Goddess Vortex by Cobra






Conference details and specifics :
Sunday Afternoon 2nd December 2.30 pm – 7.30 pm
RETURN OF THE GODDESS-*Experiencing Goddess energies-*Goddess Vortex meditation





a small group of physical Archons within the black nobility families in Italy that have access to biochemical weapons through Jesuits controllers (which include Hans Peter Kolvenbach) that handle people within negative military worldwide(Knights of Malta) that have access to biochemical weapons, of which chemical weapons are the most dangerous:

They now hinder the progress of the Light forces by threatening to release chemical weapons in Syria. Chemical weapons in northern Syria add up to hundreds of tonnes, enough to kill hundreds of millions of people. Even with the direct intervention of the Galactic Confederation, casualities would be many. Northern Syria is the area of a very important energy vortex which triggered the rise of the Goddess conscious Halafian neolithic culture:
The Cabal is controllng this vortex for the last 5500 years and not willing to let go, since it is one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet.
The other vortex that the Cabal is controlling tightly is the Israel vortex, which holds the light key codes for Atlantis. This area was the first to be re-colonized after the fall of Atlantis and was the home of Natufian culture:

...They are violently against love, especially against love between a man and a woman because the energy of that love effectively dissolves the quarantine. Through that love, a Goddess vortex is created and it creates a crack in the Matrix of their programming.




 Archons are very allergic to a few things. First to the energy of Love, especially to Love between a man and a woman. When they see a happy couple, they want to destroy the Love between them, because that Love gives the power to the non-physical Light forces to remove the etheric Archons and their minions.

Second, they are allergic to healthy sexual energy. They suppress this energy in the human population, and when they are not successful in suppressing it, they pervert it. Sexual energy is the life force itself and when they succeed in suppressing it, they get a sheeple population on the surface of the planet that can easily be controlled.

 they are allergic to energies of positive ET civilizations and energies of the Ascended Masters. They try to suppress, distort and manipulate these energies whenever possible

Archon grid is present around this planet for the last 26,000 years and was greatly reinforced during Congo Archon invasion in 1996 when it was strengthened by many reptilian entities from our Galaxy and from the Andromeda galaxy as well. In late 1995, Archons became afraid that the Galactic Confederation will make real contact with the surface population of this planet and they reinforced the grid to prevent that. .

I am not describing all this to frighten you, but to bring awareness into a situation that is happening to many people right now so that we can transform it.

Goddes Vortex technology, combined with our awareness, will dissolve the etheric Archon grid. I will dedicate a separate blog post to the Goddess Vortex technology, describing it in detail.



Goddess Vortex is the ultimate technology of the Light forces which will finally dissolve the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes around our planet.

Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light. It is a presence of an angelic being which transmutes all darkness into pure Light through an eight-dimensional stargate of the Antarion Conversion. It is a vortex of the presence of One which absorbs all anomaly of duality and ascends it into the One through the process of microtriangulation. 

All Goddess Vortices create a network of Light on the etheric and astral planes which produces a morphogenetic field of Oneness that serves as an instrument of divine intervention on this planet. This network of Light will ultimately transmute all darkness on the astral and etheric plane and remove all negative entities  until the last reptilian is gone forever and all non-physical planes around Earth will become realms of Light. This will set the right conditions for the Event.

Goddess Vortex is an Angelic Presence that goes through our bodies and anchors into the physical plane. You will be able to feel that Goddess Vortex in your body. Archons are allergic to Goddess energy. This is why the Catholic Church was suppressing women. The non-physical Archons are very allergic to this. Every time any woman or man channels that Goddess Vortex, thousands of reptilians are removed forever.

Here are the instructions to anchor the Goddess Vortex:

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise
2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow coloured stars scattered within that pillar of Light
3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise
4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.
5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.
You can activate the Goddess Vortex anytime you feel guided to do so and this will strengthen the planetary network of Light and accelerate the purification process of the non-physical planes that will ultimately lead to the Event.




The Light forces have asked us to create The Goddess Spiral, a special CD which activates the Goddess consciousness in the listener and helps activating the Goddess Vortex. The Goddess Spiral is a joint project between me, Isis and Medwyn Goodall. Isis is a codename for a woman who has personal contact with the Goddess Isis. The Goddess enters into her body, anchors positive energies into all planes of creation and sends blessings and love to everyone. Medwyn Goodall is one of the best composers of inspirational music on the planet and he helped us to create The Goddess Spiral. You can listen to the CD anytime you wish to go deeper into the Goddess consciousness or wish to accelerate the liberation process for this planet. Listening to the CD is especially recommended before our weekly liberation meditations.

You can watch the video here to get the taste of what we are speaking about:


You can buy the CD here(Scroll down just a bit):




 We are now expanding our weekly meditations into phase 2.  

The second phase includes the Goddess Vortex technology to speed up the process of clearing the non-physical planes.





 Goddess Spiral Retreat by Isis & Cobra

 This unique event will be taking place near Hilo, Hawaii from May 31st to June 2nd.

The Sun of the New Era - Golden Age is rising and we are embracing the new life with Golden Goddess spiral of Light.

At these special times in human history we are perfectly supported with astrological planetary constellations. Through Mars-Venus conjunction in the beginning of April, partial lunar eclipse on April 25th, annular solar eclipse on May 10th and through the opening of the portal on May 25th we are preparing ourselves to become an embodiment of Divine Lovers and expansion of higher frequencies of Light will bring the final balance between Male and Female polarities on planet Earth.

On Hawaii we will be connecting with the vortex which is the entry point of the Goddess herself for planet Earth and will continue the integration process of our divine sacredness and union of divine Love.

We will surrender to the pulse of Divine mother Earth, to  the pulse of the ocean and the moon, the fire of passion and expression of creativity, the breath of Love... and will surrender to the grace, beauty and compassion of Goddess herself and ground all our experiences and integrate them within our bodies and lives.

With Goddess and God Dance, meditations, breath, divine simbols, divine invocations, singing, creative expressions, with Goddess divine presence  and our surrendering to her energies we will heal all aspects of our female and male energies in us, heal the inner child, bring balance between giving and receiving. Vortex of the island will help us bring eruption of fire for life in our lives for us to be aware of sacredness of our bodies, to activate our DNA and remember who we really are. With sacred ceremony we will awaken threefold Goddess and God and consecrate our sacred power amulets...

You will experience more personal and deeper connection with the Goddess and God presence in your body and your life and ground your divine presence on our beautiful planet which is meant to be the Garden of Eden.

You can get more information and register here:


Welcome to the dance with the Universe in the Garden of Eden!





After the activation of the portal, a lot of Goddess presence will be needed on the planet to stabilize the situation amidst all the changes and you are all welcome to join us in Hawaii, a major Goddess vortex point for this planet:




It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the cardinal Grand Cross on April 20th / 21st, 2014. Many of us will gather and anchor the energies of the Goddess Vortex and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation of the planet.

Our visualization will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.




 April 20, 2014 

IS:IS Has Risen 




June 18, 2014 


Recently, a jihadist group entered Iraq from Syria and conquered a significant part of its territory:

Their purpose is to create a totalitarian Islamic state in that territory and they call it Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). 

That group is a joint creation of the Saudis and the US Cabal (with Jesuits and their Blackwater/Academi friends behind the scenes):

The agenda of the US Cabal is to create a pretext for military invasion and thus prolong the life of the petrodollar:

And for the military-industrial complex to pocket some nice profits:

On a deeper level, there is an occult war going on. 4300 years ago, the Annunaki Archon overlords of the Cabal created what is called the Akkadian empire:

The Akkadian empire was an extremely violent and patriarchal society which was created to suppress a very important Goddess energy vortex, created in the same region over 7000 years ago by the Halaf and Hassuna-Samarra cultures:

Now the same Archons, incarnated into Black Nobility families, want to create a dark empire of horror in the exactly same region to suppress that Goddess energy vortex even further.

You can compare the map of the Halaf/Hassuna/Samarra cultures:

With the map of the Akkadian empire:

And with the map of current status of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: 

It is interesting to note that the invasion of ISIS militants began in the city of Samarra, which is in the center of that Goddess vortex and was also the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate. Abbasid dynasty in the 9th century was connected with the secret White Nobility lineages and triggered the Islamic golden age with great progress in science and art:

The Archons are quite skilled occultists. What they do is to take a symbol of Light and use mass media propaganda to entrain people to associate that symbol with darkness, pain and suffering and to suppress Goddess energy. Thus they prevent an enormous amount of Light from flowing into the minds and hearts of people. They have done so with number 666 (once a sacred number of Goddess Venus, now a symbol of the dark forces in the mind of the masses), with the pentagram (once a sacred symbol of Goddess Venus and now a symbol of black magic for the uneducated masses), with Lucifer (once a symbol of Goddess Venus- Light bearer- morning star, now a symbol of the leader of the dark forces for the unaware), with swastika (once a symbol of spiritual evolution and now associated with Nazism). 

You can read a god article about that here:

The Archons have deliberately chosen ISIS as the name of the jihadist group and their Islamic state to associate the name of Isis (she is a Goddess of Light) with darkness and horror in the minds of the human masses, especially now after we have partially opened the IS:IS portal and when there is great further potential for Goddess awakening in 2014. Therefore Isis is not a Cabal-friendly Goddess, the Illuminati just try to misuse her beautiful energy for their nefarious purposes. Ironically, the name Illuminati means the enlightened ones, when in reality those people are the furthest away from true spiritual enlightenment. 

To clarify the situation, Goddess Isis does not support ISIS, Isis wants peace, and peace it will be. 





Untersberg is a mountain on German-Austrian border which is one of the key vortex points for the planetary liberation.

For many millennia, many caves on the mountain served as entry points into vast underground tunnel system which led into the Agartha network:

Then in 1220, Goddess Isais (who is an aspect of Isis) appeared in front of a certain Templar knight named Hubertus Koch when he was traveling near Nineveh in Iraq, which is very close to the center of Hassuna-Samarra Goddess vortex. The Goddess has instructed him to build a Goddess temple near Untersberg and to move the Goddess vortex there, because Mongol invasion was approaching the Samarra vortex. She also gave him a piece of Cintamani, a stone from Sirius star system, to bring it to Untersberg. He then formed a Templar group called Lords of the black stone to become the guardians of the stone and keepers of the Goddess vortex. 

That stone was then given to Cathars, then to Templars in France, was briefly in possession of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, was later in the hands of Edwar Bulwer-Lytton who wrote his famous novel The Coming Race, and then his son took it back to the Lords of the black stone in Vienna. 
Cintamani stone, the stone of the Holy Grail, is sometimes erroneously called the black stone, because it has a distinct violet-black color. Its purpose is to dissolve the network of implants and help disintegrate the Veil.
Karl Haushofer, a black magician, the man who introduced the Chimera group to humanity, has manipulated a group of Pleiadian contactees, called the Vril Women (die Vrilerinnen) and a representative of the Lords of the black stone to form the Vril society near Berchtesgaden, which immediately began to develop its space program under the guidance of Winfried Otto Schumann. This was the first beginning of the space program on the surface of this planet. Schumann, who was later paperclipped into the United States, was working there for military-industrial complex at Wright-Patterson base and is well known for his often misunderstood Schumann resonance:
The Aldeabarans (a former faction of the Pleiadians) have yielded into cooperation with the Vril society in exchange for a promise that there will be no mass extermination of Jews by the Nazi regime. When the Nazis began the persecution of Jews, the Pleiadians have cut all ties with the Nazi regime somewhere around 1938. 
The Nazis made one of their main strongholds in the Berchtesgaden area near Untersberg because they wanted to take occult advantage of the Goddess vortex present there. 
After World War II, that area became one of the main strongholds of the Chimera group. Berchtesgaden sits is a dish shaped valley, surrounded by mountains and is an ideal place for experiments with scalar wave technology:

Very recently, the presence of the Chimera group has been removed from the area. Now it is one of the most powerful Light spots on the planet, with many hidden entrances into the Resistance Movement and further portals into the Pleiadian star system.
The whole area is a very strong interdimensional portal, which is indicated by a strong magnetic anomaly in the same area:


The Goddess vortex has been reactivated by the Light forces very recently in the pond of Goddess Isais near Untersberg:

A piece of Cintamani stone has been returned to Untersberg. Goddess Isis is now harmonizing the energy of whole Europe through the Untersberg vortex. 




It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the Uranus Pluto square on December 15th, 2014. Many of us will gather and anchor the energies of the Goddess Vortex and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation of the planet.

Our visualization will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.





 The third conference took place in Naples in Italy. Naples is located near a triangle of very strong Goddess vortexes and was a strong center of Isiac positive secret societies since the Roman times. 

We had a very balanced and beautiful group of dedicated people and the conference was concluded in balance, love an joy. As a consequence of this conference, the Naples Goddess vortexes triangle was activated and the Naples city energy vortex is being healed,  transforming this key city into a point of Light inside the planetary network of Light.
It is interesting to note that there is a vast network of underground tunnels under Naples:
They even grow food in those tunnels, as you can see on this photo I took:

The tunnel system under Naples is part of a main tunnel »highway« that goes from Malta to the Vatican city. According to a local insider I met in Naples, a jumproom was built inside an underground military base close to Naples. This base was part of the Italian secret space program.




 Islamic State, a Jesuit creation, is trying to destroy Palmyra, an ancient Roman city in Syria, and has already demolished statues related to ancient pre-Islamic goddesses:

Apart from destroying Goddess vortexes, the agenda of this organization is to conceal the fact that Israelites were an Arabic tribe living in the territory of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and have never set foot in Palestine, and they are suppressing and destroying archeological evidence:

Here it is interesting to note that Palmyra was an important center on a major trading route for Arabian tribes and a lot of archeological evidence about the true history of Israelites lies there.

Current war in Yemen is a Jesuit attempt to erase all evidence about the true story about the Israelites. If that story ever becomes known, it will shatter the Roman Catholic Church into pieces.





Brotherhood of the Star has transmitted immortality teachings to the West through their member and alchemist Nicolas Flamel. 
Many members of the Brotherhood of the Star in the West were very influential in Priory of Sion and within Rosicrucian circles. One of them, Rene d'Anjou, is the single key person that has changed the course of human history for the better more than anyone else in the last thousand years. He is the one that has ignited the light of the Renaissance: 
His emblem, the Cross of Lorraine, is the occult symbol of triangulaton of Light and darkness, the principle of overpowering Light that absorbs darkness and by the process of alchemical transmutation, dissolves it. 
The region of Lorraine is a very important Goddess vortex which together with Untersberg and Venice Goddess vortexes holds the Light for Europe. The Chimera have tried to suppress this Goddess vortex by building a complex underground system of time-space distortion chambers, now already cleared by the Light forces, which was connected with Long island:
The Light forces, especially the Brotherhood of the Star and some advanced Blue Dragons, have supported the Goddess vortex of Lorraine by inspiring Art Nouveau glass making centers in Nancy, a city in the center of Lorraine. Many pieces of art glass from that period have embedded Light codes that activate the Goddess presence. Daum, a major creator of high quality art glass from Art Nouveau period, has signed his pieces with Cross of Lorraine:

One message of the Cross of Lorraine is that in every Archon or Black nobility family there are beings of Light incarnated who secretly or openly work for the Light and against the plans of the Cabal.
One example is Francesco Colonna, member of the famous Archon Colonna family, who was guided by the Brotherhood of the Star to awaken people with coded messages through his intriguing book, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili:
This book, together with another book, the Emblem Book by Achile Bocchi, reveals some aspects of the secret of immortality.
Some of the White Nobility families, especially Este and Medici families, were contacted in the past by the Brotherhood of the Star and are actually still keepers of certain mysteries of the Goddess which are passed from generation to generation within the family.Hereby I would ask members of those two families, or other White Nobility families that are keepers of Goddess lineage, to contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com
The Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.





Archons are still attempting to suppress the Samarra goddess vortex in Syria/Iraq area by using Islamic State mercenaries to destroy Palmyra, a beautiful Roman city in Syria:

Many of those mercenaries are now being infiltrated into Europe hidden inside waves of refugees and are actually reptilians in cloned humanoid bodies who came on Earth during Archon invasion in 1996. The plan of the Archons is to repeat what was happening with Roman empire in the 4th century with waves of invaders destroying Roman civilization:


Their plan will NOT be successful this time.




Also, there is a very simple technique to strengthen the Goddess vortex in Syria that the Archons are trying to suppress. Simply visualize this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria/Iraq region, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.





It is an interesting synchronicity that super-efficient Russian intervention in Syria started a mere week after I have released the Halafian pottery Syrian vortex healing meditation:

This has brought us one step closer to the resolution of the refugee crisis:


The area of the Hassuna-Samarra Goddess vortex (Syria and most likely soon Iraq) is now the playing ground for the proxy war between the Eastern Alliance and the Cabal:

The Islamic State is now trying to destroy as much beauty as possible before its final defeat:

Years ago, the Chimera has locked many physical Pleiadian hostages in prisons on the surface in Syria and Afghanistan. These hostages were captured by the Chimera forces during the invasion on 1996 throughout the Solar System and later transferred to Earth. These hostages are strategically important for the Chimera since they use them as a mechanism to block the progress of the Pleiadian fleet towards the Earth where they would like to help with the liberation of the planet. These hostages are the real occult reason behind the presence of the US negative military in Syria and Afghanistan.




 If you wish to further assist in resolving the situation in Syria, which is the source of the Europan refugee crisis, you can do this very simple technique at the end of our meditation on Sunday. This technique will strengthen the Goddess vortex in Syria that the Archons are trying to suppress. Simply visualize this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria/Iraq region, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:

This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.




Archon/Jesuit/Khazarian forces are putting all their efforts into maintaining their entropy machine by suppressing free energy to be able to keep their oil-based economy running, destroying countries (Syria), to be able to seize their oil, suppressing Goddess vortexes to prevent spiritual awakening (Syria again) and by preventing mass awakening by withholding Disclosure.

They fail to understand that their entropy machine obeys the laws of semi-iterative inequations and will be dissolved with mathematical certainty.





The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.

Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.

This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).

The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years.

All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past. 


These five points are:

Aleppo, a city with a strong Goddess presence:

Homs, the birth place of Julia Domna. Julia Domna was a Roman empress who tried to bring wisdom to the Roman court:

Palmyra, the birth place of Zenobia, a queen that lead the revolt against the oppression of the Roman empire:


Raqqa, the area where the Halaf culture was born:

Manbij, which was the center of worship of the Syrian goddess of fertility, Atargatis:

Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently:

Manbij will be free soon, too:


The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:

When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.

Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region: 


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.

Victory of the Light!


Many people are asking what is behind the Panama papers. This link explains it all:





Now that the circus of the US elections is over, we can finally focus again on real intel.

The emergence of the Goddess DouMu to the surface of the planet a few years ago is the first sign of the return of the Light forces after their 26,000 years long exile. This was the first step towards the return of Agartha to the surface. Now the Blue are preparing the portals on the surface so that the Agarthans can contact the surface population again first energetically and then also physically after the Event.

For this purpose, many caves and cave entrances on the surface are prepared in a certain way that will be fully revealed at the Event.

Many of the caves worldwide were sacred places for various Light groups on the surface and many of them contain Goddess vortexes which will be activated at the Event:

For this purpose, we are actively searching for people who are guardians of such caves or know their location, to contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com

In Chinese Taoist tradition, caves that serve as portals into Agartha are called grotto heavens:

The Blue are the guardians of those portals. Now lost to the outside world but still in the possession of the Blue, is the Chart of the True Forms of the Five Sacred Mountains, also called The Luminous Precious Scripture of the Five Talismans, a map of access points to the Agartha network that is 5000 years old. This chart resurfaced again 3000 years later and was then given to Blue guardians. 


Many of the grotto heavens are located in Taoist sacred mountains in China. There are two overlapping energy grids that connect these sacred mountains, with corresponding system of underground tunnels and cities of Agartha.

The first energy grid is based on five sacred mountains, one for each of four directions of the sky and one for the center:

The second energy grid is based on four sacred mountains:

Both energy grids have the main vortex intersection point near Chengdu, where the mysterious Sanxingdui civilization was located:

Chengdu is one of the 12 major energy vortexes of the Earth icosahedron grid:


Sanxingdui civilization was the main anchor point of an extraterrestrial faction from Thuban (alpha Draconis), the most prominent faction of the positive Draconians. They are one of the founding sources of Chinese culture and one of the main reasons why dragon as a symbol has positive connotations for Chinese. Thuban was a polar star 5000 years ago when Thuban Draconians descended on Earth, using Chendgu vortex as the entry point.

Sanxingdui means three stars mound in Chinese and the three stars are Thuban, Antares and Aldebaran. These three stars form a very strong energy triangle, Antares and Aldebaran being on one of the main galactic plasma Light filaments that allow interstellar travel through portals in this sector of the Galaxy.

Not far away from Thuban, on the Antares-Aldebaran galactic highway, is the star Dubhe, home of Goddess DouMu which belongs to an ancient humanoid positive civilization living on planets orbiting that star:

Goddess DouMu is now engaged in more active work with the portals on the surface of the planet in the new phase of preparations for the Compression Breakthrough which have begun in July.

Dragon sources have communicated that Jetsun Pema, the queen of Bhutan, is one of the main public embodiments of DouMu archetype on the surface of the planet:

Dragon sources have also said that DouMu is searching for more active contact with the surface population.

All this is part of the larger plan to reconnect the Agartha Network with the surface population after the Event.





Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis project. The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.

Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools in manifesting that aim. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter:


When the critical mass of those angelic beings are anchored around the planet, the head of the Yaldabouth entity will begin to dissolve.

Cintamani stones are the famous Blue Stones of Atlantis. Blue Stones, called also Blue Apples, were used by Cathars to open portals:

Needless to say, the Cathars have received their Cintmanis from the Templars who have received their first specimen from Hubertus Koch from Untersberg. He has received the stone directly from goddess Isais ( an aspect of Isis) at Nineveh near Mosul in Iraq. Nineveh is one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet:

It is not a coincidence that Daesh wants to destroy it:

It all boils down to the battle for the energy grid. And here, Light will be victorious and New Atlantis will shine as never before.





Mosul, the location of a very important Nineveh Goddess vortex.




 it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet:

People on the surface of the planet have been programmed to believe that being soft and caring for other sentient beings is a weakness. This programming has originated from the Archons, then distributed through Jesuit and Illuminati networks and then through the mainstream media to the surface population through the meme of “survival of the fittest”.

This meme was spread among the surface population to suppress the caring energy of the Goddess, which is the energy the dark forces fear the most:

Now it is time for us to understand that caring, loving, soft energy is the energy that will ultimately transform our planet and assist the Light Forces in removing all darkness from the planet. Being soft is NOT a weakness, it is ultimate power:

It is also time now for all women to support and express the caring part of their Soul, anchor that energy in the planetary energy grid and connect with other sisters in Sisterhood of the Rose:

Or in global sisterhood:

It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible to do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible:

Goddess Vortex meditation

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise
2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light

3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise

4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and NOT as e in "Venus", and a is pronounced as a in "America") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.





We had very little time to gather people for our Peace Meditation and the critical mass has not been reached, but the meditation still had a deep impact on the geopolitical situation in Syria, minimizing the effects of the military escalation on Friday April 13th ( a very important day on the Templar timeline), stabilizing the Syria goddess vortex and bringing more healing and peace to the region.

Deeper occult reasons for Syria conflict are explained here:

Now that this particular military escalation has failed, the Archon black nobility families / Knights of Malta / Jesuit forces behind Erik Price are trying to steer Trump into another military conflict in Syria:

It is interesting to note that most US troops in Syria are located in the northeastern corner of the country, which is the exact location of Hassuna-Samarra goddess vortex:

Situation in Syria is the battlefield of the last phase of the proxy war between Galactic Confederation / Pleiadian fleet supporting Putin and Assad, and Chimera / Draco forces supporting Erik Price and negative military factions in Saudi Arabia and US, with Donald Trump being caught in the middle:

This is as much as I can say now about the planetary situation on the surface of the planet.

Our Ascension Conference in Budapest was successful beyond our wildest dreams. We have secured the new positive timeline for the planet by activating the planetary Sisterhood of the Rose network on a totally new level. It is now of the highest importance to create as many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups as possible. Those groups need to meet once weekly at a physical location and anchor Goddess energies into the planetary energy grid by doing both Goddess Vortex and Return of the Goddess meditations:

Successfully formed Sisterhood of the Rose groups can contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com and they will receive further instructions. 


Our conference has awakened many people, brought many members of soul families together and has anchored massive flow of energies of Love into the planetary energy grid.

The powerful Goddess energies anchored during the conference may or may not be the reason Soros has decided to relocate his Open Society office from Budapest to Berlin just a few days after the conference:

Little does poor Soros know that Berlin is a powerful Goddess vortex as well, and he may need to relocate soon again. Berlin is also the location of one of the main European underground Resistance Movement bases that does have an influence on the surface space programs:

Since the death of Isis Astara, the Resistance has been working from behind the scenes to expose the existence of electromagnetic weapons, directed energy weapons and other weapons that are used by the Cabal to target the most awakened civilians, through the alternative media:

And now “accidentally” also through the mainstream mass media, such as Popular Mechanics and Russia Today:

Expect more exposure soon.




Time has come for a huge number of physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups to be activated on the surface of this planet.

From now on, those groups will be supplementing the planetary Cintamani energy grid in transmitting the energies of Compression Breakthrough. They will also serve as vortex nodes to activate meetings of Soul Family members which will facilitate spiritual activation of the planetary Soul Family mandala.

Positive emotional connections between members of the planetary Soul Family mandala will speed up the process of the Compression Breakthrough.
Many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups have already been created and you can join them. Over 50 groups are already listed here:

Many more groups are being created daily, and if you have a physical group that meets regularly and has three people or more, you can have it listed on the above list so that people who live in your area can join. To have your group listed, please contact sotrplanetarynetwork@gmail.com

General instructions for your group are very simple.

First, your Sisterhood of the Rose group is a Goddess Temple:

Second, do the Return of the Goddess and Goddess Vortex meditations. Instructions for both meditations are here:

Third, you can do the Sexual Healing meditation:


When you keep meeting regularly doing those meditations, your group will become a powerful channel of Goddess energy and will greatly assist in building the planetary network of Light.

Goddess wants Light and Light it will be!



Sacred Union is merging of spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies of soulmates and twin souls:

Such merger creates a moment of no-time when the Veil is pierced, and this moment of no-time, if expanded, is the key to physical immortality and / or Ascension.

Since the fall of Atlantis, priestesses of Astara were preserving the mysteries of Sacred Union on the surface of the planet:

And inside the Agartha network:

Later, in post-Atlantean period, Sacred Union between the king and the high priestess has created resonance waves of harmony for the whole kingdom the king was the ruler of.

High priestesses of the Goddess were also able to heal the war trauma of men:

Or heal the women:

As we are approaching the moment of Compression Breakthrough, some of the most awakened priestesses will start using the energy of Sacred Union to heal others and to channel Goddess energies into the planetary Light grid.


Since the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago, the Archons are using etheric and plasma scalar technology to disrupt Sacred Unions. These disruptions are the source of most drama in love relationships.

They are then harvesting the psychic energy of those disruptions and are funneling it into Hassuna-Samarra vortex, which they are actively suppressing for millennia by creating wars in the region.




 Since Goddess Vortex activations which were taking place behind the scenes in Paris from November 9th to November 11th, the Yellow Vest liberation movement in France is gaining momentum:

To prevent infiltrators from hijacking the movement and to ensure a peaceful transition, we have issued a peace meditation for Paris on Saturday:




Exactly 225 years after the activation of Goddess of Reason, certain Goddess priestesses of the Resistance Movement came to the surface in Paris and did a special planetary kundalini activation.

The activation was taking place from November 8th to November 11th, 2018, during the meeting of the world leaders in Paris. The second basement DOES exist, although the waitress denied it.

This activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the Dark forces.

One aspect of this planetary kundalini activation was for women to start reclaiming their sexual energy and expressing the beauty of their bodies.

The effect of the activation was felt immediately on November 10th in Louvre:

And at Arc of Triumph:

And the next day, November 11th, a few meters away from Donald Trump:

Since November 11th, 2018, the Paris Goddess vortex is continuously triggering kundalini activation in all human beings on the surface of the planet. This is the occult reason for the success of the Yellow Vests movement, which is a grassroots movement against all oppression.

The movement is quickly spreading globally and is expected to have a drastic impact on global geopolitical situation:

You need to understand that we are now very close to solar minimum and as the solar activity increases in the coming months and years, the revolutionary spark in humanity will only get stronger:

This weekend, more women protested in Paris topless:

They were evoking the archetype of Marianne, Goddess of Reason and Liberty, whose energy was activated in Paris 225 years ago:

Goddess wants liberty and liberty it will be!




Lengyel Goddess Vortex in Hungary has been chosen as the entry point for the energies of the Cosmic Central race.  The reasons for this choice have to do with the 1996 Archon invasion, social dynamics behavior patterns of the most advanced Lightworkers, the position of the outer border of late Atlantean Mediterranean colonies, and conscious connection of shamen of Lengyel culture with the Galactic Central Sun of our Galaxy:





One of the crucial situations that is ongoing is the battle for the energy grid around the planet, between SURFACOM and the Black Nobility families especially battle for the Goddess Leyline, which holds the master key for control over the planet:


Syrian Goddess Vortex is located on this leyline, and just after our workshop, victory over the Daesh in Syria has been announced in the Western media:


According to the more accurate sources, there is still some small Daesh controlled territory in Syria and Iraq:

Although peace is finally returning to Syria:

You need to understand that Daesh is a creation of the Western (RIIA) / Saudi (Wahhabi) Cabal:




A source that must not be named has communicated that Paris is a Goddess vortex which must be fully reactivated as soon as possible and that White Nobility families from Paris who still have access to Goddess mysteries from ancien regime need to reconsider taking more active role in the reactivation of the Paris vortex.

The main message of the Light Forces for the surface population now is that people need to connect to their Soul, release their dependency from digital media, be honest and sincere with themselves, connect to what is beautiful, pure and true, develop nobility of character and release judgement and denial.

Light Forces have observed that many people react with unnecessary harshness, selfishness and are overly judgemental. Due to extremely negative conditions on the surface of the planet this is understandable to a degree, but those kinds of people are not only making life worse for other people, they are also making it worse for themselves, based on their flawed understanding of Nash equilibrium:

Also, many people have been programmed through trauma based mind control in the past, and many of those programs are triggered as we are getting closer and closer to the Event.

Some of those people were put as sleeper agents to infiltrate all positive groups on the surface of the planet.

One such example is the main organizer of some of my conferences in Hungary, who together with his wife has turned against me. He is actively engaging in a smear campaign against me by posting lies and fake news about me, fabricating evidence, doctoring emails and was actively turning people against our meditation on April 4th. Their actions since summer 2019 have directly caused the collapse of the Hungarian Goddess Vortex and have opened the door for the dark to infiltrate Lightworker community in that country. Their actions have managed to negatively influence the flow of Ascension timeline in the beginning of 2020 to some degree, and because they have been actively involved in a smear campaign against our meditation, they are indirectly held accountable by the Light Forces to a certain degree for some of coronavirus deaths in that country which could have otherwise been prevented. They are an example of key people who can greatly influence the planetary situation, for better or for worse, and I am hoping I can give more positive example of key people influencing key situations in the future:


As the number of negative etheric and astral entities on the surface of the planet decreases in the coming months, more and more Light will be present and more people will have a tendency to exhibit a more positive behavior.




In the moment of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Goddess Vortex of Paris/Versailles will be reactivated after more than two centuries of dormancy, and this will initiate the next phase of the return of the Goddess for the planet.


Age of Aquarius activation videos have been created in over 30 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!




Light Forces have communicated that at the moment of our activation, double Paris/Versailles Goddess vortex needs to be reactivated after more than 200 years of dormancy.

We would need a person with purity of heart and strong leadership qualities from Paris who would be able to organize reactivation of that vortex and then to hold regular weekly physical Sisterhood of the Rose meetings in Paris. If you are such a person and if you feel so guided, you can contact project501@tutanota.com for further instructions as soon as possible, as everything needs to be organized in the next few days.




As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Paris / Versailles Goddess Vortex has been partially activated:

What is needed now is a Sisterhood of the Rose group in Paris with regular weekly physical meetings.

What is also needed are Tachyon chambers located in Venice and Rome in Italy. We have a sponsor who is willing to finance the construction of the chambers, we only need a person in Rome and Venice who is willing to be the guardian of the chamber and host it in his/her location within any of those two Italian cities. Such persons (ONLY located in Rome and Venice) can contact project501@tutanota.com for further instructions.

The Light Forces have communicated that in this crucial time in human history, it is the highest purpose for the network of tachyon chambers to expand to areas around the planet currently not yet covered:




  explosion in Beirut. It was a plasma nuclear explosion which was done with the purpose of destabilizing Lebanon:

The real orchestrators of this attack are the Black Nobility families and the Jesuits. It is interesting to note that Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Jesuit superior general, who was the man in charge of the Fukushima 3-11 operation, lived and died in Beirut:

It is also interesting to note that Beirut is the site of the Goddess Vortex of Nymph Beroe, which is one of the main vortexes Jesuits want to destroy:

Underground tunnels discovered below Beirut lead to “far away places”:


....Process of clearing the Draco fleet has reached the point when the Light Forces are finally able to reach the surface of the planet with their positive quantum Mjolnir technologies and assist the Lightworkers and Lightwarrors. A special Surface Task Force has been formed on the motherships of the Light Forces, with global teams working on the planetary energy grid, and personal teams working on assisting the individual Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, monitoring and evaluating their development and preparing them for Contact. 


If you wish a personal team to be formed for you and assist you, you need to say the following protocol aloud three times: “ Command 12 21” (pronounced Command Twelve Twenty one).  The first time you say this, a personal team will be formed, and each time you invoke the protocol after that, you personal team will check your status and help whenever and however they can.

For emotional healing, you can keep using Command 771 protocol:







And against lockdowns in general as well, for example in this massive protest in Berlin:



This protest was a major victory in the occult war against the dark forces, as it started to heal the so-called Prussian negative timeline.

Main protest took place in the Great Star square in Berlin (Der Große Stern), in the center of which is the Victory Column (Die Siegessäule):


On the top of the column is a big statue of goddess Victory which is the center of the Berlin Goddess Vortex. This vortex was reactivated during the protest and started to heal the Prussian timeline:


Prussian timeline was initialized in the early 19th century by dark Prussian occultists and envisioned dystopian soulless technological civilization dominated by Prussia. This timeline is responsible for Nazi secret space program which includes Neu Berlin underground base in Antarctica (now in the hands of IBC) and for creation of the Dark Fleet.

The Jesuits are now using their puppet George Soros:


To create a color revolution in the USA:





Trump, on the other hand, may use Insurrection Act to counteract this:



Positive Military may, or may not use the Insurrection act, to trigger the Delta Option shortly after the election:


Jesuits want to polarize the surface population to either idolize or hate Trump:


They are using the energy of emotional investment into Trump as a tool to engineer civil war in the USA. Light Forces are therefore asking everybody to remove their either positive or negative emotional investment from Trump and just calmly and rationally observe the situation and try to put as much Light as possible into it.

And send some loving energy to animals:


And connect to beauty:


Or read this book:





The moment of this meditation will have Paris ascendant conjuncting the Galactic Center and Paris Goddess vortex will be activated to its next level.

If you are in France, you can join the Paris Sisterhood of the Rose group here:


Or Versailles Sisterhood of the Rose group here:







  March 10, 2021

As the plans of the dark forces for their Great Reset are not going as they have wished, they have resorted to their ancient strategy: engineering a war.

Black Nobility families and Jesuits believe in the Armageddon end time prophecies of a war in the Middle East that would expand into the third world war between Israel and Iran, and between Russia / China and NATO. This is what they are trying to create now:


They are occultly using the Syria vortex to trigger a Russia / NATO conflict in Ukraine:



And a Russia / Israel war:


There are even signs that Israel-Iran war might be imminent:




Therefore the Light Forces are asking you to do the following meditation as often as you feel guided:


Relatively reliable sources are claiming that the attack in either Syria or Ukraine could happen on Monday March 15th, so this is when the meditation will be needed even more to prevent it.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!





As a positive sign on the surface of the planet, the Syrian goddess vortex shows signs of healing:






On the other hand, the Blue Dragons are quite effective in influencing the Chinese positive factions to start planning building mile-long spaceships:




A certain contact, which had physical and non-physical aspects, was made recently with Agarthan Blue Dragons. They have communicated that they live in an extensive network of underground bases under mainland China which are connected with ultra high speed trains. They are practising an advanced form of Taoism as a spiritual practice and are deeply spiritual people. They sometimes access the surface and are influencing some key politicians in the Chinese communist party. They are doing whatever is within their power to prevent a war between China and Taiwan. They have also communicated that people on the surface that feel a connection with the Agarthan Blue Dragons can try to make a contact in meditations or dreams.

Goddess energy has been extremely neglected on the surface of the planet and needs to be restored. There is a certain ultra secret group that is working behind the scenes, trying to restore the Goddess vortex in Afghanistan which has collapsed in August. This group is called the Sarmoun brotherhood:



The exact location of the Afghanistan Goddess vortex must remain veiled, but it is located somewhere in the Nuristan province (land of the enlightened):


Also, the Congo vortex near lake Kivu is in a serious state of collapse and a certain negative occult group connected to the dark forces is conducting actual witch hunts there:





Increased Galactic Central Sun activity has also resulted in a new inflow of Goddess energies towards the planet. Isis got her crown back.



A very important Goddess vortex in Europe, location of which must remain veiled for now, is being reactivated as a result of this new inflow, after more than 200 years of dormancy.

Also, double Paris / Versailles Goddess vortex is being restructured and prepared for a new level of activity in December. As part of this restructuring, Rose Goddess energy is being anchored in Versailles:




This new wave of Goddess energy will bring the return of the myrrophore priestesses:


And a revival of the hymns to the Goddess:


A claim has been made. White nobility families, many of which have connection to the Goddess / Grail lineages, are also the rightful owners of the “historical assets”, “golden fleece” and “collateral accounts”:


This claim against the black nobility families will be enforced through the Positive Military and it will make the black nobility families effectively bankrupt:


The Positive Military will protect the distribution of the assets to humanity and will oversee the paymaster system. The plan to bankrupt the black nobility is called “6900 series of collapse protocols” and is partially revealed here:





Positive Military will NOT move before all extraterrestrial and subterranean threats are removed, and most exotic weapons are removed from the surface.

[No 2022]





 January 24, 2023 

The Goddess Equator 

As the Light Forces are trying to bring as much Light as possible to the surface of the planet in their project of Return of Spirit, the old Atlantean Light grid is being reactivated.

One very important aspect of that process is reactivation of old Atlantean Goddess vortexes, connected to the old Atlantean equator:



In times of Atlantis, powerful temples were built across equator and they had direct connection with the motherships of the Galactic Confederation which were parked directly above them in geostationary orbit. Those temples were anchoring divine Goddess energy on the surface of the planet, whereas polar temples were anchoring divine God energy. Goddess temples always had a sacred lake situated nearby, where the Goddess vortex was anchored through a female angelic being under guidance from Iona.

The locations of those Atlantean Goddess temples are now being reactivated by the Light forces. One of the primary reactivated location is Baalbek, where there was a Goddess temple with a mystery school since the times of Atlantis:


Long time after the flood, Goddess Atargatis returned from Sirius to the region and reactivated Goddess mysteries:


Many temples to Atargatis with sacred lakes were built in the area, with primary temples in Hierapolis (modern Manbij in Syria, the sacred lake converted into a football field), Ashkelon, Qubbet el Bedawi (the sacred lake destroyed and overgrown with urban settlement), and Edessa (modern Urfa, the sacred lake still exists and has a tunnel leading deep underground):



Aside from the vortexes connected with Atargatis, the Light forces are also reactivating vortexes connected with triple Goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, that originate from preislamic Arabia. These vortexes are also located at the old Atlantean equator:




Entrances into Agartha are also being reactivated energetically along the old Atlantean equator, such as this one near Ephesus:


Also being reactivated is the European Goddess Vortex triangle with double vortexes of Venice, Paris and Budapest, all of them close to the Atlantean equator. All these three double vortexes have the main vortex in the city, and the secondary vortex about 10-30 miles from the main one. Both vortexes are connected with each other with an infinity number eight energy flow.

The Venice vortex in anchored on the Rialto bridge in Venice:



The Venice Goddess vortex birthed the Goddess mysteries during Renaissance through Ordo Bucintoro:


Loredan and Mocenigo White Nobility families were carrying Goddess mysteries in Venice. Both families have roses in their coat of arms. Loredan family was also expressing Goddess mysteries through Accademia degli Incogniti:


The secondary vortex of Venice is anchored at Villa Dei Vescovi in Euganean hills. This villa is actually an Ascension chamber:


This secondary vortex is also connected to Atargatis:


There are many smaller Goddess vortexes in northern Italy not far from the Atlantean equator, such as one in Arezzo and another one in Parma, where Marie Louise (Maria Luigia) was an initiated priestess of the Goddess:



The Paris Goddess vortex is anchored in the crypt of the Notre Dame church. There are many other smaller anchor points of this vortex throughout Paris, such as the original Dendera zodiac in Louvre:


and its modern counterpart in the Louboutin store:


The secondary vortex of Paris is anchored at the Temple of Love in Petit Trianon in Versailles:


The statue in the middle of the temple was originally a statue of Venus and was later replaced with a statue of Cupid. A small sacred lake around the temple anchors energies of Atargatis.

Bourbon White Nobility family was supporting Goddess mysteries in Paris and Versailles, through two high priestesses, Madame de Pompadour and Princess de Lamballe:


The Budapest Goddess vortex is anchored in the crown of St. Stephen, currently in the Hungarian parliament.

The secondary Budapest Goddess vortex is anchored in Godollo castle, the home of Queen Sisi, who was also a high priestess of the Goddess:


The Light forces have communicated that after more than 1500 years of suppression, Goddess temples need to be recreated again on the surface of this planet. Sisterhood of the Rose has been given this sacred task. Public spaces that bring the Goddess energy to the general surface population need to be created. This can be your private space that is open to the general public at least a few hours weekly and can bring Goddess energy to the people though meditations, dance, readings, and music, such as this ode to Isis:


One example of a modern Goddess temple is here:


These temples need to be created as soon as possible to support the energetic transition of this planet.

To connect with the Goddess energy, you can also read this book:



Or remember Isis Astara and her work to bring the Goddess back:






Our Ascension conference in Taiwan was very successful, as it was the energetic trigger that again activated the Dragon families.

It might not be a coincidence that during the conference activities, a meeting between Macron and Xi was taking place in Guangzhou:




This highly symbolic meeting was orchestrated from behind the scenes by the Red and the Blue, and it has effectively decreased the probability for a global conventional war from 38% to 33%:


The Guqin melody, High mountains and flowing water, sealed the friendship pact between Macron and Xi, and this has effectively started the depolarization and pacification process between the West and the East:



But the story has another, more sinister layer.

The guqin on which the melody was played, was crafted in the year 756, during the height of the Tang dynasty:


It is not a coincidence that this was the exact year of the Donation of Pepin:


In which the secular ruler (now Macron, a Rothschild puppet) ceded territories to the Pope (now Xi, a Jesuit minion).

Another, more positive aspect to the story is that Guangzhou is the most powerful Goddess vortex in China.

During the time of the conference, the Blue Dragons have begun the process of reactivating the Agartha portals around the Himalayas:



and grotto heavens in Taiwan and mainland China:




The conference notes are now available.The official notes are about 80% reliable:



The following notes are about 65% reliable, but you can feel the energy of the conference through them:






Since the Portal of Light activation, the Light forces are reactivating ancient vortexes in India to assist in the process of returning the true spiritual energy to the surface population.

Their main focus are ancient temples of Chola, Chera and Pandya dynasties in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Many of these temples have a powerful Goddess vortex:



In many of those temples, Goddess mysteries were transmitted to the people by devadasis:


Some of them are connected with underground tunnels to the Agartha network and some of them have treasuries of gold, worth hundreds of billions of dollars. This gold is now being energetically activated by Saint Germain for the future benefit of humanity:





Southern India was once a part of an old Atlantean colony:



Where many Pleiadian women were anchoring Goddess mysteries:


In southern India, people carried on the tradition of ancient knowledge after the deluge of Atlantis for many thousand years:


The other focus of the Light forces are the Mughal architecture sites in northern India. The court of Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan was under the direct influence of the Galactic Central race and a focal point of Sufi Goddess mysteries:


Taj Mahal is currently the most powerful anchor of the energies of the Galactic Central Sun and the M 87 galaxy on the planet:




Another focus of the Light forces is the city of Suzhou in China, where Tanyangzi ascended and achieved immortality in 1580 and created an Ascension vortex for that city:


It is here interesting to note that the Jesuits entered China through Guanghzou and Suzhou only a few months later in 1580 to suppress that vortex:


All these activations of vortexes are giving a strong energetic push towards Disclosure:





Goddess Temples on the surface of the planet are being activated:


And you can still add your temple here:






Phoenix is a very powerful double Ascension / Goddess vortex and many interesting things happened in the area:








Bogota workshop was very successful and it laid the foundation for the future work with emeralds.

Here it is interesting to note that the meeting between Xi Jinping and Emmanuel Macron in Paris was taking place almost exactly to the hour of our emerald meditation on Monday May 6th, deepening cultural ties between both countries:


The hidden purpose of Xi Jinping's visit was to prevent World War III, and a flurry of diplomatic activity was seen around the time of his visit:



It is also interesting to see that Xi visited both Paris and Budapest on his European tour, both cities having the strongest Goddess vortexes in Europe.







 I would like to ask as many people as possible to do the goddess vortex meditation. This is a good start to create the change.




Cobra-We can assist the light forces in clearing the
etheric and astral planes. Which will be a very good thing.

It feels like we really need to.  In the compression, for any one who’s
sensitive to these energies it’s gotten to be overwhelming.

Cobra:  The pressure applied is pushing the dark forces to the surface this is why it’s getting so intense. With the Goddess vortex technology we can really help the light forces a lot.  Especially during the full moon time.  The full moon is a very powerful time.We can use that energy to channel much more light to the surface of the planet




  What is your perception from a galactic point of view in the role Turkey
plays in this entire unfolding.  They seem to be the center piece of everything
that’s going on.

COBRA: Turkey is a buffer zone between Syria vortex and Europe.  The Syria vortex is an ancient Goddess vortex.  It’s the last major vortex the Cabal controls.  When they loose that one, it’s game over.

Alexandra:  Wow.  What can we do to assist to bring down that vortex in Turkey.

COBRA: It’s about clearing and purifying that vortex.  The Archons are streaming darkness into it.  When this vortex is purified it will be one of the strongest positive points on the planet.  Syria  has been triggering the rebirth after the fall of Atlantis.  1It was one of the first places to be populated after the great flood 11,500 years ago.  After some time the cabal got control of the vortex. They are keeping it and they are creating original conflict and spread it all around the world.  Of course this will not happen.   Turkey is a shield that will prevent  that conflict to that to spread around the world.




 Why is Syria such an important place for them to be attacking?

COBRA: It’s a very ancient goddess vortex and the Archons wanted to suppress that. That vortex was created after the fall of Atlantis. It was holding the goddess energy of the planet for a very long time. The Cabal wanted to suppress it. Now that the etheric Archons were removed from there, the vortex will start spreading the light. Another aspect is Syria has a strategic position between near eastern Europe and also there is quite large amounts of natural gas which have been discovered. They can keep the balance of oil, the old energy paradigm. There are many things happening there at once. It was the last chance of the Cabal to trigger something, but now it’s over for them.

Alexandra: That is phenomenal. I think it’s really interesting that Damascus is the
home of many leading terrorists. I was wondering from a light perspective it’s not a
surprise that it would be a focal point to eliminate that. Is it kind of tied into
that – to cleanse the earth?

COBRA: Damascus is like Rome. Its a very important city. It attracts a lot of light and a lot of darkness at the same time.




 You talked a while back about how Israel holds the keys to Atlantis, and
so it’s a sacred area. Can you explain more about that.

COBRA – Basically, I have mostly already answered that question. Israel was one of the Major vortex points at the time of Atlantis. There is a very strong Goddess vortex in that area and they built a strong colony at the time of Atlantis and this is the reason why the Archons wanted to always control this area.




 One person says that, ‘Cobra talks about important Goddess
vortexes around the world quite a bit, so I’m curious, are there important God vortexes around the world too, masculine vortexes.’ We have the one in the Himalayas. (It) is a masculine vortex – is that correct?

COBRA – Yes, of course. There are also important God vortexes around the planet as well.




 Someone wanted to know, ‘Can you talk about . . . Are there any special
messages for people from Hungary that you could give for them if you know everything
about their country, of what they’re going through?  The people from Hungary . . .
We would like some help.’

COBRA –  Yes.  There is a certain secret positive group in Hungary which has strong Templar connections, and that group is working for the new financial system and you can see some effect.  Hungary has resisted central banking Rothschild influence quite effectively lately.  And this group is still keeping a low-profile, so they can not be contacted directly. But they can research their history. There are certain very strong esoteric positive symbols in Hungary.  I’ll just mention the crown of __?_ and that at some other ones. There are some vortexes, some ancient goddess vortexes, in Hungary also.  And some of them will have a quite important role at the time of the Event.




 Can you name some of the most important Goddess vortex on Earth ?

C : The most important Goddess vortex is, I would say, number one vortexes are in Syria, then you have very strong vortexes on Crete, in Greece, in Egypt, in Ireland, in Ukraine, in the Caribbean. You have them in many many places around the world. You have them in Australia, in Tahiti islands, you have them everywhere.

U : How about God vortexes, the major ones ?

C : The major God vortexes, the masculine vortexes, I would say, in many cases, the sacred mountains, like Mount Shasta, Mount Fuji, Mount Kilash. There are other important God vortexes like Stonehenge, the pyramids, some of them in major cities around the planet.




  we want to know what’s going on with the
stone in Mecca and what that is?

COBRA – OK.  Yes, of course.  This area was actually a very important Goddess vortex before Islam came.  It was one of the worship centers for one of the pre-Islamic goddess for a few of the Pre Islamic goddesses.  The Archons have used that place, that location, to suppress the Goddess vortex there.  They have used that cube to suppress the Goddess vortex and that cube was prepared with occult magical rituals to enslave people in 3rd dimension.  And the rotation of people in Hajj around the stone was further used to charge that stone with the people’s energy and to keep them enslaved even more.  There are many rituals being made every year at Hajj from the etheric and plasma plane.  People are being programmed through that programming center, ethically.  The same situation is happening in the Vatican – exactly the same process, exactly the same technologies being used through the Vatican.




 How does the spiral movement of the goddess vortex technology work to
accelerate the Event?

COBRA – OK.  The spiral of the goddess vortex is actually the torus… I will not go into much technicality right here because this will need much more time.  But basically it is natural form which heals the space/time anomaly.  It is the correction mechanism for the anomaly.  It corrects it and aligns it with source. It is the basic principle to which all the plasma and anomaly and all other anomaly is being healed throughout the universe, especially on this planet because it is the focal point for different dimensions as much awareness of goddess principle as possible needs to be here.  This is the main reason why this was suppressed because it is the key to heal the anomaly on the planetary scale and on the cosmic scale.




Can we talk or telepathically connect with these goddesses or communicate
with them in any way?

COBRA – If you have pure intention you can connect telepathically with them of course.


Are there any goddess vortexes in the United States?

COBRA – There are quite many but they are not publicly released at this point for certain reasons. 


What is the significance of Sedona?

COBRA – Sedona is one of the most important energy vortexes on the planet right now.




 This person writes; for a few years, I have been seeing spiral rainbow light
from a whitish hole in my vision when I closed my eyes, followed by a lot of dense
electric blue cycles appearing and patterns which vary each time. If I concentrate
for a few minutes, it can heal the disorder and pain in my body. It looks like the
goddess vortex of the meditation video clip in YouTube. Is that what I saw related
to the goddess vortex?

COBRA – Yes, actually you are experiencing a Goddess vortex itself entering into your consciousness and this is a very good sign.

Are there anything suggestions what she can do to make it stronger? Or
just continue what she’s doing already.

COBRA – Just continue.




 Do our star families join our weekly ascension meditation and also Goddess

C : Yes of course they do on their own level yes




  Are there important goddess vortexes in Turkey? Can you talk about some of the
goddesses and their roles in our history, may be about Aphrodite ,Artemis, Mother

C: Catal Hoyuk and Sanliurfa are Goddess vortexes of planetary importance. Peaceful neolithic civilization in Anatolia was the source of the Goddess energy for the whole region. Ku-bi-le-ja (Cybele) is an ancient Anatolian Goddess:

> link provided by Cobra

Q14: Turkey is on a very important geopolitical place situated between east and
west, Europe and Asia. Different spiritual sources state that Turkey also holds important key points spiritually.
What can you say about this? What is the role of Turkey in this cosmic shift period?
Turkey never had a democratic social order and governance. Why do they want to
suppress Turkey so much?

C: Turkey sits on an important Goddess vortex and that is the reason for
suppression. You can study the neolithic history of Turkey, you will find
interesting things and also the spiritual key for Turkey.




 Why do enlightened people place a lot of attention on Siberia, Altai, and
Lake Baikal? Why the Crimea is so important? What can you tell us about these
territories that at present moment is withheld from the people?

COBRA: Altai, epsecially the area around Belukha mountain,  is one of the main entraces into the Agartha network. Crimea is the location of an important Goddess vortex.




 Many people say that they are healed when they visit Okinawa. Is Okinawa a
Goddess vortex? 

Cobra: Yes.

Iruka: The existence of many US bases there are intended to suppress the vortex? 

Cobra: Yes.

Iruka: There is a legend that Sanat Kumara descended on MT.Kurayama-yama in Kyoto, and in fact in every May, Vesak fest is hosted there. Do you have any idea about MT.Kurama-yama?

Cobra: Kurama-yama is one of many entry points for the energies of Sanat Kumara.

Iruka: Is there in japan an underground base and high speed railways of RM and the Light forces? 

Cobra: Yes.



 Would you recommend that we do Goddess Vortex meditation everyday before 11/11, and we visualize rainbow vortex manifest more than 144000 people joining silver trigger mediation?

Cobra  This is actually a very good idea and I would recommend it strongly.




 One question that has  come up very often is how can Sisterhood of the Rose groups continue to  hold weekly meetings if their area is in lockdown?  

Cobra: Of  course now in a situation like this, you cannot have physical things  obviously. But what can we do? We still can have meetings on Skype,  Zoom, or whatever you're using to connect.

Debra: So doing  these virtual meetings, is there something additional we can do to
keep  our impact strong and maintain the Goddess vortex?

Cobra: You can use the same protocol as for the physical meetings.

Debra:  OK. And we’ll still be able to keep the vortex active and still continue to
do our work?

Cobra: Yes, yes.

Debra: What can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to stabilize the most  positive
ascension timeline and terminate the coronavirus outbreak?  

Cobra:  What is necessary for the participants is to invoke Goddess energy. Not  just in the moment of meditation, but also in daily life to spread  positive Goddess principles wherever they go. 

Debra:  Oh I love that, I love that! Are there any particular Ascended masters or
Goddesses we should call upon to assist?

Cobra: It is up to you.

Debra: OK, we have access to all of them, so you’re saying if you have  a personal
connection to call upon those. What can we do to attract  Soul families to us in
this current world … or will this prove to  continue to be a challenge until after
the Event?

Cobra: You  can use the Goddess vortex meditation which can also attract your  soulmates and soul families. But unfortunately before the Event, many of  those people are compromised. They are not awakened and they are under  control. It proves to be a challenge until the moment of the Event to a  great degree.




 You recently spoke about how two  key people crashed a goddess vortex
in Hungary and changed a timeline to  influence the whole liberation process. Can you explain how that  happened?

Cobra: Basically the most important vortices, I would say every vortex on the planet, has  guardians. Those are people who have been born with a mission to be  caretakers of that particular energy vortex. And when key people are  compromised, this of course influences the whole vortex and all people  in that particular country, and events like that can have a potential to  shift the planetary timeline. And those things have happened a few  times in the last 25 or 30 years. This is one of the reasons why the  positive timeline in 1995 collapsed completely. So people have much more  power than they think. Key people in key locations and key positions  can influence situations for the better or for the worse. And I have  witnessed many situations like this. And if you study history again, you  will see that key decisions of small groups of people determine how  things will go on on this planet.

Debra: Can this vortex be repaired?

Cobra:  Probably yes, probably there will be a certain healing process taking  place, but now this moment light forces are creating plans to reactivate  another vortex to carry the energy of the goddess. And I will be able  to speak more about that after our mass meditation, especially if we  reach the critical mass.

Debra:  Good, look forward to hearing about that. Is it necessary to have at  least
one active goddess vortex on earth at the time of the Event?

Cobra: Yes. That will be nice, that will make things much easier.

Debra:  And are there active goddess vortexes on the planet at the moment, and  if
there are, if there is more than one, do they connect with each  other? And if so,
how do they do that?

Cobra:  They are not completely active. There are goddess vortices which are  taken care of by the Light Forces, by the Resistance Movement, but on  the surface within the human race, there is nothing completely active at  the moment, which creates a problem of course.

Debra: Of  course, yeah. Do the smaller goddess vortices that we create during our  
local Sisterhood of the Rose meetings connect to and help to contribute  to the
power of a larger vortex?

Cobra:  Yes, of course, very much. So I would encourage all the Sisterhood of  the Rose groups to keep meeting in the physical, keep taking care of  your vortex, do the meditations, do whatever you're guided to do. There  are instructions on the Sisterhood of the Rose website and that can help  a lot.

[All physical Sisterhood  of the Rose groups can be found in the link below, please feel free to  join any one of them and participate in the meditations:

Debra: Does it help if you're not in a group to just do it individually, does that
help contribute too?

Cobra: Of course it helps, but it's better if you have a group, it will be much more


Debra: Can doing this vortex offer protection for one’s self or your location?

Cobra: For yourself, and especially for your location, that’s for sure.

Debra:  So even if you're doing it like in your home individually it's very  
beneficial. In addition to burying Cintamani stones, what else can be  done to
strengthen the goddess vortex? Does using rose related products  to open the heart
chakra and soothe our emotions, such as rose essential  oil or even putting roses in
our home, does that help? Is that  beneficial or are there other ways we can
strengthen this goddess  vortex?

Cobra: That helps a bit, but  again, I would say there are a few meditations which are written on the  website that actively activate the vortex directly.

Debra:  Okay. So there's no question that there's a lot of fear and chaos on  the
planet currently—what can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to  dissolve the fear
that seems to be fueling all of the chaos?

Cobra:  Again, evoke the goddess energy; there's also a meditation that you can  actually do to evoke the presence of the goddess that you're connected  with within your energy field. You can invoke that presence. And then  that particular goddess will work with her energy to balance and heal  your energy field and the energy field of your location.




 Have White nobilities and positive templars
taking any actions since the Paris and Versailles Goddess vortexes were reactivated?
Please share some Intel as far as you can safely talk about.

Cobra: Not much action could be taken because there is simply... It's simply not safe yet. So those people are still say staying undercover for time being and waiting for better conditions where those activations and changes can take place.




Would Dragon Vortex in Taiwan, and
Goddess Vortexes in Paris and Versailles played a special role during this

Cobra: Actually Paris is located at a very specific point during this activation
because Jupiter and Saturn will be exactly at descendant. They will be setting at that particular moment. So Paris is exactly on that descendant line for this activation, which means that Paris goddess vortex will receive a special energy boost at that moment. And of course, people living in Paris can organize and do a stronger meditation. They can start invoking the Goddess energy before the meditation, maybe an hour or two before, and then they can have the main meditation at Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. And they can, again, after the successful meditation with Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, they can, again, invoke the Goddess energy. That will help.




  Doing the Goddess vortex. And if you could just explain briefly how this
technology works. 

Cobra: Goddess vortex is an ancient Atlantean meditation, which creates a vortex of energy which brings in and invokes Goddess energy towards the surface of the planet. This meditation has been posted on the blog and also on the Sisterhood of the Rose website. So this is one of the most powerful techniques to invoke the Goddess energy. 

Debra: Okay. And what about clearing ourselves of negative sexual programming? 

Cobra: This is also a very important part because it unblocks the flow of Kundalini energy and Kundalini energy is very connected with the Goddess presence.




 Do you have any suggestions on how we might attract a soulmate at this
point? And does invoking the Goddess energy assist with this?

Cobra: Doing the Goddess Vortex meditation is the fastest and most efficient way to manifest the soulmate in your life.

Debra: Interesting, if only more people knew that, right? Can you share your
perspective on how male/female marriage relationships can anchor the Divine Feminine and Masculine principle in today's society; especially Lightworkers who are feeling sexual based attacks?

Cobra: Original archetype of marriage is an archetype of Divine Union between twin souls, and people who are consciously married can begin to anchor that archetype in their marriage, and their union can be accelerated by consciously embodying that during sexual moments or during everyday moments. And the sexual based attacks from the dark forces will diminish, if such couples can follow that protocol of connecting with their Higher Self in their daily life of creating harmony between them and protecting themselves in every moment.

Debra: Okay. Is it necessary that a couple be married?

Cobra: No.




  St. Germain is a man and he was incarnated in a male body because it
was easier for him to do the work. He had more liberty of movement, more liberty of action. But I would say many of [the] people that he initiated were women. Some of the leaders of Masonic Lodges that he was involved with were women and many people in his inner circle, his inner mystery school, were also women. And now as there is this impulse to reactivate Paris vortex, the Resistance Movement priestesses have come to the surface in Paris near Notre Dame in 2018 and activated the vortex, started vortex reactivation again, in between November 8th and 11th, 2018.


( The Hidden Secrets of Notre Dame and the Parisii of Isis :

Katherine : And that was to implement more Light in that place, or did it have to do
with the timeline ?

Cobra : It had many purposes. One of them was a reactivation of the Paris Goddess Vortex. The second one was reactivation of the planetary kundalini, so that this situation with the French Revolution could heal as you probably know, yellow vest movement started a few weeks, one or two weeks after November 8th, 2018. And it was a direct response to this kundalini impulse. So people are again beginning to fight for their freedom and this time the Light Forces are trying to do whatever they can to direct this liberation fight in a way that will not be misused.




 You said that the region of Lorraine is a very important Goddess vortex, which together with Untersberg and Venice Goddess vortices holds the Light of Europe. Can you please elaborate its occult importance for France and for the whole world?

Cobra : Also Lorraine bloodline is one of the bloodlines that was connected to the Grail bloodline. And the whole region is also a very important Goddess vortex. So I would say certain bloodlines which were connected to the grail bloodline tended to incarnate in Goddess vortex areas to anchor the energy of the Goddess through that feminine transmission from mother to daughter through the bloodline. And this is the reason why that the bloodline was located in that area of terrain.




  You asked the White
Nobility members in Paris who are initiated to the mysteries and some Templars as
well to help for the vortex activation. Can you explain why?

Cobra : It is because certain members of White Nobility families were incarnated in the 18th century and for the purpose of the vortex activation at that time. And they have reincarnated again for the same purpose of reactivating the vortex, the Goddess Vortex in Paris and it’s time now for those people to gather and to do the reactivation properly so that the Goddess energy can enter through the vortex and help the planet. Paris vortex is now one of the key vortices for the whole planet after the Hungarian Lengyel vortex collapsed partially. So this is now a matter of planetary importance.

Katherine : Okay. Cause the Hungarian vortex and the Paris vortex were supporting each other.

Cobra : They were supporting each other. And Hungarian vortex is being reactivated to a certain degree, but now the Paris vortex has top priority. And I would call upon all those members of White Nobility families who are part of this Goddess mysteries to come forward and assist in the reactivation of the Paris Vortex.

Katherine : Okay. Whatever the initiation they feel they have received, if they feel
a connection with the mystery of the Goddess, then they, they might be interested in
getting in touch, right?

Cobra : Yes, exactly.




 I would like to ask you a little bit about Goddess vortexes. What  
about God Vortexes? It’s said that the vortexes are categorized as  feminine when
the energy enters the earth, and they are masculine when  the energy leaves the
earth. Are both equally important and do they work  together?  

Cobra: Yes, both are equally important, but there  has been such a big disbalance created that first the Goddess vortexes  need to be activated. And only when this network is stable enough, will  the God vortexes be activated again, because God's vortexes are very  powerful. And when there is still a great possibility that this power  will be misused, they cannot be activated. It's not safe.




 you said years ago that a few people
can liberate the entire galaxy with the advances Goddess vortex meditation. Do you think that we will have a chance to do this meditation next year or before the

Cobra: It extremely unlikely that this will happen before the Event.




 we've seen an explosion in the number of Tachyon chambers in France
recently. Is there a link with France's key role in the global liberation?

Cobra: Yes, of course. A lot of work is being done energetically with France and especially with Paris Goddess Vortex. And this of course has assisted in creating this very strong interest for Tachyon chambers in France, because France is one of a few key countries for the Planetary Liberation process.




 When we place an indoor fountain or dig an artificial lake for a
Goddess Temple, how can we invoke female angelic being to anchor the Goddess Vortex
on that water body?

Cobra: There is a meditation to invoke Goddess presence into your body, and you can use that meditation to invoke that Goddess presence in that lake as well. This meditation you can find on the Sisterhood of the Rose website.


Terry: Okay. Okay, great. And so is it acceptable for the Light Forces if we modify
the existing architecture into a temple?

Cobra: Yes, of course.

Terry: Okay. How can we tell if a Goddess Temple is in good order according to the
standard of the Light Forces?

Cobra: If you do it with dedication and purity, it'll be okay.




 a very important aspect of this process is the
reactivation of the ancient Atlantian Goddess vortexes and that they’re connected to
the ancient Atlantian equator. Are the earthquakes in Turkey related to these

This is one aspect of this. They are connected to this and also to some geopolitical situations. And of course, unfortunately according to the sources, they were not taking place naturally.




 he time of the Portal of Light Activation is based on
CEDT in Paris, Central European Daylight Time. What special things will happen in
this city during this activation?

Cobra: Okay. The Paris Vortex is the key Goddess vortex for the surface of the planet, and this is why the main anchor is there. So this is the main reason why the activations are anchored in that particular location.

Terry-san: Okay, great. The feminine energy on the surface of planet Earth is very
low at the moment. Would there be changes to the situation if the critical mass is
successfully reached? What specifically can we expect in this area?

Cobra: Again, if the Lightworker energy grid will be reactivated, there will be a rebirth of Goddess energy and the feminine principle will begin to flow more freely. And that can happen if the critical mass is reached. And depending on how things go, this is something that we can expect.


 If we want to use these enormously powerful energies to
reactivate old Atlantean Goddess vortexes, where would you recommend for our
physical meditation meeting?

Cobra: Okay. One thing, one aspect of this is along the old Atlantian equator, and the other aspect of this is anywhere near the water, or even inside the water, lake, river, sea, ocean.




 Why do we have to imagine rainbows stars
in the Goddess Vortex meditation? What kind of energy do they bring?

Cobra: This is classified information at this point, but I can only say this is the most powerful spiritual technology on the surface of the planet right now.





Conference/Workshop Notes:



Another result of our global meditation on the last solar eclipse, 4
of the 5 Goddess vortexes in Syria were liberated(April 2017)



(mid 2018)

A torus is a higher dimensional breath of life that projects itself through a hyper
dimensional doorway into lower dimensions. We all have a torus. An apple has a
torus. The planet has a torus. The galaxy has a torus. A Soul Family has one too.
Every being has a torus.

The openings at the poles of our planet are not physical; they are higher
dimensional stargates where the energy rotates and shifts all the time. But now the
energy of Gaia and its fields need to be healed. A lot needs to be removed. Our
political situation is a reflection of this and the Goddess Vortex is the reason for
this. Archons have repressed the Goddess energies and originated their Archon grid
in Iraq, because this is where the Goddess Vortex resides: in Hassuna-Samarra on the border of Syria and Iraq. It is one of the most important ones on the planet. That is why they prevent peace from anchoring and keep wars ongoing there. Peace in that area would be a huge victory for the Light Forces. Syria is the barometer of Earth.

The Light Forces activated the Goddess Vortex in Syria last Monday. The Archons
acted immediately, intervening with military force. Mass meditation to relieve the
situation in Syria will take place this Monday at 4 am CET in Europe. Although
Europe only holds 15% of the global population it is still important for Europe to
participate, despite the early hour. From an alignment point of view this is the
most suitable time to do the meditation. Many lives on the planet have been saved in the past as a result of mass meditations. And this one will too. Each person counts. Spread the meditation as much as you can. The military intervention has already started.

 Situation in Syria 

Although this has seen different levels of intensity, the Archon grid has prevented Soul Mate unions for the last 26.000 years on this planet. Last Monday [9 April 2018] the Resistance Movement started clearing Archon interference from the Hassuna-Samarra Goddess Vortex on the border of Syria and Iraq. The Archons went on red alert as this could create a crack in The Matrix. 

Through Black Nobility families, Jesuits and the Knights of Malta they triggered Trump into war action. The Hassuna-Samarra Vortex is the reason that there have been wars in Iraq and Syria. Some 5000 years ago there was a culture there that was strongly connected to the Goddess Energy.

 The Soul Mate connections and manifestations were strong there at the time: the Vortex was able to effectuate Soul Mate union back then.

 The Vortex is on the same Ley Line as Stonehenge and many false flag events like: 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing and Sandy Hook. In those cases a wave of fear goes through this Ley Line and suppresses the Goddess Energy.

 So the current war and military escalation in Syria is designed to create fear and suppress Goddess Energy in this Vortex and to prevent removal of the Archon grid. It is the Archon grid wanting to prevent Soul Mate connections and not Trump playing 5D chess. Trump is not serving the Light and not serving the Dark. He is serving his personality.




 Cuba was part of Atlantis with many Goddess temples. The Spaniards in the 1500s
tried to destroy as many temples as possible. Hungary has a huge Goddess Vortex. In the past many important cultures and tribes lived here who were preserving the
sacred energy for Europe.



 Grid is a dynamic flow of energy in sacred patterns (standing wave) physical and
other planes as well.Cintamani is about placing them in energy vortexes. Whenever you plant one, one mothership gets activated and begins to transmit energy to the grid, it becomes the anchor of a huge angelic being which creates a vortex of energy and anchors the goddess vortex energy grid mass meditations. The coming meditation at 4AM will save




From 8 to 11 November 2018, exactly 225 years after the activation of Goddess of
Reason, certain Goddess Priestesses of the Resistance Movement came to the surface in Paris and did a special planetary Kundalini activation and created a crack in The Matrix: this activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the dark forces. One aspect of this planetary kundalini activation was for women to start reclaiming their sexual energy and expressing the beauty of their bodies. The women who were running around naked in Paris in November were actually undoing The Matrix (unconsciously). Since November 11th, 2018, the Paris Goddess vortex is continuously triggering kundalini activation in all human beings on the surface of the planet. This is the occult reason for the success of the Yellow Vests movement, which is a grassroots movement against all oppression.




SotR groups are the main way of anchoring the Goddess energies on the planet. Closer to the Event more and more groups will be active and go into deeper aspects of the Goddess Mysteries, yet to be revealed. Many Goddess vortex points on the planet will be activated then. The most awakened women will become Priestesses and consciously anchor the Goddess Energies to lead the surface population to freedom.



 Pure female energy is pure receptivity and unconditional love.  For women (to embody pure female energy) is the key to heal humanity and make our transition easier. Women are a mirror for creation… a contact dish for connecting to soul and galactic family… for women to become as a still lake of energy. The Event can only happen through the energy dynamic being created by the return of the Goddess to the surface of the planet. Sisterhood of The Rose groups existed  to preserve and anchor Goddess mystery schools by meeting regularly each week. We are calling upon the presence of Isis Astara to initiate us into forming and creating physical Sisterhood of The Rose groups where we live to help anchor the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. Deeper aspects of Goddess mystery schools revealed. Goddess vortex activated, in healing the planetary surface population for the break through to happen. 


 Q & A


If our Tachyon Healing Chamber is spacious enough, can we do Goddess Vortex in
the same room?

A. You can if you wish and if there is a space around.


For the war situation ending in Libya, is there anything we foreigners can do to
regain the goddess vortex, like burying morganite there?

A. if you can do this safely, and if you feel guided, yes.


Can I have some information of the sacred places or goddess vortex around this
area so maybe I can visit today or tomorrow? Is there any ascension vortex around
Chiang mai?

A. Chiang mai itself is the most powerful vortex in Thailand. In Chiang mai, there are interesting caves that lead to darker networks. Northern Thailand has many interesting places so just follow your inner guidance for searching for such caves that are publicly open. Just go there and feel the energy there. 




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