis. It was working secretly through its discliples. Disciples of the Brothehood of the  Star comprise the Order of the Star. Order of the Star is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the first, second and third Initiation that have incarnated on this planet with the purpose of occult triangulation of light and darkness. Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star.  

They have caused the flowering of Graeco-Roman culture aided with telepathic impressions from Brotherhood of the Star. They were active as Druid priests in Celtic culture. As Essenes they were collaborating in the project of Ascension of Jesus and Magdalene/Grail family lineage as a counterbalance against the thirteenth bloodline of the black nobility. They have founded Sufi initiation orders. In the 12th century they have founded Cathar and Albigensian movement which has revived Goddess mysteries through Troubadour poetry and have also revived Gnostic Christianity mysteries  from the times before the Constantinian Christian cult. In the 13th century they have founded the Templar order which was based on discovery of Isisian esoteric texts in the crypt below the Salomon temple. Information on those scrolls has enabled the revival of the old Egyptian star mysteries and formation of freemasonry. Based on  an impulse from the Brotherhood of the Star, hidden Cathar lodges have triggered the Renaissance around 1450 in Florence and this has shaped our western civilization as we know it now. This has fulfilled the conditions for arrival of first representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood into Europe from subterranean Tibet.

Since then onwards a few dozen representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood are working secretly behind the scenes in Europe. In the 16th century they were active mainly in Florence, Venice and Verona, in the 17th century mainly in London and also elsewhere in England and in the 18th centruy mainly in Paris. The Esoteric Brotherhood has transmitted the spiritual impulse for the beginning of the Enlightenment movement to the Order of the Star and this has reshaped the 18th century and set the basis for the scientific and technological revolution.

The Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the mystery school through Comte de Saint Germain in Paris in 1775. This secret mystery school was active for about 100 years and then the Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the Theosophical Society through H. P. Blavatsky in 1875. Through telepathic impressions, the Esoteric Brothehood  has guided the progress of science, especially through Nikola Tesla. 

Now Esoteric Brotherhood is not involved in the matrix of system on planet Earth. We live in undisclosed locations on the surface of the planet.

Esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of the Star is the heavenly stone of Sirius, fire jewel, cinta mani, lapis ex coelis, which represents the jewel of our true Self (atma-buddhi-manas).

Esoteric symbol of the Order of the Star is a chalice of Moldavite, the heavenly stone of Pleiades, the holy Grail, sangreal, which represents our causal body and the star nobility, the mandala of 144,000 star beings of light.

Amor Vincit Omnia!«

Brotherhood of the Star is the last pure remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis. The Cabal tried to infiltrate it without success as they have very strict rules of admission.  Alas, the Cabal was much more successful with infiltrating the more public mystery schools such as Jesuits were able to do with freemasonry in the early 1800s and as Theosophical Society was infiltrated after Helena Blavatsky died and her teachings were misused later by the Cabal. This is the cause of much confusion among the Lightworkers, but true teachings will be restored soon as part of Operation Dreamland.

For that reason, other members of the Brotherhood of the Star can contact me at




 Before this planet was invaded 26,000 years ago, Ascended Masters walked freely among humanity and kept the connection to the presence of the One intact. Their mystery school was located on the main island of Atlantis:

The Asceded Masters are beings of pure Light and Love who have evolved beyond duality. You can read a very good description about their work and activities on our planet here: 

The Ascended Masters retreated from the surface of the planet as it was occupied by the dark forces one Platonic year (26,000 Earth years) ago. Main Atlantean mystery school went into slow decay as the direct contact with the Ascended Masters was lost. At a certain point it was moved into Egypt where initiation temples and pyramids were built in the area between Saqqara and the Giza plateau. At the final deluge of Atlantis in 9564 BCE all Atlantean mystery schools were destroyed and most of their knowledge and wisdom lost. 

After the deluge, mystery schools were slowly revived in the Near East from surviving fragments of the Atlantean heritage and they received inispiration through occasional contact with positive extraterrrestrial races (such as the Isis mysteries as a result of direct contact with Sirius) and from underground Agarthian network (such as Delphi mysteries). Part of the mystery schools have degenerated as a result of the strengthening of the Veil and the Illuminati come from that branch.

A revival of the mystery schools occured in the Mediterranean 2000-2500 years ago as a result of the increased activity of the Galactic Central Sun. At that time, the initiates of those mystery schools became aware of the quarantine status of our planet and the presence of the Archons. Destruction of these mystery schools was the main aim of the Khazar Archon invasion in the 4th century and the rise of the Christianity mind programming cult was orchestrated to wipe out the last vestiges of the true Gnosis. 

Saint Germain has revived old Egyptian mysteries and created a mystery school in Paris in 1775. This mystery school was operated by the Brotherhood of the Star for another century and one of its members wrote this beautiful book which contains many coded messages about the Ascension process: 

There are many »mystery schools« around the planet now with fragmentary knowledge and wisdom. True mystery schools will be established only after the Event and especially after the First Contact.

Until then, you can read these two books which give quite a good overview of the Man, the Universe and the Plan:




...New Atlantis is a project of the Light forces that is already ongoing for millennia. Saint Germain is one of the main beings working on this project. He has revealed parts of this project to humanity in his incarnation as Francis Bacon in a novel called New Atlantis, where he described an utopian society based on meritocracy. In his next incarnation as Comte de Saint Germain he attempted to co-create a new Society in America by assisting in the independence of the USA and by being the main spiritual force behind the Constitution.

Here is a very good article about the past developments of the New Atlantis project that is a must read for everyone interested in New Atlantis, as it puts many occult doctrines in the right perspective:

Here I have to add that Comte de Saint Germain has formed a secret mystery school in Paris in 1775 that was the hidden hand behind the independence of the USA.

That mystery school was comprised of members of the Brotherhood of the Star that have then joined three main positive masonic lodges in Paris, influencing their members and thus consequently the global course of events.

One group joined the Les Neuf Soeurs masonic lodge in Paris and through Benjamin Franklin, who was a member of that masonic lodge, influenced the creation of the United States:

The second group joined the Philalethes masonic lodge in Paris, through which the Brotherhood of the Star tried to disseminate true occult knowledge. The occult knowledge from that lodge is the source of a vast portion of modern Western spirituality and occultism:

The third group joined the Cagliostro's Isis lodge in Paris. That lodge is the main source of Isiac mysteries that were later fragmentarily preserved in some Memphis Misraim lodges.

Cagliostro was one of the very few people on the surface of the planet that had an understanding of a certain aspect of mysteries of Isis that must remain veiled for now. Nothing more can be said about that matter before the Event.

Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis project. The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.




...Nevertheless, it is time to expand my team. This blog was not intended as a last hope resort for the most desperate, but a place where the most empowered people could turn the tide in the favor of planetary liberation.

For this reason, I am calling for new people to join my team. For joining the team, I am only interested in people who are mentally, emotionally, physically and financially stable, and who KNOW what is their mission. I am especially calling for representatives of positive Dragon, White Nobility, Secret Space Program, Mystery School, Intelligence or other similar positive groups that are working towards planetary liberation. I am also calling for people who can spread intel into the mass media, people who can finance large projects (1M and more) and women who are capable of anchoring Goddess energy in a pure and powerful way. 

New people who wish to contact me need to open their own encrypted email address at and then contact me from their tutanota email at , stating who they are and how they can contribute to the projects. Please do NOT send generic emails "what can I do to help", but rather state what you can do to help.




A high priestess is a woman who can fully embody Goddess mysteries to the point where she can influence the global planetary civilization. She is a great harmonizing influence for the planetary energy grid and the civilization as a whole.

Madame de Pompadour was instrumental in bringing high culture to the French court from where it spread through France and later through all western society. She also played a key role in suppression of Jesuits:

During the time of full suppression of Jesuits (1773-1814) the Western civilization has reached its peak.

In 1775, Comte de Saint Germain opened a secret mystery school in Paris and his influence triggered the creation of many female masonic lodges in Paris:

Sisterhood of the Rose was revived in Paris as Order of Knights and Nymphs of the Rose:




 ... a new 50 year Sirius B orbital cycle will begin in 2025 when Sirius B will reach maximum distance from the main star, Sirius A:


50 year Sirius cycle sends a powerful evolutionary pulse to planet Earth every 25th and 75th year of each century. Many of those pulses have triggered events that are connected to 2025:

A Sirius pulse in 1775 signified the peak of Enlightenment movement in France, formation of Mystery School in Paris by Comte de Saint Germain and the “shot heard round the world” which triggered the American Revolution:

Inside the Brotherhood of the Star, year 1775 is known as “the year of the Light”.

Interestingly enough, year 1775 also saw a loose grand trine between the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto:

A Sirius pulse in 1975 has opened the Ascension window and a Sirius pulse in 2025 will close it.





As the Light Forces are trying to bring as much Light as possible to the surface of the planet in their project of Return of Spirit, the old Atlantean Light grid is being reactivated.

One very important aspect of that process is reactivation of old Atlantean Goddess vortexes, connected to the old Atlantean equator:



In times of Atlantis, powerful temples were built across equator and they had direct connection with the motherships of the Galactic Confederation which were parked directly above them in geostationary orbit. Those temples were anchoring divine Goddess energy on the surface of the planet, whereas polar temples were anchoring divine God energy. Goddess temples always had a sacred lake situated nearby, where the Goddess vortex was anchored through a female angelic being under guidance from Iona.

The locations of those Atlantean Goddess temples are now being reactivated by the Light forces. One of the primary reactivated location is Baalbek, where there was a Goddess temple with a mystery school since the times of Atlantis:

Long time after the flood, Goddess Atargatis returned from Sirius to the region and reactivated Goddess mysteries:

Many temples to Atargatis with sacred lakes were built in the area, with primary temples in Hierapolis (modern Manbij in Syria, the sacred lake converted into a football field), Ashkelon, Qubbet el Bedawi (the sacred lake destroyed and overgrown with urban settlement), and Edessa (modern Urfa, the sacred lake still exists and has a tunnel leading deep underground):



Aside from the vortexes connected with Atargatis, the Light forces are also reactivating vortexes connected with triple Goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, that originate from preislamic Arabia. These vortexes are also located at the old Atlantean equator:

Entrances into Agartha are also being reactivated energetically along the old Atlantean equator, such as this one near Ephesus:

Also being reactivated is the European Goddess Vortex triangle with double vortexes of Venice, Paris and Budapest, all of them close to the Atlantean equator. All these three double vortexes have the main vortex in the city, and the secondary vortex about 10-30 miles from the main one. Both vortexes are connected with each other with an infinity number eight energy flow.

The Venice vortex in anchored on the Rialto bridge in Venice:



The Venice Goddess vortex birthed the Goddess mysteries during Renaissance through Ordo Bucintoro:

Loredan and Mocenigo White Nobility families were carrying Goddess mysteries in Venice. Both families have roses in their coat of arms. Loredan family was also expressing Goddess mysteries through Accademia degli Incogniti:

The secondary vortex of Venice is anchored at Villa Dei Vescovi in Euganean hills. This villa is actually an Ascension chamber:

This secondary vortex is also connected to Atargatis:

There are many smaller Goddess vortexes in northern Italy not far from the Atlantean equator, such as one in Arezzo and another one in Parma, where Marie Louise (Maria Luigia) was an initiated priestess of the Goddess:,_Duchess_of_Parma 

The Paris Goddess vortex is anchored in the crypt of the Notre Dame church. There are many other smaller anchor points of this vortex throughout Paris, such as the original Dendera zodiac in Louvre:

and its modern counterpart in the Louboutin store:

The secondary vortex of Paris is anchored at the Temple of Love in Petit Trianon in Versailles:

The statue in the middle of the temple was originally a statue of Venus and was later replaced with a statue of Cupid. A small sacred lake around the temple anchors energies of Atargatis.

Bourbon White Nobility family was supporting Goddess mysteries in Paris and Versailles, through two high priestesses, Madame de Pompadour and Princess de Lamballe:

The Budapest Goddess vortex is anchored in the crown of St. Stephen, currently in the Hungarian parliament.

The secondary Budapest Goddess vortex is anchored in Godollo castle, the home of Queen Sisi, who was also a high priestess of the Goddess:

The Light forces have communicated that after more than 1500 years of suppression, Goddess temples need to be recreated again on the surface of this planet. Sisterhood of the Rose has been given this sacred task. Public spaces that bring the Goddess energy to the general surface population need to be created. This can be your private space that is open to the general public at least a few hours weekly and can bring Goddess energy to the people though meditations, dance, readings, and music, such as this ode to Isis:

One example of a modern Goddess temple is here:

These temples need to be created as soon as possible to support the energetic transition of this planet.

To connect with the Goddess energy, you can also read this book: 

Or remember Isis Astara and her work to bring the Goddess back:







what is your perception of the meaning behind the 144,000 elect?

C:  This is the critical mass.  There is a certain equation, which determines the
critical mass inside the human population.  At this moment I would say that we are at 119,000 but because the human race is not 100% effective in their consciousness, the real critical mass, not just the symbolic one, is 144,000. This symbolic number was known in the mystery schools for the last 2500 years.


I also saw
a quotation from Plato and he was discussing how music was one of the strongest of
life’s influences and he brings about the discovery of the platonics solids.  And I
thought Cobra that would be a great opportunity for you to tell us a little about
how do platonics solids fit in with music.


Actually the Platonic solids, especially some of them are not just expressed through music they are basic ingredients of the basic structure of the universe itself so musical expression is just one way of expressing cosmic diversity and Plato came to this awareness through the mystery school which was actually a reflection of the old mystery schools from Atlantis at that time they knew how the spheres works and how many of the spheres were actually resonate frequency waves which hold the planet in the orbit. It’s actually the cosmic music is a combination of force fields which keep this universe in balance, so from a cosmic perspective music is much more than what we hear through our ears.  It can be felt through higher energy bodies. It can be experienced directly in higher states of awareness and its even more beautiful than what we can experience here in human bodies.


 When I first came across the concept in the early 1980’s it was “cosmic
changeover.” That wasn’t my name but it was a name that groups that were working for
something very similar called it.

(Cobra) Actually this was called the Shift of the Ages centuries ago by the Mystery Schools and it was known that there would be a moment of drastic breakthrough for Planet Earth. The exact timing was not known but the symbolic year was always known as the year 2000 - a symbolic number that was given hundreds and hundreds of years ago. People were expecting this to happen. The exact moment is not possible to predict because of the free will of everybody involved.

After WWII, the Galactic Confederation chose to contact some people on the surface of the planet to give them more details about that plan, especially after 1953 there were many physical contacts. As we were approaching the year 2000 we were getting very close. Those people were then trying to facilitate that change and many were wishing for that to happen but of course, that was not possible. But then, as we were approaching the year 2000, we were getting very close. When the Archons, the controlling forces. realized we were about to liberate the planet, they created the last possible possible blockage, which was the so-called Congo invasion which happened in 1996.

At that time, many of the negative ET races had invaded the subterranean areas in the upper crust of the planet, especially through deep underground military bases on the physical plane, and also on the higher planes there were many Reptilians coming in on the etheric and astral planes. So this is what has happened for the past two decades and now we’re reaching the point where most of the consequences of that invasion have been removed. So we are approaching the tipping point. And this is the reason why we’re speaking of the Event in the near future. I will not give you any dates because that would only be a speculation.


Who is Nefratiti. What was
her role on the earth. What time period did her reign take place.

COBRA – I would say roughly 3,500 years ago, give or take a few hundred years. Actually during that time period there was a strong battle between two different groups and one of the groups was the ones who are now controlling the religion, the Archons who were try to install basic religion and that first attempt at that time. The other force was the old mystery schools which were trying to keep the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis at that time. There was quite a strong battle between those two forces at that time.

Rob – Were they using advanced technology with the sun ships or the space ships.
Were they around or was that more of an earth based thing.

COBRA – No, no, it was an earth based thing. It was more of a magical cult war.
Doing magical rituals and infiltration like it is now. It’s quite similar to what is happening now.


the Cabal actually had some contact with the mystery schools in the past
but their knowledge is not complete. they have partial understanding of how the symbols work, and they use them to manifest their goals, because the symbol is just a magnifier of energy. So if they want to manifest their plans, they use those symbols to accelerate the process of manifestation of their plan.


U : Ok, so even feminine energy they can misuse no ?


C : Yes actually the top level of illuminati are aware of the Goddess energy, and they are misusing Goddess energy, in a way to distort it, and to further suppress the feminine principle on this planet.

U : Yeah, because i see a lot of Goddess symbols, in many temples, in Paris they're
everywhere, in every big city.

C : Yes

U : So all this was built by the Cabal or by the Light as well ?

C : Both, actually, France was a very important center of the Light in the 18th
century, when the Freemasonry was still part of the Light forces, and France was exactly where the infiltration happened, at the end of the 18th century by the jesuits. They infiltrated the masonic networks, and the top jesuits and the archons, italian black nobility family, used the same symbols, especially through France, after the French revolution, to further suppress human freedom.


U : I see. So does the Goddess have a special meaning for them, or is it just pure
energy ?

C : Yes for some of them, Goddess has a meaning, but they don't understand
completely the Goddess principle, they have their own distorted understanding of the Goddess energy, and of many other aspects of divinity as well.

U : And what does it represent for them ?

C : For them it's a source of power and control. They are actually trying to contact the Goddess energy to bring them more power.

U : Ok, like the word Matrix, it means womb, is it related ?

C : For some of them yes.


Who originally built the sphinx ?

C : The sphinx was built by the egyptian positive mystery school about 16000 years ago.


Can you tell us a little bit of the history of the Sisterhood of
the Rose? (SOTR)  Where did this originate and who were members of this.

COBRA - OK.  Basically, SOTR originates from the central rays, the central
civilization.  It is the first high spiritual develop civilization that has evolved
in the central region of this galaxy and there were certain beings that belong to the central civilization that were spreading this understanding and spreading the light of the Goddess throughout the galaxy and one of those beings came to planet earth in Atlantis and has formed the SOTR in Atlantean times. 

 And there were many temples of the Goddess on Atlantis and their purpose was to anchor the presence of the Goddess on the planet and after the Cabal destroyed those temples, this balance has been disturbed and this new dis-balance has actually resulted in the destruction of Atlantis.  And after that the SOTR groups were present in many countries.  It was in their mystery schools trying to keep that balance as much as possible. 

 Now the time has come for us to re-awaken that feminine presence and to form new SOTR groups because this is very important for the time of the event.  So I would like to ask as many people as possible to form those groups throughout the planet, to meet regularly on the physical plane and to anchor the Goddess energy on the planet as much as possible. 


COBRA – Moses was a priest that was initiated in Egypt’s mystery schools.

Rob – OK.  Who initiated him into the mystery schools?  Were those positive light
beings or negative beings?

COBRA – Yes. Positive, yes.

Rob – Can you explain how he was misused and what he did?

COBRA – He was misused later when he transferred some of the teachings of the mystery school in a way.  He actually wasn’t intending to do that.  The purpose of the Archons behind the scenes was, as I’ve said before, to put themselves as an intermediary between a person and their own spiritual experience.

Rob – What was his contact on the mountain when he brought back the tablets?  Was that positive or a negative contact?

COBRA – That was positive contact.

Rob – That was pretty powerful contact there.  I would feel that his mission was
pretty successful to a certain extent.  Obviously, there is a human element and they
didn’t accept the commandments.  I’m kind of curious how you say that later on in his mission, after he passed away, his teachings were misused.

COBRA – Basically, he had a very powerful spiritual experience, and he was also trained as a priest, and the Archons have managed to put certain parts of their teachings into his teachings.  The same thing that happened with most of the prophets at that time.

Rob – Yes, the teachings are always changed.  The prophet has a unique spiritual
experience with superluminal light beings.  You opened up a big can of worms for me.
 Can you talk about your concept of monotheism or one true living God or of
people’s. . . I don’t see it as a secular religion, but as an individual’s
relationship to the absolute Creator.  What are your views on that?

COBRA – Basically the absolute is not the Creator. Universe was created with an interaction with the absolute and the contingency. This is #1.  And what most religions do, they simplify the understanding of how the universe works and they put certain other elements into this that they act as a controlling medium for the people.  So the purpose of most religions was not to bring people closer to the absolute, but to distance them from the absolute.  And somebody who did not agree with that particular version of the truth was not accepted and was persecuted.

Rob – I would agree with part of that.  I’m kind of curious.  What created the
contingency?  It’s kind of a thing.  Something doesn’t come from nothing.  You talk
about the absolute. The Creator was created by.  Explain to me how creation was
created and what your concept of the first cause is?

COBRA – Basically, there is no first cause.  Absolute was not created, it always
was, is and will be.  Contingency was not created with a purpose. It was an outburst of a random function, an anomaly and those two things are logically opposite.  They are two very strong but opposite forces, and the tensions between those two created the Universe.


...I think Cobra would possibly agree with me on this
that there will be what we call mystery schools based on spiritual moral principles
of universal laws of intelligence
, that will develop these naturally....Cobra can you
talk about the positive evolution of spiritual consciousness
and what we would call
the city type of technologies and how that can be developed responsibly?

Cobra: Yes, of course. Spiritual development is a natural inner force that is
actually present in very sentient being everywhere in the universe including planet earth, and this impulse, this drive for spiritual development has been artificially suppressed by scalar technologies by the negative military. I know that there are positive military programs to develop spiritual psychic powers and from that perspective and they are doing some good progress and this will be included in the overall plan for the Event but there is a larger picture. 

Every being on the planet has and will have that inner drive for evolution and this will be accelerated and the stability of human society will be maintained because if we have more awareness on the planet it is easier to maintain stability . The only reason human society is so unstable is because there is such a great force used to suppressed human spiritual development and so much energy is put into that suppression, and this creates psychological instability in human beings. And when this pressure is removed human nature naturally seeks stability and finds that equilibrium in harmony with natural laws of the universe.


What does it really mean, to “become enlightened?”

COBRA – Enlightenment means that you are becoming aware that you are coming in contact with your own true real identity which is The One so that contact is being made. It does not mean that the whole personality is already transformed but that transformation can really start at the moment of The Event.

Richard – So will people become enlightened after The Event.

COBRA – Gradually, yes.

Richard – Gradually. How long do you see this taking?

COBRA – I would say a few years’ process for most people.

Richard – Will there be institutes or schools that will be teaching this process.

COBRA – Yes, there will be mystery schools that will open after The Event and will assist people in going through the process.

Lynn – Have other planets had similar occurrence like The Event? It appears that
other nearby planets were liberated without the big sneeze from the galactic central
sun. Is this correct?

COBRA – Yes they were, but this planet is different because there is so much of
concentration of various races and the Cabal here. So there needs to be a little bit more intense support for this to happen.


Who or what gave us numerology?

COBRA – Numerology is one of the ancient science, spiritual sciences that was highly practiced in Atlantis and numerology that we have now is just one fragment that was preserved in mystery schools after the deluge of Atlantis


What is the difference between esoteric and occult ?

C : Esoteric means that which is not exoteric, it is inner not outer, it means all
that is not connected directly with the physical plane. Occult means that which has techniques or ways to deal with those energies in a more concrete way, occult by itself is not positive or negative, it is just an approach to deal with energies, to direct energies, to work with energies one way or the other. And esoteric is more inner connection with the energies, not so much outer manipulation or direction of energies.


P : Did Jesus go to Tibet to study Buddhism when he was young ? Or He actually
worked on his spiritual training at Egyptian mystery school with Mary from age of 12
to 31 years old ?

C : Actually yes he was trained in Egypt in mystery school that is absolutely
correct, and yes he also travelled to, not exactly Tibet but to area between Ladakh and Kashmir


You sometimes talk about mystery schools, masonic lodges which included the
members of the Brotherhood of the Star that located in Europe and elsewhere. We have not heard you mention any schools/lodges from Anatolia. Here in Turkey we grew up with the teachings of the mystics such as Mevlana Celaddiin-i Rumi, Shams of Tabriz, and Yunus Emre.So were there such organizations in Anatolia? And were Mevlana Celaddiin-i Rumi, Shams of Tabriz, and Yunus Emre members of the Brotherhood of the Star? Were Rumi and Shams of Tabriz twin flames?

C: They were part of the Sufi tradition. Sufis have their own mystery school, not only in Anatolia but all across Middle East. Rumi and Shams of Tabriz are not twin souls.


What is the real meaning of church confessions and religious rites in the
Orthodox Church, such as sacrament, when a person is given the body of Christ and
the blood (bread in red wine)? And why so many people after visit a church feel the
ease and inspiration, while for some it is hard to be there?

COBRA: These rites originate in the rituals of the mystery schools of antiquity.
Those who can connect to the positive spiritual side of Christianity and the message of Christ can feel inspired, those who feel the negative entities that are present on the lower astral and etheric planes in most churches feel unbearable.


Question: What Islam civilization has brought to people? Is prophet Muhammad
ordinary person or a being from another world? What mission is performing the
Islamic world?

COBRA: Muhammad was a prophet with a spiritual experience. This was later hijacked by the Archons and turned into another mind programming cult.


Is there some connection between
Illuminati and the worship of Isis, Osiris and Horus?

COBRA – I would say the Illuminati had their mystery school which had fragments of old mysteries and they have been interpreting those in their strange distorted way. Some of them yes, they are worshipping Isis or Osiris or Horus in their own limited understanding.  That is basically for some of them that is their only connection with the light and it’s actually assisting the light forces to convert some of them into the light.


Did the original vedic teachings come from contact with ET or Agartha or both ?

C : Actually most of spiritual teachings of the old came from mystery schools, so including the vedic teachings they came from mystery schools of Atlantis, and after Atlantis went under the water, there was a certain period when parts of those teachings were, I would say, changed to a certain degree, they were distorted to a certain degree, but yes also preserved to a certain degree, and this is part of that process.

U : Ok. Was there also some ET and Agarthan contact in those time periods after the
sinking of Atlantis ?

C : Yes there was

U : When an object goes beyond the veil is it automatically tachyonized ?

C : It is not automatically tachyonized if this period is not long enough, but it
does receive a certain amount of tachyons.

U : And if the period is long enough, then it’s permanently tachyonized ?

C : Yes if the period is long enough then it’s permanently tachyonized, but the
concentration of tachyons is not very high, because I would say the ambient
concentration of tachyons, in the low Earth orbit for example, is not very high.


What will happen to the global real estate industry after the Event?

COBRA- It will be restructured.

PFCC: After the Event, will Mystery Schools be established in every country? 


Can everyone learn from a Mystery School?


PFCC: The soul age of the Twin soul is same, but is it possible to encounter a twin
soul with different biological age now? What is the difference between being with a
twin soul and being with a soul mate?

COBRA: Yes. Twin soul is the other part of our I Am presence, a soul mate is a soul with similar point of origin.


It leads us to the question about priestesses because
the Sisterhood is obviously a feminine name and the Count Saint Germain being a man. We wonder the link, the connection, with the priestesses and why have they activated the planetary kundalini specifically in Notre Dame between November 8th and 11th, 2018 ?

Cobra : Yes, St. Germain is a man and he was incarnated in a male body because it was easier for him to do the work. He had more liberty of movement, more liberty of action. But I would say many of [the] people that he initiated were women. Some of the leaders of Masonic Lodges that he was involved with were women and many people in his inner circle, his inner mystery school, were also women. And now as there is this impulse to reactivate Paris vortex, the Resistance Movement priestesses have come to the surface in Paris near Notre Dame in 2018 and activated the vortex, started vortex reactivation again, in between November 8th and 11th, 2018.

Katherine : And that was to implement more Light in that place, or did it have to do
with the timeline ?

Cobra : It had many purposes. One of them was a reactivation of the Paris Goddess Vortex. The second one was reactivation of the planetary kundalini, so that this situation with the French Revolution could heal as you probably know, yellow vest movement started a few weeks, one or two weeks after November 8th, 2018. And it was a direct response to this kundalini impulse. So people are again beginning to fight for their freedom and this time the Light Forces are trying to do whatever they can to direct this liberation fight in a way that will not be misused.


Is it possible  that Isis, or the Galactic Central Sun, or
the Source itself is  incarnated on the planet now? 

(No, no.)  

Is there currently a
High  Priestess? 


Okay. What if someone is interested in learning about  the
mysteries of Isis, is there a way to become a student?

Cobra:  People are learning in their own way. There is no Goddess mystery  school present on the surface of the planet yet. The situation is not  yet ready, but there are fragments of true mysteries here and there. I  had a few workshops that were quite powerful three years ago when I had  revealed a great deal of this and there are probably notes floating  somewhere over the internet. And you can get those and learn from there,  but this is not the whole story. There is much more to it. 


is sacred union between a man and woman part of the Goddess mysteries?   

Cobra: Yes, definitely.  

Debra: That's what we thought. And will the full knowledge and secrets of these
mystery schools be revealed after the Event?  

Cobra: After the Event. Yes.

Debra: And will the Sisterhood of the Rose groups play an important role in
reactivating these?  

Cobra: Definitely. Definitely. Very much. 

Debra: What direction do you see for Sisterhood of the Rose groups in 2022? Do you
have a message for them?

Cobra:  Yes, it will be good for all those groups that are still existing to  
reunite in power, meet more, because some of them are in various stages  of
decomposition. It's time for them to reunite again, to renew  connections again. A different dynamic has, and all those lockdowns  have, reduced the number of physical meetings. Perhaps you can reinstate  the physical meetings again, which is quite important to hold the  energy. You can study all those new teachings about the Myrrhophore  priestesses. You can connect with Goddess Isis, especially because her energy is coming back big time in the year 2022.


 So many Lightworkers said that the
healing of Level two Ascended Master Rays and Stellar Rays is very powerful. Are
these Rays originated from the teachings of mystery schools? When and how did you
get initiated into these Rays?

Cobra: These teachings originate from Archangel Metatron and he's the source of all this information and that transmission. So he's the being overseeing the whole process.


Will the mystery schools be
re-established before or after the First Contact?

Cobra: Around the same time.

Patrick: Oh. Oh, okay. So next, what are the requirements we have to meet in order
to be initiated into a mystery school?

Cobra: A yearning to unite with your higher self, dedication to your spiritual
growth, and especially self-honesty, (OK) and also a certain degree of common sense, of course, which is quite lacking on the surface of the planet right now.


It is said that magic is just science that humanity
doesn't understand yet. So if the surface population will have access to very advanced technologies after the First Contact. Is this still necessary for people to
study occult knowledge at mystery schools?

Cobra: For those who feel guided, yes, of course. Why not.

Patrick: Qigong by Daoists' definition
is also known as inner alchemy. Is Ascension the ultimate goal for both eastern
alchemy and western alchemy?

Cobra: Yes.

Patrick: Oh, okay, next one. The individual goal of Daoists is to transform a human
into immortal being known as Xian. Is becoming a Xian also the same as Ascension?

Cobra: I would say roughly is the same thing, but technically speaking Xian or
immortal stage is the same stage as the Arhat initiation in the Western terms. So it is, I would say a very advanced stage towards the Ascension.


Patrick: Okay. But it's still not Ascension yet. Right?

Cobra: It is a very advanced stage towards the Ascension, I would say.

Patrick: Okay. Okay. So next one. The Secret of the Golden Flower is allegedly a
guidebook to immortality written by Lü Dongbin. So does the Blue Dragon know and
recommend this book?

Cobra: You have to ask the Blue Dragons about that.

Patrick: Okay. next one. Daoist literature has many records about Eastern gods,
Goddesses and Immortals. Are most of those beings living in Eastern Agarthan

Cobra: Most of those beings have ascended already and have left the planet, and some of them are definitely living in the Eastern Agarthan network.

3)Conference/Workshop Notes:


~Temple on Malta~

The central race is the first advanced civilization who gained high wisdom in this
galaxy millions of years ago, as they live near the central sun. Those beings
brought their wisdom into the whole galaxy. They were known as ambassadors, angelos in greek, messengers, angels... They are not only etheric beings, they are physical angels with wings also. Iona is the winged Goddess who brought the mysteries to earth in the times of Atlantis. 

Isis/Astara was her student. When Iona left earth
she gave the mission to Isis to keep the knowledge of the Goddess alive. Isis
founded the mystery schools in Atlantis and they had to go underground when the
downfall of Atlantis happened. The main place of the mystery schools of Earth was in

 This area was bigger than we perceive it today, it included also many islands
of the mediterranean ocean. On Malta was the main temple which always had been a
light pillar. According to the legends, the temples were build by giants. This was
the beginning of the Sisterhood of the Rose many thousands of years ago in Egypt.

The Sisterhood of the Rose were composed of enlightened beings of high advanced
wisdom and abilities who were living and celebrating sacredly in the temples. So
they were very very powerful and the Archons of course did not like that. The
Archons destroyed the temples and the knowledge of the Sisterhood was hidden

The Archons sent messengers to pray to their God called Aton. They
forbade the mystery schools which then went under the surface as Isis temples. The
priesthood nevertheless was very strong and because of this they reemerged after a
short time and the temples were active in the mediterranean area again. During the
times of the roman empire, temples of the Sisterhood of the Rose spread all over the
empire, like for example Avalon in Ireland. The knowledge of the Sisterhood of the
Rose was handled extremely secretly and only initiates knew what happened in the
temples. They swore to never ever tell the mysteries to anyone outside of the

The mysteries of the goddess are highly sacred. They are not meant for
beings who are not ready to receive them. If they would be told to the masses, they
would be distorted and misused. So the deeper mysteries of the Goddess are only told to initiates. Even most of the most awakened beings on this planet are not ready yet to receive the full spectrum of the mysteries of the Goddess. The programming is deeper than even most of the light workers are aware of.

With time, and only after the Event, the complete mysteries will be released
exclusively to those who are ready to receive them. The name of a simple mystery of
the Goddess can be released already now : The mystery of the immortality of the


No longer can nature be forced to man's will. Now the approach must be unified and
balanced. The Goddess Energy determines that it is done right. The New Era will not
be a French revolution. We have one chance to do this right. 

We are creating a field of balance. The Goddess Energy is a unique experience. This energy will help you get to the point of balance. There is a need for people who can hold this energy.Many people would like evidence. But the evidence of the Goddess Energy comes through inner experience. It has always been like that in history. Mankind needs to have the right consciousness to receive it. Enough people need sufficient understanding.

Women met secretly. They were involved in healing. Women in the Sisterhood were high priestesses. They were initiated through the Isis Mystery School.

Isis showed the delegates a large ankh and asked what it looked like. The ankh can
appear like a body. The top part is like a vesicle (vesica pisces). The child comes
through a vesicle into the new reality. It is now time for this new energy to return
to the planet. Women used the ankh as a symbol of the "breath of life". The ankh
represents the coming of spirit into matterEverything that is done with love becomes magic. The women used milk in their ceremonies. Milk gives life to the baby. This explains in part the symbolic horns on the head of some of the representations of the goddess Isis.

It is important that you like your body.You need to love your body. Then you can change. What is suppressed, what is not loved, cannot be changed. Each person is a unique star and a unique flower. 

In the new era, wearing a mask of charm will not work. Only the real will appear as
beautiful. Only the real will be beautiful. And that beauty will be both magnetic
and electric. The feminine is magnetic; the masculine is electric.


New Atlantis
The Atlantis energy network has always been here. We need it to survive. Without it, there would be no physical life on this planet. It has had various transformations.

The Cintamani project was designed to heal this planetary energy grid. Master St.
Germain is the main being responsible for and head of the New Atlantis project. 

In one of his incarnations as Francis Bacon he wrote a book called “New Atlantis, a
work undefined”. It is connected to the awakening of humanity.Atlantis has 3 phases:

1.    The first Atlantis was in the Pleiadian star system long ago. There they
explored the relationship between matter and consciousness. It was here that the
primary anomaly was discovered.

2.    The second Atlantis was an island in the Atlantic Ocean on Earth, 11.500 years
ago. It was destroyed around 9564 BC. It is not Antarctica.

3.    The third Atlantis, called New Atlantis, is now underway. It is St. Germain’s
project. It will contain the civilisation of Light that will be born after The
Event. Humanity is being prepared for this through energy work and the spreading of
information on the energy grid. 

Francis Bacon released the plan for this third Atlantis. He was very active with its
preparations in the 18th Century. Various people were initiated into the Goddess
Mysteries. In 1775 he opened a Mystery School in Paris but this was not made public. 

The Egyptian Isis Mysteries were released there by count Cagliostro.
Marie-Antoinette, the French queen, was one of these initiates. During the coming
event a certain place in Versailles is going to be of crucial importance for the
energy grid. 

The Mystery school was supported by 3 different Freemason lodges and these were made public. Benjamin Franklin was one of the people initiated by St. Germain. The US was intended to become the New Atlantis, but the dark forces hijacked the project. The Constitution of the US has been written in such a way that it can trigger The Event. This was part of the plan of the Light Forces. The real Constitution is indestructible, so it has been denied and suppressed in various ways. That is why there are so many black projects and secret military forces in the US; they have no constitutional foundation and go against the Constitution. St. Germain is still working on this project. In alignment with the mission of certain individuals
information will be released.


The Return of the Goddess is very important for the Galactic Wave of Love. It
represents energy in its highest form. It is the feminine aspect of the Absolute,
representing love and receptivity. It is energy that allows and creates space for
transformation. It is very powerful, that is why it has been so severely suppressed
by the dark forces. It was the only way they could control humanity. When humanity
started to awaken, it signalled the end of their control and suppression. Goddess
Energy is the perfect mirror of the ONE. When it is awakened there is no stopping
it. It has many aspects. One of which is reawakening the Sisterhood of the Rose.

The Sisterhood of the Rose was an ancient Mystery School. It was brought to Earth by the Central Race in Atlantis. A certain not so well known Goddess, Iona, belonging
to the Central Race, came to Atlantis and initiated 12 Priestesses and transformed
the planet.The knowledge was transmitted to Mystery Schools of Atlantis and from there it was spread to Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, the Rose Templars and Cathars. St. Germain, Lord Cagliostro and secret societies transmitted it in the 18thCentury.
Cobra was instructed to recreate the Sisterhood of the Rose a year ago. Today we
take the 1stof the next steps. The most important step, as the Sisterhood of the
Rose will anchor the feminine energy for everybody and everything on the planet.


One important aspect is the re-awakening of the Sisterhood of the Rose, an ancient
mystery school brought to Atlantis by the Central Race. There is a Goddess that
belongs to the Central Race, AIONA, she came to Atlantis and initiated 12
priestesses, gave them all mysteries and were transmitted by generations through
mystery schools in Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, Cathars, Templars, 18th century
Saint Germain, Lord Cagliostro, and many secret societies.


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