Goddess Interview Quotes from Cobra



 2012-2014 (#1-15)


 Okay, but I’m still a little bit confused, because following the June 6th Venus(2012)  transit I think you, and possibly a couple of other people, said that at that  moment, the Cabal then made an offer to surrender. So, what was that offer at that  time, and how is it either the same or different from what’s just happened the past  few days? 

 the Venus transit is one very powerful moment, and it is the moment  when after more than 5,000 years the Goddess energy came back to this planet. And if you really know human history, you’ll know that before that time there  was a long period of peace upon this planet. In the Neolithic times, there was no  wars. And now, finally, when this energy is coming back, this energy influences  everybody, not just the light-workers, but also the average human population and the  Cabal. Everybody. So what happened is that for the first time the Cabal  began to realize that they’re losing their power for sure, and they’d better  negotiate. It is similar to the criminals, when they realize that they’re going to get caught, they begin to think about surrendering because they might get a lighter  sentence. So this is exactly what happened immediately the Venus transit. And what’s happening in the last few days is just the process of negotiation, the  process of finding out what do we really want, and how the Cabal will respond to  this.  I cannot guarantee they will accept the surrender



 how important was the recent Venus transit to what is going on here at the  moment?

 Venus transit is one of the turning points for the planetary liberation  because this is the day when the goddess energy finally returned completely to  planet Earth and have been anchored also inside of physical matter of Planet Earth.  This is a very strong energy that actually brings balance and peace after more than  5000 years of constant wars and conflicts and this energy influences everybody  including the cabal so this is the reason why they were starting to consider  surrendering. They never had that idea before, they have this delusional thinking  that they are omnipowerful and omnipresent and they can do everything they want and  get away with it, but now they are starting to realize that might not be the case

Is this only a small faction that are considering surrender or is this across  the board?

Not everybody but many of them and right now as I speak there is actually a  conflict inside the cabal whether to surrender or not so we’ll see very soon, in a  few days what happens 

So in addition to, maybe the energy that came in with the transit was sort of  the tipping point, but were they considering surrendering prior to that and if so  why would they, what could possibly frighten them enough to consider it? 

Actually the light is getting more and more powerful day by day, and the  cabal is beginning to realize that their plans are not going as they wished them to  be so the actual situation is starting to push them in this direction



 collective meditations, mass meditations can change the  situation dramatically. If the critical mass of people gather together at the same  time and they focus their consciousness in the same way this is a very powerful  stream of energy that can change the course of the events and actually the offer for  the surrender of the cabal that was put forth exactly a few hours after the Venus  transit meditation, return of the goddess meditation. So this is the power our  collective consciousness has and I have just put out a call for a regular weekly  meditation every Sunday that would continue until the planet is liberated and I  would like more and more people joining those meditations because when you reach a  certain critical mass this can initialize the breakthrough because this unified  consciousness field influences everybody including the people in the military,  including the cabal, including everybody and there are scientific studies made  exactly Washington DC that the mass meditations in a few weeks by 25% this is just a  few weeks of meditating, so if we continue doing this every Sunday regardless of  everything else there will be a certain moment I can guarantee you that, a  breakthrough will be made and humanity will be liberated. We just need enough people  doing this every Sunday regularly and this will for sure reach a certain critical  mass and when this critical mass is reached the breakthrough will happen, actually  by doing those meditations we can speed up the process I think everyone tired of all  those delays including me and including other people working on this and we would  like this to happen as soon as possible and if people do those meditations they will  speed up the process.




 There are many aspects of this disbalance and financial disbalance is just one of them. The  other one is disbalance between male and female principles that  need to be healed. And actually the feminine principle is one of  the keys to humanitarian liberation. So this is the reason why I  was announcing those Goddess meditations. To bring more of the pure feminine principles to the surface of the planet.



 the moon is a natural object.When the solar system was formed the moon and earth were part of one body and  they actually separated and now they are part of the same energy system.  The moon  is actually a kind of an energy lens that directs the feminine energy to this  planet.  

 Interesting.  This plays a vital role of the goddess energy that is blanketing  our planet right now. 

C:  Yes. yes.  What was happening in the last 10 years, there was a big purification  of the energy of the moon and it is now completely clear and pure. There are no more  reptilian bases. There are no more reptilians.  There is nothing of that nature.  It  is just a pure natural body of light.  It is transmitting energy of the pure  feminine principle to the planet.  Each full moon is a wonderful location to connect  with that energy.  


 For  the full moon tomorrow, I would like to ask as many people as possible to do the  liberation meditation with the goddess vortex.  This is a good starting to create  the change.  I would like to ask as many people as possible to do the meditation  during the exact moment of the full moon. That would really help. We can assist the light forces in clearing the  etheric and astral planes. Which will be a very good thing.  

(A) – It feels like we really need to.  In the compression, for any one who’s  sensitive to these energies it’s gotten to be overwhelming. 

The pressure applied is pushing the dark forces to the surface this is why  it’s getting so intense. With the Goddess vortex technology we can really help the  light forces a lot.  Especially during the full moon time.  This full moon is a very  powerful time.  It is the beginning of a new spiritual year.  We can use that energy  to channel much more light to the surface of the planet.



  At the beginning of the conference there was quite a bit of opposition from  the Astral plane.  We made a big breakthrough.  We managed to activate the Zurich  Vortex.   we have been working with our Ascended Master St. Germain with the  transformation of the financial system in Zurich. We are working with some of the  major banks there, like UBS bank and some other banks. As you can see that work has  positive consequences and has sped up the process significantly also for other parts  of the financial system.  Apart from that we have been very successful in anchoring  the Goddess presence and the Goddess energy which is very important to keep the  balance on the planet so things don’t go out of control.  

 When you say about the balance through the Goddess energy.  Exactly how would  we be doing that.  how are we contributing to the balance on the planet and how do  we work on our Goddess energy?  

 Goddess energy is the pure feminine aspect of the source and it is present  everywhere in the Universe.  But on this planet as it became occupied this aspect of  divinity was suppressed and heavily controlled by the archons.  As we begin to  invoke that energy we simply call upon that energy and allow ourselves to become  transmitters of that energy.  That energy automatically begins to balance things on  the planet.  The only way the Cabal can control humanity on the planet is when there  is not dis balance between male and female principles .  When there is balance no  control or slavery is possible.  You allow yourself to be come a channel for that  energy a transmitter for that energy .  That you give permission for the divine  feminine aspect to come through you for the planet and do what it is has to do.



 They have really been targeting Syria a great deal lately. Is there more here than meets the eye?  Is it because of minerals?  star-gates? or?   

Portals, vortexes, portals.  There are certain areas I would not like to mention in Syria.  There are some very important vortexes of Goddess energy there.   Some of them are almost 10,000 year old and of course they want to control those portals .Syria is one of the most  important trigger points for geopolitical stability in the near east.  People that control Syria can influence a lot the geopolitical mid-East. This is why they have been focusing on this area.  

Have they run out of options?

  Yes.  They tried trigger WW3 through Israel, and then Afghanistan, and that didn’t work and now they are trying through Syria. This is their secondary option.   Resistance movement will NOT allow WWIII to happen.  WWIII is not an option – will not be tolerated.



 do you have anything  to say about the conference in Hawaii?    

 Yes.  We have anchored the goddess presence as the portal was opened.  This  was very much needed.  Integrate and balance the male and female aspect. We are  forming Goddess groups.  More info on the blog when the time is right.



  Turkey is a buffer zone between Syria vortex and Europe.  The Syria vortex is
an ancient Goddess vortex.  It’s the last major vortex the Cabal controls.  When
they loose that one, it’s game over.




 Tracy from western Australia has  really opened up to becoming a conduit for Goddess energy.  She’s been having so  much anger since May 25th?  It’s been causing her a lot of discomfort.  Is this  normal?  What is going on?  Is this because the portal energies allowed so much  released of emotional energy. 

 Part of the answer, is certain emotions that have been long repressed are  released.  

2 – People who are starting to channeling Goddess energy can get  interference from the astral plane.




  Why is Syria such an important place for them to be attacking? 

 It’s a very ancient goddess vortex and the Archons wanted to suppress that.  That vortex was created after the fall of Atlantis. It was holding the goddess  energy of the planet for a very long time. The Cabal wanted to suppress it. Now that  the etheric Archons were removed from there, the vortex will start spreading the  light. Another aspect is Syria has a strategic position between near eastern Europe  and also there is quite large amounts of natural gas which have been discovered.  They can keep the balance of oil, the old energy paradigm. There are many things  happening there at once. It was the last chance of the Cabal to trigger something,  but now it’s over for them.

 That is phenomenal. I think it’s really interesting that Damascus is the  home of many leading terrorists. I was wondering from a light perspective it’s not a  surprise that it would be a focal point to eliminate that. Is it kind of tied into  that – to cleanse the earth? 

Damascus is like Rome. Its a very important city. It attracts a lot of light  and a lot of darkness at the same time. 

Hmmm. That makes sense. An interesting video came out from a 4 star  general. He was quoted as saying, There was a war and the US had made an agreement  and they was going after these countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia and Sudan and Iran. What do you think about it? What do you feel is the implication  behind the fact that they chose those 7 countries to focus their war on terror?  

Basically the agenda was to create a central Rothschild bank. Most of those  countries did not have a central Rothschild bank in those countries. You can see all  the changes in Libya and those countries that were invaded. The central bank is  operational there. The Rothschild had instructed the Rockefeller faction to pressure  the negative military to wage those wars.



 Do you want describe some of the activations and clearing of these portals that  you’ve been working with and how we can also participate in that? That whole  scenario of the blocked portals that kept good energies from flowing forth, like the  Goddess energy, and how we clear them? I think that’s of interest to a lot of  people. 

 It’s a process. Each portal that we activate brings us closer to the final goal  of completely clearing the etheric plane. The Archons had invaded the etheric plane  25,000 years ago and were closing off one vortex after the other. This process was  completed about 1,600 years ago when the Roman Catholic cults completely suppressed  the Goddess energy on the planet. On each of those vortex points when we had temples  of the goddess before there was a catholic church. This was the completion of the  dark creed.  Then you know what happened; we had the dark ages, the Middle Ages.  Then about 500 years ago the first Renaissance brought the beginning of the process  of planetary purification. We have now reached a point in the last few years when we  are in the final stages of that purification. Each of the portals we activate brings  us closer to the final goal of complete liberation of the etheric plane. As soon as  the etheric plane is liberated, extremely fast the physical plane is going to  follow.  And then we are free.

Could you just talk about what these portals are? What is their dynamic? How  would we know if we were living near one? What kind of energy is it that that we  could discover or is it very esoteric to even try to understand that? 

A dimension portal is a double vortex of energy that actually transmits energy between different dimensions.  Then the energy can be used. It is a neutral energy.  You can use if for good purposes or somebody could use it for not-so-good purposes.  When the portal is activated property, it can become a very strong, supportive  vortex for the light. It can actually change the energetic signature of that area.  It can improve the living conditions of the people, their well-being. This is the  reason why we are going from place to place activating those portals. If we have a  mass meditation on a certain specific date, that can trigger the opening of that  portal, it can have a planetary global effect of improving the planetary situation.



 how the Fibonacci and  sacred geometry fits into this?

 Ok, now the Fibonacci sequence, the Fibonacci spirals, actually the goddess  spirals is the energy, or shall I say, not only energy it’s the presence which will  dissolve the matrix.  So as the feminine energy, the Goddess energy, the true clear  feminine presence is entering into the surface, into the structure of the surface of  this globe. We are actually creating this new myth.  This new myth, this new  collective story of mankind which is without darkness because in the full presence  of the goddess darkness cannot exist, force cannot exist.  Its not possible and all  those things will be removed from the planet when the goddess returns and the  goddess will return through the goddess spiral, through the Fibonacci spiral through  the sacred geometry energy pattern and through that sacred presence which is about  to be disclosed from the Event onwards. 

 So are you also, is that indicating that the goddess spiral is  present in all of the higher dimensional levels from where we are? 


And it’s in tact? 

 Yes.   It cannot be destroyed. It was suppressed on this planet by the Cabal  or should I say by the Archons but it is not possible to destroy it. It’s  indestructible. 



 goddess energy is the energy that brings us in  touch with our emotions and actually help us to heal our emotions. Because within  our emotions is our greatest power and if we can access that power we can change the  world. And there is always guidance and wisdom in all of our emotions   And there is  by healing our emotions we get the message and we get the guidance and that balance  brings us closer to our individual liberation and also to our collective liberation  and the guiding force that is guiding us here is the Goddess presence, the Goddess  energy. Clear and healed feminine aspect of ourselves and the feminine aspect of the  universe itself



2015-2017 (#16-63)



 Yes,In about 24 hours I travel to Ibiza Spain, an island in the  Mediterranean sea where we’ll have a cosmic goddess activation – at the solstice .It  will be a very powerful event in which we will integrate the cosmic energies with  the energies of the earth.Energetic merger of sky and earth, of heaven and  earth.This is the first step towards the final integration of masculine/feminine  principle on this planet.As you all know, and have been experienced in your  life,there has been an artificial separation by the Archons, by the Cabal. This  separation needs to be healed energetically so we can have better energetic  conditions on this planet and to heal society as a whole.



  We have all this talk of the Isis or terrorist groups in Iraq. Is  this Cabal type operation to stir the pot? It seems beyond coincidence that the  latest incarnations of the insurgent led revolt in Iraq has called Isis.

Yes, the Archons have chosen that name on purpose. They take symbol that’s  positive and try to associate it with something negative in the minds of human  beings. Now this name is all over the mass media. If somebody from the street reads  about Isis – in human mind their image of fanatics killing people instead of a  Goddess of light. This is how association of the mind works. They have done the same  thing, the Nazi’s have taken a very old symbol of the swastika – which means  spiritual evolution, and turned it around into a symbol of evil. Same thing happened  to pentagram and some other symbols in the past. This is what the illuminati are  using for example All Seeing Eye, they have hijacked the symbol. It’s a symbol of  the source and they have hijacked it and it represents an all seeing eye of the one  world order. This is how the Archons work. Whenever people see to see symbols they  associate it with something negative. And so the positive energy of the symbol can’t  flow through. It’s an occult war that is taking place.




 “Many temples of the Goddesses will be built after the  event”, is one of the quotes you made. One person wants to know – Are we going back  into a religion, is this going to be encouraged to worship a “goddess”. Will this be  any different? They want to know about this kind of temple, is this going to be a  shrine, monument, is it going to come close to a church type thing. Can you explain  when you mention that Goddess and stuff, the difference between the ultimate creator  beyond all and the various aspects of positivity that this supreme force represents  and how that is going to be related to in these temples? 

 It will not be religion in the traditional sense of the word. There will not  be priest preaching and telling you what to do. They will be more like the temples  present on the planet at the time of Atlantis to connect with the feminine aspect of  creation. 

Rob – So these will be beautiful artistic shrines that will inspire communion with  feminine aspect of creation. 





 Someone would like you to talk a  little bit more of Osiris, Ra and Thoth. If you can give us a true historical story  there of that time and if these beings are all-positive or was one of them a dark  force or more of them. What actually happened there? 

 Those stories are a collective memory of the time of Atlantis when those  beings were actually human beings, or hero’s or anti-hero’s who were walking on the  surface of the earth. Most of them were of a positive nature. Osiris, Thoth, Ra and  Isis were of the light. Then we have the negative nature -We have Set who was the  leader of the dark forces in that period of time. Those are all beings from  different star systems. Some of them were coming from Sirius, some of them were  coming Orion and some were coming from Pleiades. Hathor came from the Pleiades. She  was a goddess of light. They were living in the collective memory of the Egyptian  people simply because Egypt was a colony of Atlantis before the deluge and people in  Egypt had a collective memory of those times




  I heard from many people that  Ireland and certain ley line point which is called Tara, and of course from my Billy  Meyer experiences in the early days when I was getting the contact notes, they  talked about the Pleiadians contacts and with what they called the Ip-swishes  or  the equivalence of what we would call Yahweh the misunderstanding of these beings as  God’s rather than just spiritual beings. My question is what is the importance of  Ireland and Tara as the connective points in the earth ley lines. Is this a super  important point or is this just a major vortex like other ones around the planet. 

 It’s one of the most important vortex points because Ireland was part of the  old Atlantis. It is one of the strongest entry points for goddess Energy. Partially  the reason for this is after the Archon invasion about 1600 years ago, Ireland was  not completely subjugated and Goddess energy was quite strong there for many  centuries. It’s still quite strong there now. Those ley lines are actually carrying  this Goddess force throughout the planet.




 you mentioned a few time that the universe was created as a result of  dynamic tension between two opposing forces. Can you talk a little more about this. 

 One is the force of one, some call it the source, some call it God or  Goddess. There are many names for this.

 The other source is the is the random  quantum function.

 The universe was created as a result of the interaction of those  two forces. 

Darkness was not created. It just came into being by itself. This is the  reason it is so hard to understand darkness because it does not have any meaning.  Suffering does not have any meaning. Actions by the cabal do not have any meaning  because they are not originating from higher perspective. It is simply a reaction to  the underlaying quantum reality which has not been integrated or absorbed into the  one.




 Magdalene mysteries are actually part of the Goddess mystery that is closest  to the mantle orientation of Christianity. Magdalene mysteries are awakening the  reality of the feminine aspect in the life of Jesus because Mary Magdalene was an  initiate into the mysteries of the Goddess and those people who are oriented towards  that religion it is easiest for them to open to the Goddess mysteries through Mary  Magdalene and her life. Of course the Archon’s have distorted her life story and her  message because they wanted to suppress her message and her truth. In this time  frame the Magdalene mysteries are the easiest way for most of the people to open up  the presence of the goddess.




  top level of illuminati are aware of the Goddess energy, and
they are misusing Goddess energy, in a way to distort it, and to further suppress
the feminine principle on this planet.

 i see a lot of Goddess symbols, in many temples, in Paris they're  everywhere, in every big city. 


So all this was built by the Cabal or by the Light as well ? 

Both, actually, France was a very important center of the Light in the 18th  century, when the Freemasonry was still part of the Light forces, and France was  exactly where the infiltration happened, at the end of the 18th century by the  jesuits. They infiltrated the masonic networks, and the top jesuits and the archons,  italian black nobility family, used the same symbols, especially through France,  after the French revolution, to further suppress human freedom. 

I see. So does the Goddess have a special meaning for them, or is it just pure  energy ? 

Yes for some of them, Goddess has a meaning, but they don't understand  completely the Goddess principle, they have their own distorted understanding of the  Goddess energy, and of many other aspects of divinity as well. 

 And what does it represent for them ?

 For them it's a source of power and control. They are actually trying to contact  the Goddess energy to bring them more power. 

Ok, like the word Matrix, it means womb, is it related ? 

  For some of them yes.




  Can you explain a bit about the silver gate and the golden gate, what i talked  about in my article, the points in space in the direction of the central sun, and in  the opposite direction of the central sun ? What is there, is it something physical  there or something else ? 

It is actually the main axis of evolution in this sector of the galaxy, if we  look towards the galactic central sun you have the Antares star which is a stargate  that goes in that direction, and in the opposite direction you have the Aldebaran  stargate, which goes in the other direction. On the galactic scale it's like one of  the galactic highways, through which many civilizations send their lightships. And  there is also a strong flow of galactic energy going along that direction, and that  galactic current allows different civilizations to evolve deeper into Oneness.

 Ok. And so for example the vatican flag is the golden key and the silver key yes  ? It means that they want to lock these gates no ?  

No, no.

 Why do they use these symbols ?

 They are not aware of these silver and golden stargates, they use the keys as a  symbol for them to be the keeper, the guardian of the secrets and only they can  unlock them.

  Ok. It can mean also feminine and masculine no ?  

 Yes it can. Because in the current terminology, silver is a symbol of the  Goddess, and gold is a symbol of the God.




  You talked a while back about how Israel holds the keys to Atlantis, and  so it’s a sacred area. Can you explain more about that. 

 Basically, I have mostly already answered that question. Israel was one of  the Major vortex points at the time of Atlantis. There is a very strong Goddess  vortex in that area and they built a strong colony at the time of Atlantis and this  is the reason why the Archons wanted to always control this area.




 You've explained that Ashtar is the twin flame of Ishtar  

Of Astara, Ashtar and Astara. 

 Is Ishtar a different one ? 

It's the same name but there are different variations of the same name in  various cultures. 

 So Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus, Isis, this is all the same being ? 

 Basically it's the same being that had lived in late Atlantean times, and  various cultures had different approach to that being and different ways of  connecting. 

Ok. So is Ashtar also Osiris and Appolo ? 

 Ashtar is Osiris yes. 

 And Appolo is a different one ? 

 There were also other beings of light that were living on the planet in late  Atlantean period, and many of the ancient gods and goddesses are actually distant  memories of those beings.

Ok. Can you comment about the story of Osiris being killed and cut into pieces,  did that really happen ? 

Actually it's a symbolic reflection of the wars which were taking place in the  late Atlantean period, especially the time when planet Earth became a quarantine,  under the control of the archons, so it's actually a memory of that timeframe. 

 Ok so it's like a metaphor ?

Yes it's not how the exact story happened but it's actually a reflection, a  memory, a symbolic representation of the conflict that was happening in that  timeframe. 

 Ok. And so now are Isis and Osiris located in many places at the same time or is  there a place where their central consciousness is ? 

Their main focus is in the Sirius star system but of course they have projected  their consciousness also in the motherships around the Earth, and they are also  sending a lot of energy towards the surface of the planet, to assist in the process  of liberation. 

Ok. In astrology there's always planets that have the same name as a God or a  Goddess, is it really linked to the planet itself and its higher self, or are they  different beings ?

 Actually the planets are much more evolved beings than Gods and Goddesses which  were heroes of the past, but in many cases the energy ray, the energy signature is  very similar. 

 Ok, so they're not the same but they have the same kind of frequency ? 

 They have a similar quality of frequency yes.

 So, many of the ancient stories like in Greece are not exactly true yes ? 

 It's a memory, which has been passed down from generation to generation, and it  has of course been distorted to a certain degree because each generation has changed  the story a little bit. 

 So are beings like Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune around the planet right now playing  a role in the liberation ?

Some of them yes, some of them no, most of them yes




 in the beginning of creation,  did Source make it’s first extension of itself that we know as the God and the twin  Goddess.  This is obviously, is there this dualistic thing.  Was this simultaneous  aspect of creation.  Is it a mother/father God or is this kind of a step down  situation 

You could describe it in this way.  The first projection of the One into  many facets in the universes was male/female polarities on a very high level.




 Can you explain to us the relationship between Diana,  Lucifera, Ashtoreth and Isis in mythology? 

Basically Diana Lucifera is a code name of Venus, rising Venus, the morning  star. It is one of the names of the goddess. Ashtoreth is actually one of the names  of Astara. Astara was one of the late Atlantan Goddess, which can be named with  various names. Isis is one of them. This has nothing to do with Lucifer as people  understand or would any being or worship as people sometimes refer to it. It is  simply that after the creation of the Christian cult the Cabal, or the Archons have  decided to make all the symbols of the Goddess dirty. The number 666 us actually a  symbol of the goddess. The pentagram is a symbol of the Goddess. The Cabal has  misused all those because they wanted to prevent people from contacting the Goddess  energy.

 The natural manifestation can always be seen as pure, can be reversed  at any time. Another question basically when we talk about worship of the Goddess.  You mentioned before, we talked about temples; the goddess worship is actually  bringing back the balance feminine and male aspect. Having temples or kind of like  art museums, where people can go and enjoy nature. You’ve described that before. I  wanted to ask you in regards to the ancient Goddesses, you speak about them that  were actually here. These were during time when there were various races on the  planet. In Atlantean times, that various members and different extra terrestrial races  co-mingled with humanity, is that correct. 

Yes, that is correct. I will just like to explain a certain thing. We are  not speaking about worshipping the goddess in the way religion is trying to portray.  We’re speaking about inner connection with clear and healthy and beautiful feminine aspect of creation. So we are not speaking about the old system of priests and  priestesses and temples and churches. We’re speaking about the inner connection  which can manifest outside as beautiful buildings which can serve as anchor points  in the planetary light grid to anchor that energy. 

During the times when there were various races of ET, different shapes,  sizes, colors, skin types, genetic pheno types in general, amongst us, there were  some of these beings of a highly spiritual nature and they radiated a tremendous  presence. It was quite common for people to enjoy these beings presence. Would that  be accurate to state. 


 And so the idea was basically these were great  spiritual teachers. They did not seek personality worship, however by the virtue of  their awareness and knowledge they radiated a calm and peace and seem to help others  on the inner planes establish a more direct connection to source, would you agree  with that. (Yes). I think that possibly the priesthoods in the Archon networks used  this historical relationship from ETs to earth peoples and took some of these  historical beings records and manipulated them to be perceived of as demanding  personal worship. This was not good and these priesthoods manipulated opinions  placed themselves as the new interpreters of God word by declaring themselves as  intermediaries. Right?


Yes, that is correct.




 Has Magdalene ascended ?


 Were the 12 apostles really all men, or were they half male and half female ?

There were 12 male apostles and there were also 12 female apostles, about whom  not much has been said. 

who were Viviane, Merlin, Morgaine, Arthur and the round table ? 

 Actually in the 5th century there was a certain group of people that belong to  the Order of the star who incarnated in England, and their purpose was to integrate  the goddess mysteries with other creation mysteries to somehow prolong the  traditions. 

 Was the round table also composed of half males and half females ?  





  ‘Cobra talks about important Goddess
vortexes around the world quite a bit, so I’m curious, are there important God
vortexes around the world too, masculine vortexes.’  We have the one in the
Himalayas. (It) is a masculine vortex – is that correct?

Yes, of course. There are also important God vortexes around the planet as
well.  Many of them are in high mountainous areas around the planet.  Some of them
are in major cities around the planet.  Some of them are on some islands on the
planet.  So there are various locations for them as well.




 Could you tell us something about Sophia – Goddess of wisdom? 

This is a Goddess archtype from Greek civilization that actually means wisdom.  Wisdom is an aspect of knowledge, and actually connects the mental plane  with the higher intuitional plane.  It’s the enlightened mind which creates wisdom.




 OK. Sitchen was referring to Sumerian tablets. He was attempting to  translate those tablets. He, in that position, was not scientifically correct.. But  yes, the Sumerian text was talking about certain beings. You can describe them as  winged beings.  They came from a certain star system beyond our solar system. And yes, some of them  came from Sirius B. I have described before the traits of Sirius B people. They were  not the only ones. There was a group of many different races that were actually  mixed among the ruling race in all of Sumeria. They were actually the ones that were  forming the Sumerian city-states. Many of them were tied to the Archons, and their  agenda was, first, to do some genetic experimentation and, second, to suppress the  goddess energy. This is the short story of Nibiru. It has nothing to do with a  certain object that some people named Nibiru that is supposed to enter our solar  system and create cataclysm. This is absolutely not correct.




 Was the famine in Ireland  engineered because of the Irish people’s awakening – The Irish Famine – or was that  a natural phenomena?  

 It was, of course. It was engineered for many objectives. The first one was  to create a lot of cheap slave labor. Many of the Irish then went to US and worked  in horrible conditions in US because of that famine. The other reason was to  suppress the Goddess energy which was quite strong in Ireland. This was the plan of  the Archons – and also to suppress the awakening of the Irish as a nation and  because the point of the Cabal was to unify them with the United Kingdom.




 Sophia is the ancient archetype of wisdom incarnated as Goddess Earth.
Goddess earth is a living entity. It’s not the physical planet itself, but the
consciousness of the planet that came from the galactic central sun 4.6 billions
years ago, and incarnated, anchored that wisdom presence into this physical planet.




 Islamic state, or however you want to call it, but don’t use the name Isis
because Isis is a creation goddess and has nothing to do with this Jesuit creation




 ‘Can you talk about . . . Are there any special  messages for people from Hungary that you could give for them if you know everything  about their country, of what they’re going through?  The people from Hungary . . .  We would like some help.’ 

  Yes.  There is a certain secret positive group in Hungary which has strong  Templar connections, and that group is working for the new financial system and you  can see some effect.  Hungary has resisted central banking Rothschild influence  quite effectively lately.  And this group is still keeping a low-profile, so they  can not be contacted directly. But they can research their history. There are  certain very strong esoteric positive symbols in Hungary.  I’ll just mention the  crown of __?_ and that at some other ones. There are some vortexes, some ancient  goddess vortexes, in Hungary also.  And some of them will have a quite important  role at the time of the Event.




 You said before that the milky way and andromeda galaxies are of opposite  polarities, and that the central sun of the milky way is a giant goddess, does that  mean that the central sun of andromeda is a giant god ?

 I would not simplify it this way, opposite polarities on those dimensions are  not linear like men and women, they are more like magnetic polarities, + and -. 

 So it has nothing to do with masculine and feminine energies ?

 On that level masculine and feminine energies happen in a slightly different  way, so calling one central sun god and the other central sun goddess is  interpretation which is quite limiting. 

 So there, masculine and feminine are integrated fully ?

 I would say the description of what’s happening on those planes is not easy to  describe with human words, but the best possible approximation would be different  polarities + and -, like magnetic and electric fields, but even that is a very very  rough interpretation of what’s actually happening on those levels of creation.

Did similar anomaly such as what we have now with darkness happen in previous  versions of the universe ? 

 Yes there were various versions of this anomaly, but it did not manifest fully  before this cosmic cycle.




 What’s the original meaning of baphomet, the goat headed being ?

This is, I would say, manipulation of very old archetypes by the cabal, there  are archetypes of capricorn, archetypes of very ancient gods and goddesses, that have been merged into this symbol that has been mis-used by the cabal occultists,  especially in the last few centuries. 

 Who created that symbol originally ? 

 It is not a symbol which was created, it’s a merger of different ancient  symbols, and this merger has been done by the cabal to misuse the energy behind  those symbols.

 Can this symbol be used for the light as well ? 

 It can be, but I would say that there is too much negative energy associated  with it. So it’s good to purify that energy, and there are many other symbols we can  use which are much more neutral, not so much loaded with meaning. 

Ok. Who is Kali ? 

 Kali is an ancient Goddess, she’s a being of Light, and her purpose is  transmutation of outdated forms, and liberation of outdated patterns.




 Can you name some of the most important Goddess vortex on Earth ? 

The most important Goddess vortex is, I would say, number one vortexes are in  Syria, then you have very strong vortexes on Crete, in Greece, in Egypt, in Ireland,  in Ukraine, in the Caribbean. You have them in many many places around the world.  You have them in Australia, in Tahiti islands, you have them everywhere. 

 How about God vortexes, the major ones ? 

The major God vortexes, the masculine vortexes, I would say, in many cases, the  sacred mountains, like Mount Shasta, Mount Fuji, Mount Kilash. There are other  important God vortexes like Stonehenge, the pyramids, some of them in major cities  around the planet.




 Can you tell us a little bit of the history of the Sisterhood of
the Rose
? (SOTR)  Where did this originate and who were members of this.

OK.  Basically, SOTR originates from the central rays, the central
civilization.  It is the first high spiritual develop civilization that has evolved
in the central region of this galaxy and there were certain beings that belong to the central civilization that were spreading this understanding and spreading the light of the Goddess throughout the galaxy and one of those beings came to planet earth in Atlantis and has formed the SOTR in Atlantean times.  And there were many temples of the Goddess on Atlantis and their purpose was to anchor the presence of the Goddess on the planet and after the Cabal destroyed those temples, this balance has been disturbed and this new dis-balance has actually resulted in the destruction of Atlantis.  And after that the SOTR groups were present in many countries.  It was
in their mystery schools trying to keep that balance as much as possible.  Now the time has come for us to re-awaken that feminine presence and to form new SOTR groups because this is very important for the time of the event.  So I would like to ask as many people as possible to form those groups throughout the planet, to meet regularly on the physical plane and to anchor the Goddess energy on the planet as much as possible.




  Who is Goddess Columbia ? 

It’s just a name of the Goddess. If you translate this from latin, Columbia  means dove, which is one of the symbols of Goddess Venus. So Columbia as a Goddess  is one aspect of Venus. 

Is Buddha one of the 70 (approx)ascended masters of the Earth ? 

Yes but he didn’t go exactly through the same path as the majority of the  ascended masters. But yes if I generalize, I can say he is one of the ascended  masters. A very very highly evolved being. 

 Is his twin flame known on this planet ?  


Who is Goddess Tara ?  

 One of his soul mates. 

And she’s also one of the 70 ascended masters ?  





 neolithic people on Malta who had strong connection with the Goddess
built hypogeum..same who built other temples around the island




 Many ancient statues portray the Goddess as very big, almost obese, like on  Malta, what’s the meaning of this symbol ? 

Actually there were times when food was a very scarce commodity and if somebody  was obese it was a sign of power and authority, and those obese women were symbols  of fertility and abundance. It was actually their idea of beauty at that time. 

 And many ancient Goddess statues found on Malta were found without heads, were  they originally like this ? 

No, well actually some of them yes. Some of them were made without heads, and  heads were then added later, regarding the purpose of rituals. So for example, if in  one ritual, the statue represented the high priestess, a certain head was put on, if  in another ritual, that statue represented the sky Goddess, another head was put on.  But there were also some other statues which were made completely with heads, and  later when christianity came, they purposely broke the heads off to desecrate the  symbol. And usually many Goddess statues from Roman times, they are without heads  because in the 4th century, there was an archon invasion when those christian  priests broke most of the heads of the statues.




 Since we got some of the Muslim stuff going on, we have a series  of questions here that were kind of interesting and I’ll let you share about it.   They want to know what is the mystical symbolism of the cube building?  What is the  stone made of – the foundation?  Is the foundation a rock? Have any influence?  What  is the city of Mecca?  Do they have special values and what is the purpose of the  pilgrimage around this stone?  Can you talk about any astrological timing of Ramadan  or the Hajj around the stone?  Basically, we want to know what’s going on with the  stone in Mecca and what that is? 

OK.  Yes, of course.  This area was actually a very important Goddess vortex  before Islam came.  It was one of the worship centers for one of the pre-Islamic  goddess for a few of the Pre Islamic goddesses.  The Archons have used that place,  that location, to suppress the Goddess vortex there.  They have used that cube to  suppress the Goddess vortex and that cube was prepared with occult magical rituals  to enslave people in 3rd dimension.  And the rotation of people in Hajj around the  stone was further used to charge that stone with the people’s energy and to keep  them enslaved even more.  There are many rituals being made every year at Hajj from  the etheric and plasma plane.  People are being programmed through that programming  center, ethically.  The same situation is happening in the Vatican – exactly the  same process, exactly the same technologies being used through the Vatican.




 Could you talk about  the significance of the Gobekki Tepe within 100 miles of Aleppo. JJ Hurtak had  mentioned it a long time ago that that’s a very important area and he was hoping the  war was not going to be destroying these sacred sites. Can you talk about the  significance of the Gobekki Tribe. 

They were a society which was actually having their great development and  growth immediately after the fall of Atlantis. They were not the peaceful Goddess  worshipper part of society unfortunately. They had quite strong connection with  their Draco Overlords but they left some quite impressive monuments in the earth  around, I would say 10% percent of this has been discovered or excavated.




 What is the true ascended archetype of Goddess Bastet ? 

Her true ascended archetype is a being full of power and stability.




  Is the Goddess Ishtar, the divine personification of the planet Venus?

C: No. Goddess Ishtar is just one of the channels for the energy of the Venus
planetary logos.

EM: Then, is she also the divine personification of Lady Master Venus? 

C: Yes, one of them.

EM: What does divine personification mean?

C: Divine personification is a channel of divine energies

EM: What does Lady Master Venus feel when she had to hear, "in person", from her
beloved twin flame making this request to begin the voluntary exile along with a
certain group of like-minded beings? Was she fidgeted and extremely worried about
what he would encounter there?

C: She surrendered to that fact after an inner struggle.

EM: Why did she agree with her twin flame to embark on such a harsh journey? 

C: Because she understood this is the only way to transform duality/contingency.

EM: Did she approve her twin flame's decision immediately after he sought her

C: No.

EM: So, is it like she did not agree with it right away, and sat down with him,
having a long discussion, but eventually had to come to terms with his leaving
because it is inevitable, it is his divine plan?

C: Yes.

EM: And why did that particular being make that request, instead of letting that
higher council to write off the Earth as a useless experience? What is the story? 

C: Earth is not an useless experience, as it will transform the deepest and most
distorted aspects of contingency/primary anomaly for the whole universe.


EM: The Alpha, and the Omega, have they, and beings in the council at that time,
been assisting all the multidimensional selves of that particular being throughout
their lives?

C: Yes.

EM: In what way?

C: By sending supporting energies.




 what does this mythology about the Goddess Merope marrying a mortal reveal  about a certain history that has once indeed happened?

Incarnated star beings mating with Earth humanity. This was happening a lot in  Atlantis




 Back in 2012, you said Isis got her crown back. I want to know what it means.  

 It’s a symbolic code for the empowerment of the Goddess on the surface of this  planet especially, and in the solar system because the Goddess presence has been  suppressed and so symbolically, Goddess Isis gets her crown back, it means that the  Goddess presence will be empowered back again, and true real feminine principle will  begin to flow freely energetically and physically through the surface of the planet




 Do our star families join our weekly ascension meditation and also Goddess  vortex? 

 Yes of course they do on their own level yes. 

If yes, why we have not reached the critical mass yet ? 

It is because of the free will of humanity that does not cooperate enough.




 Are there important goddess vortexes in Turkey? Can you talk about some of the  goddesses and their roles in our history, may be about Aphrodite ,Artemis, Mother  Goddess? 

Catal Hoyuk and Sanliurfa are Goddess vortexes of planetary importance. Peaceful  neolithic civilization in Anatolia was the source of the Goddess energy for the  whole region. Ku-bi-le-ja (Cybele) is an ancient Anatolian Goddess:


Turkey is on a very important geopolitical place situated between east and  west, Europe and Asia. Different spiritual sources state that Turkey also holds  important key points spiritually. What can you say about this? What is the role of Turkey in this cosmic shift period?  Turkey never had a democratic social order and governance. Why do they want to  suppress Turkey so much? 

 Turkey sits on an important Goddess vortex and that is the reason for  suppression. You can study the neolithic history of Turkey, you will find  interesting things and also the spiritual key for Turkey.




 ... a time period in the 4th century, especially in  the time of the Archon, Constantine the Great when most of the older  scriptures, most of the older texts have been modulated and changed to suit the new  agenda. Actually Astaroth was the name of the Goddess and the new Christian cult  that was introduced in the fourth century wanted to suppress the Goddess and this is  why this text has been changed. 

He refers to Ashtar as Astaroth but they’re different? 

 Astaroth was the name of the Goddess and certain sources have changed this  to Ashtar. Actually Astaroth comes from Astara which is the name of the twin soul of  Ashtar and they are both positive beings. Aaron – But they’re different beings right? 

 Ashtar or Astar and Ashtar are twin souls and they are part of the same  soul emanation.




 There are stone structures – dolmens, situated across Russia and the  Ukraine. Who had built them? What is their purpose? 

They were built by neolithic Goddess worshiping peoples then inhabiting the  area.




 Altai, epsecially the area around Belukha mountain,  is one of the main
entraces into the Agartha network. Crimea is the location of an important Goddess




 Is it true that a major Goddess portal was closed in the year 436 AD?  

Actually the major portal of Goddess portal was closed in the year 325 AD  and in the year 395 AD.

So were they two different portals then?

There were many portals and there was a lot of Archon interference.  At that  point with the attempt to close the Goddess presence on the planet completely, so it  was . . . I would say a major Archon invasion especially in the 4th and 5th  centuries AD. 

Ok. Does this eclipse represent an opportunity to re-open these Goddess  portals. COBRA – To a certain degree, yes.




 Can you give us any additional information on Do Mou? 

 No not at this point.  When there is time for additional information I will  release it from my blog. 

Is she directly influencing humans on the surface of the planet at this  time. 

Yes, of course I have mentioned that already.  

The question is, how is this happening. 

 In her consciousness she is meditating and she is actually transmitting, she  is transmitting Goddess energies towards those on the surface that are ready for  this. 

And how can we invoke her presence in our lives and what type of issues can  she help us with both in our daily life and in activating us to our soul mission. 

 She is not here to resolve our psychological issues, she is here to bring us  closer to manifesting Goddess presence that is a very strongly need at this point on  the surface of this planet.   





 How will the feminine energy within the goddess caves, post event, be  liberated.

Actually there will be certain guardians of that energy that will be doing  certain things, certain I would not say rituals, but certain energy work in those  caves that will ground that energy and the guardians of the caves that are secret  and underground right now will emerge and will begin to openly, they will begin to  openly work with the energy of those caves. 

How will this effect the planet?

That will bring a lot of positive energy to the planet.  The energy of the  planet will soften and balance through a very very big degree. 

Can this energy be liberated prior to The Event.

 Not so because it needs very specific energy conditions that have not been  met yet.  It’s part of the Compression Breakthrough.





Are there other Goddesses such as Aphrodite or Athena that we can invoke for  different soul mission purposes. 

Yes, of course.

How can we find out more about how we can work directly with the Goddesses  in our lives.

 There are many books and of course you have your own inner guidance and your  own way to explore this.  There is a lot of information about this on the internet.  I have also provided some links in the past so you can simply start researching  this.




 You said after The Event more Goddess temples will be built?  


Is there any further information you can give us on that? 

 Not at this moment. Not yet, but information will be given when the time is  right.




 Many people say that they are healed when they visit Okinawa. Is Okinawa a  Goddess vortex?  


The existence of many US bases there are intended to suppress the vortex? 





 Petit Trianon is a European palace full of goddess mystery and goddess energy,  would you please name its counterparts in Asia?

Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and there is a certain Quan Yin temple in Taipei that  has actually an entrance to the underground base of the Light forces there. There  are others which are not well known to the public 

 Would you please name some Asian relics which have positive geopolitical  influence as Crown of St. Stephen? 

There is a certain samurai sword in Japan, and the Emerald Buddha, not the  public one, an Emerald Buddha kept privately made of real Emerald. There are many  other such power objects in the hands of Agartha in Asia but not on the surface




 Did Marie Antoinette really live a very lavish lifestyle or stories about her  private life were actually cabal’s smear campaign against her as a goddess  priestess?

 She did have a lavish lifestyle but there is nothing wrong with that, and yes it  was used as a smear campaign by the dark.




 Have Central Civilization come to China for anchoring Goddess energy?  

 They came to China long long time ago 

Please name three top goddess vortexes in China and Taiwan.  

This is classified



 2019 (#64-69)


  Basically, the five points of the pentagram has been liberated but the whole
Syrian area has not been liberated, and there is a lot of healing needed in these
area before the Goddess energy can be anchored again.

 I think Russia has plans to go to Syria and repair some of the damages there. Is
it part of the plan?





 silver has a specific energy & its connected with Goddess energy




 In addition to Abundantia, St.Germain and Andromeda Ray, what beings can we invoke and pray to for the sake of supporting silver trigger meditation? 

You can invoke  the presence of goddess Lakshmi and you can also involve any other light beings that you feel aligned with and they will assist




 Tachyonized silver is more aligned with the energy of The Source and  more connected with primary function which is to bring the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet and especially  inside the financial system.




 Silver is the metal that connects us to abundance and to the Goddess energy. How  can we use silver to strengthen our bond with Goddess energy?

 The most effective way is to create a Goddess statue made of silver and this  will be the direct way to connect the Goddess

 In addition to  connecting abundance and to the Goddess energy, can you share other esoteric and occult usages of silver?

Actually in the certain period of human history, silver was forming the basis of the financial system and it was quite effective because it was preventing large-scale manipulations that are happening in the financial system the last two decades. Together with gold tip was one of the pillars of financial system of many
ages of the past.




Many positive ET races use silver to connect with the Goddess energy. There   are also certain races which have not yet reached the highest level of technological  development. They would use silver as parts of some of  their technological devices.  But more advanced races do not need silver in their technology. For them, silver is  a metal that connects to spirituality than technology



2020 - Jan 2022 ( #70-133 )



Energy of the Goddess is the energy that brings balance, it brings harmony,  it brings healing, and if as many people as possible channel that energy and  transmit it into the planetary energy grid it will begin to calm down the surface  population. And this is exactly what is needed for us to survive this transition  intact and without too much violence. Because this anger, the violence that is now suppressed, will be released, and it is  actually a suppressed masculine principle, which can only be healed by the presence  of awakened feminine principle. So the energy of the Goddess is the energy that can  calm down people, that they will not start killing people randomly on the streets,  but they will rather take informed and enlightened action.




 How can people bring the divine feminine Goddess energy into their lives?  

The first thing is just to develop inner personal connection with the  Goddess energy there. There are many ways to do that. I have published many of them  on my blog. People have their own way to connect with the Goddess and if you search,  you will find!  

DEBRA:  Will it have an effect on mass consciousness if Lightworkers start doing  this on an individual and regular basis?  

COBRA:  Yes of course that would have an impact on mass consciousness, but what has  been observed by the Light Forces is that not enough people are doing that  connection and not enough people are making the effort to create that connection. 

DEBRA:  Right, exactly, it can be a challenge. But it is very important, and I think  just acknowledging in a mindful way, like you said, calling in the Goddess, can be  very powerful—and this is for men also. It feels like once you embody, I know with  my experience, once you embody the Goddess energy, you do suddenly feel a  combination of gentle, loving kindness, but very powerful at the same time—which is  that energy that is so needed on this planet. Would you agree with that? 

COBRA:  I would agree completely!  




DEBRA:  Absolutely!  Let me speak a little bit about the Sisterhood of the Rose  groups. Or can you speak actually about the importance of creating and sustaining  these groups, especially at this time in our history?  Many groups are experiencing  challenges, like division or lack of attendance. How can we grow our groups and keep  them harmonious and active? 

COBRA:  As the very word sisterhood implies, there are people, especially women, who  are sisters to each other, and that means transcending old belief systems and  patterns that women have towards each other. So they need to start behaving towards  each other as sisters and not as competitors, and this will solve one-half of the  problem. The other half of the problem will be solved when there is enough Goddess energy  present in a group, that the group will become a magnetic vortex that will draw  other people to it. So it is a matter of making a conscious decision, everybody who  is involved in those groups, to actively embody sisterhood principle in daily life,  and then bring Goddess energy into the group through meditation and other practices  that were given through my blog and through other sources. 

DEBRA:  Do you feel the members have to understand all of these principles and be super-knowledgable about what’s going on, or can they simply come in with an open  heart and a sisterhood mentality? 

COBRA:  If they come with open heart and embody those principles in their actions,  that is a very good start. 

DEBRA:  Okay, because you know not everybody understands a lot of the things we were  talking about or exactly what is going happening on the planet, and especially a lot  of Lightworkers say they don’t want to talk about the dark side of things. So I just  wondered if we could bring in women or men who are really just wanting to make a  difference. They may not even understand why but they just want to make a  difference. 

COBRA:  Yes, that is the basis. 

DEBRA:  Can creating a virtual group have an impact too?

 COBRA:  It can have, but I would say many, many, many times less because we are on  the physical plane and physical action is very important. A virtual group will stay  on the mental plane and it will not affect the physical plane so much. This is one  of the tricks of the Dark Forces; they have created a mental network. The internet  was created by the Light ones, but the Dark Forces have misused the internet to keep  people completely enmeshed into the world of ideas and the world of artificial  social networking which has nothing to do with our physical lives. And virtual  groups have very little impact on the planetary situation. 

DEBRA:  Really? So it might not even be worth our time or it may even have a  negative impact? 

COBRA:  It would not have a negative impact, but you could use that energy much more  effectively by creating even a small physical group.




DEBRA:  How can the Sisterhood of the Rose groups connect with each other  energetically, across national borders and language barriers, so that we can support  Light on this planet in the most unified way?  

COBRA:  You can create group meditations, you can interact with each other, even  electronically when that is needed. You can have national meetings, you can have  international meetings, you can have all kinds of connections.

 DEBRA:  Can we connect with each other in the etheric?  I am sure, yes, of course we  can. 

COBRA:  Of course through meditation you can connect with anybody. 

DEBRA:  So when we do our Goddess vortices, does that connect with other Goddess  vortices that other groups are doing?  

COBRA:  Yes, especially if it is done in the same moment, it is very powerful and  can assist the energy grids very much.

DEBRA:  And it is important each time we meet to do the vortex, is that correct?

  COBRA:  Yes.




 It is important to purify the surroundings and  that the people you work with are of light standard. Can we send Goddess energy to  those who refuse to cooperate in hope that they might change their mind? 

 You can send Goddess energy to them unconditionally. It is not for changing  their mind but for them to go on a path that is their highest purpose for them and  for everybody else. Because some of them might not change their mind, it is not for  us to convince anybody. We can spread the Light. We can share Love, but we cannot  change anybody's free will.




  What is the nature of the Age of Aquarius energy that will hit the surface of  the planet during the meditation time? Is it a type of Goddess energy? 

No. As I have said, it is not a type of Goddess energy. It is an energy of a  certain breakthrough in which area breakthroughs will manifest not known yet. It is  a big potential for long-lasting changes.





  What should the Sisterhood of the Rose groups do in the Bubble Elevation
phase? Do Light Forces have any new instructions?

They would need to continue with instructions they have been receiving for
the last two years. It is important for people in the Sisterhood of the Rose groups to anchor pure Goddess energy as much as possible. That means also doing self-healing work, working on themselves, removing their belief systems, patterns and blockages, clearing their implants, anchoring Goddess energy. I have given all those meditations which the Sisterhood of the Rose groups can do. They can of course listen to their own guidance as well.





 You have mentioned in the past that the Cathars used Cintamani stones to open  portals. Can you explain why they were doing this and what purpose those portals  served?

 Some of the highly initiated, those Cathars who were initiated to higher  grades of their order and some of the Templars who were also initiated into the  Goddess mysteries, used this to communicate with non-physical positive ascended  beings and also ascended Goddesses, such as Goddess Isis. They were using Cintamani  stones to create a portal to connect the physical plane with higher dimensions and  they were quite successful sometimes.





 So doing these virtual meetings, is there something additional we can do to  keep our impact strong and maintain the Goddess vortex? 

You can use the same protocol as for the physical meetings. 

Debra: OK. And we’ll still be able to keep the vortex active and still continue to  do our work?

Cobra: Yes, yes.

 Debra: What can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to stabilize the most positive  ascension timeline and terminate the coronavirus outbreak? 

Cobra: What is necessary for the participants is to invoke Goddess energy. Not just  in the moment of meditation, but also in daily life to spread positive Goddess  principles wherever they go.

 Debra: Oh I love that, I love that! Are there any particular Ascended masters or  Goddesses we should call upon to assist? 

Cobra: It is up to you. 

Debra: OK, we have access to all of them, so you’re saying if you have a personal  connection to call upon those. What can we do to attract Soul families to us in this  current world … or will this prove to continue to be a challenge until after the  Event?

Cobra: You can use the Goddess vortex meditation which can also attract your  soulmates and soul families. But unfortunately before the Event, many of those  people are compromised. They are not awakened and they are under control. It proves  to be a challenge until the moment of the Event to a great degree.





 So in the meditation instructions, you ask us to visualize erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all of humanity, and  then to visualize the soft pink light of the goddess, embracing all beings on planet  Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Do we need to heal our emotional bodies  before we can receive abundance? And what would be the best technique for healing  our emotional body specifically to allow us to accept abundance into our hologram?

Both processes are taking place simultaneously at the same time. So as this  new timeline will begin to be anchored, there will be new avenues of abundance  available to humanity. When the control of the dark forces cracks, much abundance  will be released. And of course the process of healing the emotional body is taking  place at the same time. Emotional bodies have been wounded dramatically, especially  in the last two decades. People have experienced a lot of trauma as a result of the  dark control. And now as the cosmic energies will begin to enter the quarantine more  and more, many healing energies will come, especially angelic beings will start to  contact human race again. They will start to contact beings and healing them. One of  the most important aspects of emotional healing is to invoke healing angels to  assist in the healing process. And the Pleiadians are also developing a protocol for  emotional healing. That protocol will be ready in a few weeks, and when it is ready,  I can release that on my blog and people can use that protocol. The Pleiadians will  start to help with emotional healing of lightworkers and lightwarriors, because many  are quite tired and traumatized by the war that's taking place.




  You recently spoke about how two key people crashed a goddess vortex
in Hungary and changed a timeline to influence the whole liberation process. Can you
explain how that happened?

Cobra: Basically the most important vortices, I would say every vortex on the
planet, has guardians. Those are people who have been born with a mission to be caretakers of that particular energy vortex. And when key people are compromised, this of course influences the whole vortex and all people in that particular country, and events like that can have a potential to shift the planetary timeline. And those things have happened a few times in the last 25 or 30 years. This is one of the reasons why the positive timeline in 1995 collapsed completely. So people have much more power than they think. Key people in key locations and key positions can influence situations for the better or for the worse. And I have witnessed many situations like this. And if you study history again, you will see that key decisions of small groups of people determine how things will go on on this planet.

Debra: Can this vortex be repaired?

Cobra: Probably yes, probably there will be a certain healing process taking place, but now this moment light forces are creating plans to reactivate another vortex to carry the energy of the goddess. And I will be able to speak more about that after our mass meditation, especially if we reach the critical mass.

Debra: Good, look forward to hearing about that. Is it necessary to have at least
one active goddess vortex on earth at the time of the Event?

Cobra: Yes. That will be nice, that will make things much easier.

Debra: And are there active goddess vortexes on the planet at the moment, and if
there are, if there is more than one, do they connect with each other? And if so,
how do they do that?

Cobra: They are not completely active. There are goddess vortices which are taken care of by the Light Forces, by the Resistance Movement, but on the surface within the human race, there is nothing completely active at the moment, which creates a problem of course.

Debra: Of course, yeah. Do the smaller goddess vortices that we create during our
local Sisterhood of the Rose meetings connect to and help to contribute to the power
of a larger vortex?

Cobra: Yes, of course, very much. So I would encourage all the Sisterhood of the Rose groups to keep meeting in the physical, keep taking care of your vortex, do the meditations, do whatever you're guided to do. There are instructions on the Sisterhood of the Rose website and that can help a lot.




  So there's no question that there's a lot of fear and chaos on the  planet currently—what can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to dissolve the fear that  seems to be fueling all of the chaos?

 Cobra: Again, evoke the goddess energy; there's also a meditation that you can  actually do to evoke the presence of the goddess 

that you're connected with within  your energy field. You can invoke that presence. And then that particular goddess  will work with her energy to balance and heal your energy field and the energy field  of your location.




 Have White nobilities and positive templars  taking any actions since the Paris and Versailles Goddess vortexes were reactivated?  Please share some Intel as far as you can safely talk about.

 Cobra: Not much action could be taken because there is simply... It's simply not  safe yet. So those people are still say staying undercover for time being and  waiting for better conditions where those activations and changes can take place.




  Is there enough Goddess energy now existing  on the surface of the planet? 

Cobra: Far from it. We have far too little Goddess energy on the surface of the  planet. We will need much, much, much, much, much more.

 Terry: Okay, understand, next question. Apart from meditating at the SotR  (Sisterhood of the Rose) and how can we effectively spread the Goddess energy  throughout the planet?

Cobra: What is important is not just meditating in a weekly meeting. What is  important is to embody Goddess energy in daily life. So those people who are  connected with the Goddess energy can invoke that energy and let it emanate through  their actions in daily life. This is what is most important right now.




 would Dragon Vortex in Taiwan, and  Goddess Vortexes in Paris and Versailles played a special role during this  meditation? 

Cobra: Actually Paris is located at a very specific point during this activation  because Jupiter and Saturn will be exactly at descendant. They will be setting at  that particular moment. So Paris is exactly on that descendant line for this activation, which means that Paris goddess vortex will receive a special energy  boost at that moment. And of course, people living in Paris can organize and do a  stronger meditation. They can start invoking the Goddess energy before the  meditation, maybe an hour or two before, and then they can have the main meditation  at Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. And they can, again, after the successful meditation  with Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, they can, again, invoke the Goddess energy. That  will help.




  Is this flash of cosmic love energy an aspect of Goddess energy? 

 Cobra: It is a very high aspect of goddess energy. (Beautiful) And Goddess Iona,  which came to Atlantis and brought Goddess mystery, actually originates from M87  galaxy. She came traveling through our galactic central sun of this galaxy, then  visiting many planets brought Goddess mystery to many star systems, especially in  this region of the galaxy until she found herself on this planet 25,000 years ago.




 The feminine aspect of the Source is I would say the closest description as you can have for the Goddess, and Goddess energy has many aspects. Some of those aspects are connected with physical beauty, some of those aspects are connected with a mothering principle, some of those aspects are connected with compassion. So there are many different manifestations of Goddess energy, and all of them are equally important that all of them are part of the same Source, which is the feminine aspect of the One.  



 there were many beings from different star system that influenced the
Goddess energy on the surface of the planet and brought Goddess mysteries. And these
are known in various myths and tales from history. And these are exactly the beings
who brought the Goddess energy to the planet.




 Are all these Goddess beings Ascended Masters or fifth dimensional or

Cobra: Many of them are now, but they were not ascended at the moment when they came
to the Earth. Most of them were not.

What is the best way to connect with the Goddess? Is it directly
with the Goddess source or through one of these beings?

Cobra: The best way would be to combine both because both aspects are different
aspects of the Goddess energy.




 Debra: Okay. Is Goddess energy the most powerful energy in existence, the highest
vibration possible? I believe that you said that Archons are allergic to Goddess
energy and that those that fully embody this energy cannot be touched by them. Does
this mean that by embodying this energy of the Goddess we can have greater immunity
from attacks?

Cobra: I would say there is the feminine aspect of the Source and there is the masculine aspect of the Source. And both aspects together create the Source, which is the most powerful energy in existence. And yes the Archons are allergic to Goddess energy, and if you really absolutely completely embody the Goddess, then you are protected. But if you are in the process of embodying her, you can trigger an allergic reaction of the Archons.




 Debra: Yes, yes, as many have experienced over different lifetimes. Why do some
people naturally express and exude more Goddess energy than others? Have they been
Goddesses in previous lifetimes?

Cobra: Some people have been priestesses and priests of the Goddess in past
lifetimes, and of course it's much easier and more natural for them to connect to the Goddess energy.



 Debra: Okay. Can people who are not incarnated Goddesses also exude this energy? 

Cobra: Basically, there are no incarnated Goddesses on the surface of the planet right now, but people who are in connection with the Goddess energy are many. And they of course exude that energy to a certain degree.

Debra: Okay. Many people think that the Goddess presence is something that only
women can invoke, but how can men also increase her presence?

Cobra: In exactly the same way as a woman can, they can connect with her presence in their meditations. All those protocols, all those meditations, all those ways are open for men as well, except from being a woman, of course. Because if somebody is a male body, he is not in a female body, but everything else is open to everybody.




 Debra: I'd like to speak with you about some of the ways that we can invoke the
Goddess energy since it's so important that we have more of it on the planet. So if
you could comment briefly on each of these things…Exhibiting qualities of the
Goddess, like being more loving, caring, nurturing, that is one way to embody the
Goddess, yes?

Cobra: Yes, of course. Yes, of course.

Debra: Okay. And then gathering and uniting with others to honor and invoke the
Goddess, as we do in Sisterhood of the Rose groups.

Cobra: Yes, of course.

Debra: Bringing more beauty into our lives. 

Cobra: Yes, of course.



 Debra: Doing the Goddess vortex. And if you could just explain briefly how this
technology works.

Cobra: Goddess vortex is an ancient Atlantean meditation, which creates a vortex of energy which brings in and invokes Goddess energy towards the surface of the planet.This meditation has been posted on the blog and also on the Sisterhood of the Rose website. So this is one of the most powerful techniques to invoke the Goddess energy.

Debra: Okay. And what about clearing ourselves of negative sexual programming? 

Cobra: This is also a very important part because it unblocks the flow of Kundalini energy and Kundalini energy is very connected with the Goddess presence.

Debra: Would it be easier to do this in the Aquarian energies?

Cobra: Yes.

Debra: Okay, good. And what about using Goddess statues or pictures? Kind of like as
a shrine?

Cobra: Yes. Goddess statues and pictures are anchors of the Goddess energy, and you can use them as a tool for you to easier connect with those energies.




 Debra: What would happen if everyone connected to the Goddess energy on a daily

Cobra: We would be living in paradise right now.

  Debra: I knew you were going to say that!



 Debra:  To understand the true energy of the
Goddess, are there any books you can recommend?

Cobra: There are quite many books about the Goddess energy. Some of them are approaching this more from a historic perspective, for example books from Marija Gimbutas or "The Chalice and the Blade" from Riane Eisler. Or there are books about the sacred prostitutes. There are books, there are other books as well. So there are many of them are, you can just use your own guidance, which to read.




 Will there be a point, either before or right after the Event where  Sisterhood of the Rose leaders or members will be contacted by the Light Forces or  the Resistance Movement as to the role and missions they are to take at the time?  And will one of those roles be to teach the mysteries of the Goddess, and if so, how  will these teachings be transmitted? 

Cobra: Yes, immediately after the Event those leaders of the groups will be  contacted and they will be given certain instructions. And part of those  instructions will be to start teaching the mysteries of the Goddess according to  their understanding. And they will be given new techniques, new revelations, and  some of those will be quite powerful and quite transformative, but also quite  shocking.




  People of course are very curious about soulmates and the sexual energy  connected with them. They are important aspects of the Goddess and important to both  the liberation of the planet and Ascension. So now that the "Spider Queen" has been  removed, will it make it easier for soul mates to find each other and have healthy,  peaceful relationships that can then anchor more Divine Love to assist us in moving  toward liberation and Ascension?

 Cobra: Theoretically yes, but practically speaking, there are some other obstacles  that need to be cleared as well. 




 Debra: Okay. Do you have any suggestions on how we might attract a soulmate at this  point? And does invoking the Goddess energy assist with this? 

Cobra: Doing the Goddess Vortex meditation is the fastest and most efficient way to  manifest the soulmate in your life.



  it's been suggested that the  Sisterhood of the Rose groups uses Cintamani stone as the center stone in a mandala  when meeting. How are Cintamani stones linked to the Goddess energy?

 Cobra: Cintamani stones come from the Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is  one of the major star systems that could transmit Goddess energy in this part of the  galaxy.




  We know that the name of  Versailles is linked to the word « verseau ». It comes from there, which means «  Aquarius » in English. And the castle is built in a certain alignment with  Washington and Jerusalem. Would Versailles and the place itself, the palace and the  gardens play a special role in the Age of Aquarius ?

 Cobra : Yes. what is happening is that Versailles is located on a very ancient  goddess leyline, which was actually equator in certain period of Atlantis. And this  location was a vortex for tens of thousands of years. And this vortex was activated  when the castle was built and this castle will be reactivated at certain locations,  very close to the castle will be reactivated after the Event. There are certain  plans, some of them are classified. Some of them are public that will be reactivated  at the time of the Event and after the Event. 

Katherine: Okay, wonderful. So you’re answering the next question part in parts,  which is we wonder if Versailles, the vortex in Versailles a natural one or an  artificial one created by the palace and the following initiations inside. What’s  the role of the Versailles-Paris double vortex ?

 Cobra : So as I said, this castle was built on a leyline and this position was used  for initiations, which strengthened the vortex and connected with Paris. So actually  this link between Paris and Versailles was strengthened by those initiations. Some  of the initiations were happening in Paris itself and some of the initiations were  happening at Versailles. So there was this connection strengthened that amplify  through those initiations and it created a figure eight energy flow, which  strengthened the goddess presence in the whole area.




 It leads us to the question about priestesses because  the Sisterhood is obviously a feminine name and the Count Saint Germain being a man.  We wonder the link, the connection, with the priestesses and why have they activated  the planetary kundalini specifically in Notre Dame between November 8th and 11th,  2018 ? 

Cobra : Yes, St. Germain is a man and he was incarnated in a male body because it  was easier for him to do the work. He had more liberty of movement, more liberty of  action. But I would say many of [the] people that he initiated were women. Some of  the leaders of Masonic Lodges that he was involved with were women and many people  in his inner circle, his inner mystery school, were also women. And now as there is  this impulse to reactivate Paris vortex, the Resistance Movement priestesses have  come to the surface in Paris near Notre Dame in 2018 and activated the vortex,  started vortex reactivation again, in between November 8th and 11th, 2018. 

( The Hidden Secrets of Notre Dame and the Parisii of Isis :  https://gnosticwarrior.com/the-parisii-of-isis.html)

  Katherine : And that was to implement more Light in that place, or did it have to do  with the timeline ? 

Cobra : It had many purposes. One of them was a reactivation of the Paris Goddess  Vortex. The second one was reactivation of the planetary kundalini, so that this  situation with the French Revolution could heal as you probably know, yellow vest  movement started a few weeks, one or two weeks after November 8th, 2018. And it was  a direct response to this kundalini impulse. So people are again beginning to fight  for their freedom and this time the Light Forces are trying to do whatever they can  to direct this liberation fight in a way that will not be misused.




  Bourbon family and Habsbourg family both are connected to the Grail  bloodlines. So this is the bloodline, which was transmitting DNA of a certain person  that was named Jesus and a certain person that was named Mary Magdalene, and  interconnection of those two bloodlines among other bloodlines was made on purpose  by the White Nobility to preserve the Grail DNA and Goddess mysteries. This was what  was happening behind the scenes and was not discussed publicly. But there were  certain other bloodlines that wanted to prevent this from happening. And many of  those incarnated in the area of Prussia. And this is why there were many military  invasions or military incursions from Prussia into France throughout the last few  centuries. Again, there is also a connection through Bourbon and Habsbourg families  between France and Austria and also France and Hungary because Habsbourg bloodline  was ruling over Hungary as well through most of the time.




 Also Lorraine bloodline is one of the bloodlines that was connected to the  Grail bloodline. And the whole region is also a very important Goddess vortex.So I would say certain bloodlines which were connected to the grail bloodline  tended to incarnate in Goddess vortex areas to anchor the energy of the Goddess  through that feminine transmission from mother to daughter through the bloodline.  And this is the reason why that the bloodline was located in that area of terrain.




 You asked the White  Nobility members in Paris who are initiated to the mysteries and some Templars as  well to help for the vortex activation. Can you explain why?

 Cobra : It is because certain members of White Nobility families were incarnated in  the 18th century and for the purpose of the vortex activation at that time. And they  have reincarnated again for the same purpose of reactivating the vortex, the Goddess  Vortex in Paris and it’s time now for those people to gather and to do the  reactivation properly so that the Goddess energy can enter through the vortex and  help the planet. Paris vortex is now one of the key vortices for the whole planet  after the Hungarian Lengyel vortex collapsed partially. So this is now a matter of  planetary importance. 

Katherine : Okay. Cause the Hungarian vortex and the Paris vortex were supporting  each other. 

Cobra : They were supporting each other. And Hungarian vortex is being reactivated  to a certain degree, but now the Paris vortex has top priority. And I would call  upon all those members of White Nobility families who are part of this Goddess  mysteries to come forward and assist in the reactivation of the Paris Vortex. 

Katherine : Okay. Whatever the initiation they feel they have received, if they feel  a connection with the mystery of the Goddess, then they, they might be interested in  getting in touch, right?

Cobra : Yes, exactly.




 We would like to elaborate a little more on Mary  Magdalene. She’s been very present in, in France and it’s a very important part of  our connection here. Many women and men feel called by her teachings. And as you  know, Mary Magdalene has left a trace of it, of her presence here. And more  specifically in the Cathar region in the South of France, could you explain to us if  there is a particular reason for her stay here in France and tell us a little more  about the Rose line and the leyline from Paris to Chartres as well. 

Cobra : Okay. when she was traveling from Palestine, she landed with her boats on  the Southern French coast. And this is where she established her Light centers I  would say where she was anchoring the Light when she was establishing her bloodline.  And when, from where the bloodline has spread through the South of France first and,  and then further on throughout France and throughout Europe through the Grail  bloodlines. And now she’s actually an Ascended Being and she’s working from higher  energy planes with everybody who was involved with her teachings or with her work  throughout the centuries. She’s contacting those people spiritually and reactivating  their memories, reactivating their awareness with the purpose of the return of the  Goddess energy. As you probably know, Mary Magdalene was trained in the Isis temples  in Egypt. She was an initiate. She was trained for many years in Goddess mysteries.  She was an advanced initiate and her work has just started 2000 years ago. And  continued since then. And she is working actually together with Goddess Isis as her  senior disciple to return the Goddess mysteries back to the planet.




 About the Templar’s heritage, what was their aim  in the first place?

 Cobra : There are various layers of Templars. There were the public group and there  was a secret group. And the secret inner group was connected to the Goddess  mysteries. And the purpose of that secret group was to preserve the Goddess  mysteries while the outer group was more involved with the creation of a new  financial system and was actually fighting with negative… with Black Nobility for  the domination of the planet and they lost.




  Have the positive Templars  and Cathars through incarnations actually. Do they have a specific mission, although  they have not all recovered all of their memories ? 

Cobra : Yes, I actually, some of the people who were in Templar Lodges and Cathar  Lodges have reincarnated in this time, especially as I said before, to reconnect, to  reactivate their mission, to bring back the Goddess and bring back the mysteries.  And they are in various stages of reawakening and recovering of their memories.  Unfortunately, most of them have been traumatized quite drastically in the last few  centuries and most of them are not in very good shape.




  So the third part of this point on history would be  about the Renaissance and the Dragon families. We’re very curious about this, the  White Nobility in particular. And you said that the Dragon society initiated the  Renaissance in the 16th century and that the year 1504 had been important, we can  see in the Trianon in Versailles, certain Asian influence in the decoration. And for  example an Asian cabinet. There’s a rumor that at the time of the priestess Marie  Antoinette, there was a Chinese pavilion. So were the Dragons in contact with some  families of White Nobility in the following, in the next centuries? And can we feel  in Europe a new connection with them and the Goddess Dou Mou ? 

Cobra : Okay. yeah, this is quite a complex subject. Dragon families initiated  Renaissance already in the 15th century. There were some voyages from China with  ships. Certain Chinese emissaries came into Florence especially brought documents,  brought knowledge, brought understanding. And this was actually the force behind the  impulse of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries in Italy. And after that I  would say, especially in the 17th and early 18th centuries, Jesuits traveled to  China and exerted a lot of influence on the Chinese court. And also brought many of  the ideas from China to Europe. But this has also triggered the positive response  because some of the ideas from China took place and were growing especially in Paris  in the 18th century, there was a strong movement and strong fascination with the  Chinese culture. And Marie Antoinette was very fond of Chinese porcelain. And also  before her Madame the Pompadour was very fond of Chinese porcelain. And there were  many Asian cabinets in the courts of Europe in the 18th century. And there were also  occult Lodges that were connected with Dragon families, for example, the Asiatic  brothers, which were active in Germany in the late 18th century. They had some  connection with the Dragon families. Goddess Dou Mou was not the main influence at  that time in Europe, but there was a lot of influence from the Blue Dragons,  especially, and Saint Germain had a connection with China, a strong connection with  China already at that time. And he was well aware of the Taoist teachings and the  teachings of the Blue Dragon family.




So the second part of this
interview, we would like to focus on the Age of Aquarius and the return of the
Goddess mysteries. You stated in a recent interview that the Age of Aquarius
transcends the Catholic programming and that connection if made in a positive way
can be very transformative. How will this religious programming be transcended

 The Catholic church has misused and twisted the original teachings of  Jesus in a dramatic way. And people who are able to get a real energetic connection  with Jesus or with Mary Magdalene will begin to discover their true teachings. And  this is how this religious programming can be transcended. This is one thing. And  the other thing is by the understanding mentally and spiritually of how this  programming was created, allows people to deprogram themselves. And this is why in  my perspectives it is important because you begin to understand the patterns, how  programming was created and how it can be undone. 

Katherine : Hmm. So more specifically, how can we reconnect with the true teachings  of Jesus and Mary Magdalene? 

Cobra : This can be most effectively done through meditation and for teachings of  Jesus, if you read the gospels in a way that is not with prejudice, but with an open  heart, you will discover kernels of truth because although the gospels have been  altered throughout history and manipulated, there is some kernel of truth there. And  if you are able to find it, you will be able to connect with his real energy.




 Sisterhood of the Rose will have a very important role of anchoring the  energies of the Goddess throughout the Event. And this will stabilize the planetary  situation, which will be, I would say, extremely chaotic at that time. Many people  will be in fear, confusion, and they will not know what’s going on. Their belief  systems will be shattered. And the Sisterhood of the Rose will anchor soothing and  calming energies of the Goddess and distribute them to humanity. Certain members  will be contacted very shortly after the Event by the Light Forces and given further  instructions and given also some healing and support. 

Katherine : Okay, thank you. How will the temples and priestesses of the Rose be  reactivated? Is there a specific plan for this aspect of the new golden age? 

Cobra : There is a very specific one about this and those temples will be  reactivated, especially after the Event, when the funds will be released at certain  locations where there are vortex points will be chosen for temples to be built. And  priestesses of the Rose will receive teachings directly from the Light Forces and  training and understanding of how to anchor Goddess energies more. And all this will  be very active in the initial phase after the Event.




  As you probably know, silver is the metal of the moon and it carries the  moon energy. And silver is the metal, which brings Goddess energy. And this is one  of the occult reasons why the surface population needs to have as much silver in  their hands as possible to bring balance to the financial system. And yes, this is a  round two for the Silver Trigger operation. The phase one was when I posted it on  the blog in 2019, late in the year. And now is phase two, which is more mainstream  and it’s called a silver short squeeze. And this is an ongoing project. And this  will expand in the future, hopefully.




 Yeah, I would say that compelling objective would be to really manifest
Sisterhood. Sisterhood means supporting each other, not fighting with each other because there is far too much fighting within the Lightworkers and also between the sisters in the Sisterhood. I have noted this a lot and number one objective would be to create harmony and peace between each other. And this is number one. (Okay) Number two would be to anchor as much Goddess energy as possible because more the Goddess energies anchored on the planet, easier the transition will be for all of




 what can men do if they want to anchor goddess energy even more
than some average woman?

Cobra : The principle is the same. You can anchor Goddess energies regardless of if you’re in a male or female body, the techniques, the principles, the protocols are the same.




 In the recent posts, you refer to the code name ‘amitie’. Is there  anything more you can say about this and Goddess devotion? 

Cobra : There is nothing I can say about amitie publicly. The surface population is  far from being ready for this now, as it was not ready in the 18th century. It is  not ready now.

 Katherine : Okay. Do we know when it will be ready? 

Cobra : People in general who are connected with the Goddess energy will be ready  after the Event, after they receive certain instructions from the Pleiadians and  other beings of Light.

 Katherine : Okay. Wonderful. How fully is Divine mother and Goddess energy anchored  on the planet compared to a few years ago? And how much further is there to go? 

Cobra : It is anchored less than it was few years ago because there was a collapse  of part of the Goddess grid in the second part of 2019 and throughout 2020. And  there is much further to go. We are not very far. There need to be much, much, much more Goddess energy presence on the planet. And one of the reasons why everything is  so difficult now is there is far too little Goddess energy anchored on the physical  plane. And it is the purpose of the Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the  planet and individuals to anchor as much Goddess energy as possible in their own  way. This is very important. 

Katherine : In their own way. So in every way they see fit through prayer,  meditation, exercises? Everything they know about. 

Cobra : Anything they can do in their own way, that will be beneficial.




  Goddess energy comes towards this planet in waves. One of those waves was in 2012, and then there were a few waves after that. Now another wave of Goddess energy hit the planet in October of this year. And this wave was very important because it has rearranged certain things behind the scenes, which I will not yet talk about, but they are quite important, I would say the balance of power at the top of the Black Nobility families has changed. The certain plans of the Light Forces have changed, have been accelerated, and certain things are looking much better than they did before. This was completely unexpected. I was not expecting this wave to hit, and it did and it was a pleasant surprise. And now this is increasing and is preparing foundations for some certain things in next year that are being planned by
the Light Forces.




  What if someone is interested in learning about the mysteries of Isis, is there a way to become a student?

Cobra: People are learning in their own way. There is no Goddess mystery school present on the surface of the planet yet. The situation is not yet ready, but there are fragments of true mysteries here and there. I had a few workshops that were quite powerful three years ago when I had revealed a great deal of this and there are probably notes floating somewhere over the internet. And you can get those and learn from there, but this is not the whole story. There is much more to it.

 Debra: Okay. I would like to ask you a little bit about Goddess vortexes. What about
God Vortexes? It’s said that the vortexes are categorized as feminine when the
energy enters the earth, and they are masculine when the energy leaves the earth.
Are both equally important and do they work together?

Cobra: Yes, both are equally important, but there has been such a big disbalance created that first the Goddess vortexes need to be activated. And only when this network is stable enough, will the God vortexes be activated again, because God's vortexes are very powerful. And when there is still a great possibility that this power will be misused, they cannot be activated. It's not safe.

Debra: The double Paris-Versailles vortex is being prepared for a new level of
activity this month. Can you share more? How can we support this?

Cobra: No, not yet.




  A couple of questions about the
Myrrhophores priestesses in your recent update. These goddesses were practicing in
the ancient temples of Egypt, bringing myrrh to those who are approaching death.
Does such a return of these priestesses mean that they will come to the surface as a
trained spiritual group? And will members of the Sisterhood be initiated as these

Cobra: It doesn't mean a return of the priestesses from below the surface, not yet. But fragments of this knowledge are coming back to the surface population again. And it's not just about the myrrh and those who are approaching death. It’s a whole science, a whole teaching of how to use sacred oils for different purposes to raise the vibration, to activate certain chakras, to activate certain higher facilities. It's a lot more to this, and this is slowly being revealed to the surface population.




 There are Lightworkers who
work diligently to keep their energy fields clean and have abstained from sexual
relations due to not being able to find a high vibration partner, because they're
aware of the fact that dark entities can infiltrate and harness sexual energy. This
is also causing many women to cut off the much-needed sensual and sexual energy of
the Goddess within themselves. And so, one Sister asks, “If a woman feels a desire
to unite with someone, but the man is very unconscious, will this put bad energy
into the field?” Cobra, what do you suggest? Is energetic protection needed? Are the
energies being cleared more? Is it any safer to allow more sexual expressions of
ourselves, or is it still best to abstain?

Cobra: If it's done with the right intention, there is nothing wrong with it. I mean it does not mean that the entities need to come into you if you're doing it from the right intention. If there is a connection between you and this other person, no matter what his vibrational frequency is, that itself will determine what will happen, how the energies will exchange. So I would not be overly worried about those entities, if you are doing it for the right purpose. As it would anything else in your life, entities can jump on you while you're having breakfast, for example. If you're in a bad mood or if you're angry, fighting with somebody.

Debra: Good point. The fact that this union involves two people, do both people have
to have that intention or is it okay if just one of the partners does?

Cobra: Well, there needs to be a certain agreement at least to a certain degree about the intention. Otherwise, it will not be a pleasant act. That's obvious. They don't need to be exactly the same level of consciousness. It does not need to be perfect, but there needs to be some basic understanding, a basic unification of purpose, why this is happening, and then it should be okay. And of course, you can use, you can use the Violet Flame, you can use basic protection techniques, that's also helpful sometimes.




 Debra: I see, understood. She also asked, “Can a man be healed with Goddess energy
this way? Is it something similar to what the sacred prostitutes did, and can you
tell something about them or give some advice on how to be one? And what is the
importance of living our sensuality?”

Cobra: Yes, of course a man can be healed with the Goddess energy, if he's receptive to it this way. And of course, a woman can do that if she's so guided. And if she follows that path, she can ask for guidance, and she will receive guidance in many different ways.

Debra: And of course, it is important to live our sensuality, but healthy sexual
energy and expression seem to be a missing link in our world. How can we learn more
about this?

Cobra: Again, you need to learn more about your own sexual energy, about your own Kundalini energy, explore it in a way that feels okay with you. Use your own inner guidance. Do not look so much to external sources because most of the external sources have been compromised. You need to unlearn whatever you have learned and just explore inside – inside your energy field, inside of your body first. And then you will know what I'm talking about.




  is sacred union between a man and woman part of the
Goddess mysteries?

Cobra: Yes, definitely.

Debra: That's what we thought. And will the full knowledge and secrets of these
mystery schools be revealed after the Event?

Cobra: After the Event. Yes.

Debra: And will the Sisterhood of the Rose groups play an important role in
reactivating these?

Cobra: Definitely. Definitely. Very much.

Debra: What direction do you see for Sisterhood of the Rose groups in 2022? Do you
have a message for them?

Cobra: Yes, it will be good for all those groups that are still existing to reunite
in power, meet more, because some of them are in various stages of decomposition. It's time for them to reunite again, to renew connections again. A different dynamic has, and all those lockdowns have, reduced the number of physical meetings. Perhaps you can reinstate the physical meetings again, which is quite important to hold the energy. You can study all those new teachings about the Myrrhophore priestesses. You can connect with Goddess Isis, especially because her energy is coming back big time in the year 2022.




 Are Guanyin and Isis the same goddess? Is Guanyin
actually an Asian avatar of the latter?

Cobra: It is not completely the same goddess, but parts of the archetype are very




 Now that Goddess energy is extremely insufficient on the
surface of the Earth. Can we improve this situation by burying more morganites?

Cobra: To a certain degree, yes.

Patrick: Okay. Next one. When a Cintamani stone is buried into the Earth, it will
create an angelic energy vortex for clearing its nearby plasma field. Does buried
morganites create a Goddess energy vortex for anchoring more Goddess energy on

Cobra: Again, to a certain degree, yes.

Patrick: Okay. So if that's the case, how large can a Goddess energy vortex in
diameter be created by a 10 gram tachyonized morganite?

Cobra: I would say around two or three miles, something like that.




  You mentioned that the origin Emperor of Japan was a
draconian. Can you talk about his or her name? Is he or is she a positive draconian?

Cobra: His name is Jimmu and he came from the positive draconian race from one of the, I would say, Royal draconian lineages. And he was connected to Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu. So he was the one who actually brought certain high culture in Japan when he actually landed there many, many thousands of years ago.



 you said years ago that a few people
can liberate the entire galaxy with the advances Goddess vortex meditation. Do you
think that we will have a chance to do this meditation next year or before the

It extremely unlikely that this will happen before the Event.




 We we've seen an explosion in the number of Tachyon chambers in France
recently. Is there a link with France's key role in the global liberation?

 Cobra: Yes, of course. A lot of work is being done energetically with France and especially with Paris Goddess Vortex. And this of course has assisted in creating this very strong interest for Tachyon chambers in France, because France is one of a few key countries for the Planetary Liberation process.




 Can you reveal any further information on the
"Alexandrian women", the women who moved from Vipava valley to Alexandria at the
turn of the 20th century?

Cobra: Okay. They were just looking for opportunity for a job and they were moving to Alexandria to basically babysit in the higher upper level of Egyptian society. And that was an interesting interaction because it brought a certain combination of Goddess energy, which was not previously present





  Since the Ascended Masters and Goddesses are the
embodiment of Cosmic Love, is it possible for them to inspire and enlighten those
500 million people with Love?

Cobra: They of course will try, but it is not expected [that] they will be very
successful. They might be successful in some cases, but in most cases it's very unlikely.




 Daoist literature has many records about Eastern gods,
Goddesses and Immortals. Are most of those beings living in Eastern Agarthan

Cobra: Most of those beings have ascended already and have left the planet, and some of them are definitely living in the Eastern Agarthan network.




 So next one, we know there are Goddess ley lines and
vortexes. So can you elaborate on Dragon ley lines and vortexes, especially their
formation and purposes?

Cobra: Dragon ley lines and vortexes are embodying the Divine Masculine principle, and information about them is not yet to be revealed to the surface population because the situation is not ready yet.




 As most parts of the world are lifting travel bans, it is now
easier for Sisterhood of the Rose groups to hold weekly physical meetings. What can
[these] groups do or persist in order to anchor Goddess energy?

Cobra: What is the most important is for the groups, to really start meeting
physically again, which is now possible almost everywhere. And then to do the few main meditations we have published many times to anchor the Goddess energy. And then after that whatever they can do to anchor Goddess energy by their own guidance.


Jedi: I got it. And next, some people have found it difficult to get enough members
for creating their own Sisterhood of the Rose groups. Do you have any advice on how
people can raise Goddess awareness in their local areas?

Cobra: They can start publishing articles about Goddess energy in their local
community, in areas which are most open to this. They can create a Facebook group. They can publish an article in local spiritual magazine. They can produce the video. So it is time for those who can to start raising that frequency in their local areas, and that will attract members who are ready for such a group.


Jedi: Okay. Good ideas. Next, many people have formed online groups on Zoom for
meetings and group meditations. Would you agree that it is a good way to anchor
Light and Goddess energy?

Cobra: It is better than nothing, but physical meetings are far more powerful and far more important.




 After the First Contact, many
Ascended Masters will instruct the surface population with their tangible hologram
bodies. We have a list of the most famous Ascended Masters, and we would like to ask
you if we might be able to see them face-to-face in the future.
    Jesus Christ
    Mother Mary
    The Buddha
    King Arthur
    Isis the Goddess
    Ashtar Sheran
    El Morya

Cobra: Yes. All of them, all of those from your list will most likely be able to
show themselves when the time is right after the First Contact.




The Goddess vortices appear to be mainly in the European continent. Does it imply that there are more Masculine vortices in Asia?

Cobra: Actually there are many Masculine ley lines in Asia and Dragon ley lines, and they will have quite much of a role in the Event and after the Event, but it's not time to talk about that yet.

Terry: I see. But there are also female vortices in Asia?

Cobra: Yes, of course.




This interview section was all about Questions related to the Goddess Temple Project:

  •  Goddess Temple Project Q&A
  •  January 2023

Terry: Okay. Understood. Thank you very much. Okay, and the next question is about the Goddess Temple Project. The first one, does building a Goddess Temple mean that we have to construct the temple from scratch?

Cobra: It is not necessary. You can use an existing architecture or you can build a
new temple, whatever is your guidance.


Terry: Okay, great. Is it necessary for a Goddess temple to have an indoor space?

Cobra: Yes, of course. It has to be an indoor space protected from the elements.

Terry: Oh, I see. So we cannot just have outdoor temple.

Cobra: It has to be inside space protected from the elements.

Terry: Okay. Do we have to build a Goddess temple in a private space that we own? Or can we just rent an indoor space and then modify it for this purpose?

Cobra: Both options are okay. It just needs to be accessible to the public at least
once a week for a few hours.


Terry: Okay. So which area would the Light Forces recommend for creating a Goddess temple? Can it be built in an urban areas or suburbs or countryside?

Cobra: Anywhere you feel guided and anywhere people can have access to it.

Terry: I see. Do the Light Forces have any requirements on the basic size of a Goddess temple if we measure it by the square meters?

Cobra: Bigger than 10 square meters and there is no upper limit.

Terry: Okay. If the Lightworkers can build a Goddess temple by themselves, would the Light Forces recommend any architectural style for such project?

Cobra: You can create a Goddess Temple as a dome. You can use ancient architecture as a role model, or you can use your own guidance.

Terry: Okay, great. If there is enough land [or space] within a private contact
zone, can we add a Goddess temple in this area?

Cobra: Yes. If you feel so guided.

Terry: Okay. When we build a Goddess temple, is it necessary or recommendable for us to create a sacred lake nearby?

Cobra: If you feel so guided.

Terry: Okay. If a Goddess Temple only has an indoor space, can we use an indoor
fountain alternatively as a sacred lake?

Cobra: Yes.

Terry: Okay, great. When we place an indoor fountain or dig an artificial lake for a
Goddess Temple, how can we invoke female angelic being to anchor the Goddess Vortex on that water body?

Cobra: There is a meditation to invoke Goddess presence into your body, and you can use that meditation to invoke that Goddess presence in that lake as well. This meditation you can find on the Sisterhood of the Rose website.


Terry: Okay. Okay, great. And so is it acceptable for the Light Forces if we modify
the existing architecture into a temple?

Cobra: Yes, of course.

Terry: Okay. How can we tell if a Goddess Temple is in good order according to the
standard of the Light Forces?

Cobra: If you do it with dedication and purity, it'll be okay.

Terry: Okay, great. How can we maintain the Goddess energy in that temple?

Cobra: By doing regular meditations, regular activities in the temple, and again, it needs to be open to the general population at least once a week.

Terry: Okay. As the Event is approaching, do the Light Forces set any deadline for
Lightworkers to create at least one qualified Goddess temple on the surface of the

Cobra: There are no deadlines. People who have guidance to build those temples or to create those temple in existing places will do so according to their own ability. And the more are created the better it is, but there are no requirements.  


Jedi: Okay. I will start. Can you please recommend some famous Goddess temples
around the world so that we the Lightworkers can go on a privilege tour and seek
inspiration for building our own temples?

Cobra: Okay. One example is the Temple of Love in Petit Trianon in Versailles in France, and the other example are the Goddess Temples on Malta. These are two examples, which are quite interesting and can be an inspiration for building those temples.

Jedi: Okay. Good choice. Next, if Lightworkers manage to build a Goddess temple on
the surface of the planet, can you provide a training program and help those who
feel guided to become Goddess Priests and Goddess Priestesses?

Cobra: Most likely no.

Jedi: Okay. next, a Japanese Lightworker recently built a Goddess temple in Gunma
Prefecture. This temple is open to the general public. It also has an outdoor carpet
of Rose Labyrinth for people to experience one of the healing experiences of Goddess
priestesses. Can you explain the purpose of Rose Labyrinth and how we can use it

Cobra: You can do that by walking through the Labyrinth, and that walk through the Labyrinth symbolizes your inner journey. And while walking through the Labyrinth and coming to the center, you can come to the purpose of your journey. So that can be a spiritual experience that can clarify your connection with your higher self and
clarify your path in Light

Jedi: Oh, good. Next, if a person is lost inside a large-scale Rose Labyrinth.
Should [they] return to [the] entry point through [their] previous path?

Cobra: Yes, that is recommended.

Jedi: Okay. And how many Goddess at the maximum can we worship in a Goddess temple?

Cobra: As many as you wish.

Jedi: Okay, good. Do you have to determine the Goddess to be worshiped before we
build her temple?

Cobra: You do it according to your own inner guidance.

Jedi: All right. Can we keep dogs, cats, or other pets in a Goddess temple?

Cobra: The central part of the temple needs to be protected. So that is not a place for dogs, cats, and other pets, but in other locations there is no problem.

Jedi: Oh, that's good. If we want to build a Goddess Venus temple, can we
intentionally emphasize her sexy and gorgeous appearance within Her temple?

Cobra: Yes, of course.

Jedi: Okay. if Lightworkers want to take priority of improving their quality of
life, can they first build a permanent altar of Goddess Abundantia and then
gradually expand it into a Goddess Temple for anchoring energy of abundance?

Cobra: Yes, of course. That is a good idea.

Jedi: Alright. There are many Guanyin and Mazu temples in Taiwan. Ise Grand Shrine
in Japan is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. In other countries, there are
also many temples where people worship Goddess as their main deities. What is the
most important difference between these existing temples and those which the Light
Forces hope we Lightworkers build for this new project?

Cobra: Okay. those new temples will bring fresh cosmic energy of the Goddess to the surface of the planet. And of course it is also important to spread awareness of the already existing Goddess temples from the old ages, which are still working. Some of them are still operational. It is also good for Sisterhood of the Rose to write articles about those temples to bring those temples into the awareness of the surface population.

Jedi: Okay, good. Next, most of the surface population goes to Goddess temple in
search of Her guidance and blessings instead of experiencing Her energy. When we are building a Goddess temple, what should we do so that the surface population can let go of their stereotype about a Goddess temple and focus on appreciating Her

Cobra: There are various ways of approaching the Goddess presence. It can be through seeking Her guidance, through seeking blessings to experience her energy directly, through meditation. All those paths are completely okay.

Jedi: Okay. Next, what activities would people of advanced ancient Earth
civilization (Atlanteans and ancient Egyptians for example) do at their Goddess
temples in addition to praying for Her guidance and the blessings?

Cobra: There were trainings. There were initiations. There were sacred union
meditations. There was connection with the Galactic brotherhood. All those
activities were taking place in Atlantis and to a certain degree also in ancient

Jedi: Well, that's great. What festivals and special days can we celebrate or hold
anniversaries events in a Goddess Temple?

Cobra: There are many holidays which have been celebrated in the past to celebrate the Goddess presence and also the Sisterhood of the Rose can create an article to list all those various festivals that were celebrated throughout the world. Pagan festivals, there were festivals connected to Isis, there were festivals connected to other Goddesses, and all of them can be portals to connect with the Goddess energy.

Jedi: Okay. Would ancient people intentionally choose a place near Goddess leyline
when building a Goddess temple?

Cobra: Yes. A place near Goddess leyline or a Goddess Vortex.

Jedi: Okay. Petit Trianon itself is a small castle for Queen Marie-Antoinette, and
Master St. Germain came here several times to instruct Goddess mysteries and anchor Goddess energy. Did Master St. Germain turn his castle into a Goddess temple
suitable for long-term residence?

Cobra: Yes. And this place has a certain specific purpose after the Event, which must not be disclosed yet.

Jedi: Okay. Do Pleiadians and other positive stars civilizations worship Goddess?

Cobra: They are connecting with the Goddess presence in their own way.

Jedi: Okay. Do they worship a particular Goddess in common?

Cobra: Not personified Goddess, but the Divine Feminine essence which permeates the whole universe.

Jedi: Alright. How do the benevolent Galactic beings utilize their Goddess temples
and spread Her energy?

Cobra: The Galactic Central Race has created the network of Goddess temples on many planets that are part of the galactic society, and they are part of the galactic network of Light.

Jedi: Okay. It takes a considerable amount of time and money to build a Goddess
temple? If the Earth's surface is going to be hit by polar shift and huge tsunamis
in the coming years, it does not seem to be a worthy investment to build many
Goddess temples around the world. What is your suggestion for alleviating
Lightworkers' worries on this matter?

Cobra: It does not take a lot of money to create a Goddess temple. You can just convert one of the rooms in your present location. It can be your apartment or your business place. You can just convert one room into a Goddess temple with minimal expenses, decorate it and open to the public. So it can be done with minimum investment, and in a very short period of time. And many such temples can create a strong presence that can help the Light Forces in the coming years.

Jedi: Okay. Good suggestion. Given the fact that many Lightworkers do not have
enough money and knowledge of construction or interior design. We would like to
propose some alternative choices, which are quite feasible in the near future.  Cobra, we hope you can share your opinions and convey these ideas to the Light

Cobra: Yes. They're listening to this interview and of course they are aware of the situation. So people just need to use a little bit of creativity and dedication. All this can be done.

Jedi: Oh that's great. Thank you. First of all, some Lightworkers have been running
their healing center. Can they modify their healing centers into Goddess temples?

Cobra: Yes, of course. They can turn their whole healing center into Goddess temple or just dedicate part of their healing center into a Goddess temple. It's all open. Everything is possible.

Jedi: Okay, great. If Lightworkers utilize their art studios, galleries, or private
museums and provide long-term Goddess-related performances and exhibitions to the
surface population, will their artistic space become their Goddess temples?

Cobra: Yes they can. If those activities are permanent, and if that space
is dedicated to the Goddess. Yes, it can become a Goddess temple.


Jedi: Okay, great. If Lightworkers dedicated their charitable organizations to a
Goddess and then provide charitable aid in Her name, does their dedication equal
building a Goddess temple?

Cobra: No. Building or creating a Goddess temple is more important.

Jedi: Okay. Understood. You mentioned at Paris Ascension Conference that Christian
Louboutin located at Rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau is actually a Temple of Hathor in the disguise of a boutique shop. If Lightworkers decorate their own shops with many
Goddess-related artworks and the concepts, will their shops become some sort of a
Goddess temple?

Cobra: Yes, if there is an activity related to the Goddess energy open to the public at least once a week. Just Goddess-related art and artwork and decoration is not enough. There needs to be a dedication and it needs to be open to the public so the energy can spread to the surface population.

Jedi: Okay. Good idea. Many Lightworkers make their living with their professional
skills and they also run their studio, firms, and even small and medium-size
enterprises. Can they introduce Goddess art related to their industries into their
workplaces and turn their office into a Goddess temple as much as possible?

Cobra: Okay. if you introduce arts, this does not make your office a Goddess temple, but it does help to bring more Goddess energy to the surface of the planet.

Jedi: Mm-Hmm. Okay. If Lightworkers are temporarily incapable of building a new
Goddess temple, can they donate the money to support the restoration of famous
ancient Goddess temples such as Notre Dame, Parthenon, and Temple of Hathor?

Cobra: If they feel so guided, yes. But you need to know that much of that money is lost and given to other activities. It does not reach the end.

Jedi: Okay. Many online open-world games allow players to build their own houses, or
even towns. If the main purpose of the Goddess Temple Project is to spread the
Goddess energy and Her knowledge, can we build our Goddess temple in Minecraft,
Valheim, or other online games and then invite other players to visit our temples?

Cobra: This is not so much recommended because we need to build those temples on the physical plane. This artificial reality is something that we need to avoid. Do not spend too much time online on those games. It does not serve the spiritual evolution of humanity.


From this same interview, additional Q&A related to the Goddess was mentioned:

Both Goddess Atargatis and Goddess Isis come from Sirius
Star System. Is there any remarkable relationship between them?

Cobra: Yes. They both come from the same soul family.


 During the Paris Ascension Conference, you mentioned that Boucher hid
many Goddess mysteries in his paintings. His works created an energy buffer zone in
Franch high society which prevented France from a complete meltdown during the
French Revolution. If most members of the French aristocracy and rich families did not understand those secrets, how exactly could his works protect the French society of his era?

Cobra: People did not understand his work on a conscious level, but the energy of his work was influencing their subconscious and aligning it more with the energy of the Goddess.

Jedi: Okay. Understood. Just like we look at the Flower of Life. People cannot
understand it, but they got the energy from it.

Cobra: Yes. Yes.

Jedi: Okay. Thank you. If we do our best to promote the music of Mozart, the
paintings of Boucher and Vigée Le Brun plus other Goddess-related art, would such
effort help the surface population adapt to the Event and the following big changes?

Cobra: That is actually a very good idea, and that would help the surface population to align more with the Goddess energy to a certain degree, and each such effort helps.



Feb 2023- Present Day


So, at the moment there are numerous earthquakes all over the world.
There’ve been two in Turkey, one in early February and the other earlier this week.
And at the end of January, you informed us that the ancient Atlantian Light grid was
being reactivated. And that a very important aspect of this process is the
reactivation of the ancient Atlantian Goddess vortexes and that they’re connected to the ancient Atlantian equator. Are the earthquakes in Turkey related to these

This is one aspect of this. They are connected to this and also to some geopolitical situations. And of course, unfortunately according to the sources, they were not taking place naturally.


The time of the Portal of Light Activation is based on
CEDT in Paris, Central European Daylight Time. What special things will happen in
this city during this activation?

Cobra: Okay. The Paris Vortex is the key Goddess vortex for the surface of the
planet, and this is why the main anchor is there. So this is the main reason why the activations are anchored in that particular location.



Terry-san: Okay, great. The feminine energy on the surface of planet Earth is very
low at the moment. Would there be changes to the situation if the critical mass is
successfully reached? What specifically can we expect in this area?

Cobra: Again, if the Lightworker energy grid will be reactivated, there will be a
rebirth of Goddess energy and the feminine principle will begin to flow more freely. And that can happen if the critical mass is reached. And depending on how things go, this is something that we can expect.


 If we want to use these enormously powerful energies to
reactivate old Atlantean Goddess vortexes, where would you recommend for our
physical meditation meeting?

Cobra: Okay. One thing, one aspect of this is along the old Atlantian equator, and the other aspect of this is anywhere near the water, or even inside the water, lake, river, sea, ocean.


 So if we want to hold a physical meditation meetings in our
Goddess Temples and invite the general population to join the Portal of Light
Activation, what tachyonized products can we use to boost the benefits of our

Cobra: Any tachyonized products that bring Goddess energy, there is a whole section dedicated to the Goddess energy on the Tachyonis website.

Terry-san: Okay, great.

Cobra: And of course, Cintamani stone.



 So when it comes to Goddess related to Pluto,
most people would think of Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld. Can you please explain briefly her background and her role in this activation?

Cobra: Okay. In mythology, if I translate this into our language, it means that
Persephone was actually rescued from the surface of the planet by Pluto and then merged with him in a Soulmate or even Twin Soul Union. So this aspect is the Resistance Movement starting to do certain activities that will lead to the meeting of the soulmates and twin souls on the surface of the planet and below the surfaces of the planet when the time is right.


Terry-san: Okay, that's very interesting. Okay, next question. Hedes is the
representative [of the] God of Pluto, is he a member of a positive star race? What
is his exact relationship with Persephone?

Cobra: Yes, of course. He's a member of a positive star race and Persephone is either his soulmate or his twin soul. For the exact answer, I would need to go much deeper into this, but right now I would say, they have a very strong and loving connection.

Terry-san: Okay, great. Pluto has several positive representations in astrology such
as transformation, revival, massive wealth, deeply hidden wealth within ourselves,
and also wisdom in leadership. How can we utilize the most extraordinary opportunity
in our lifetimes to make a fortune and expand our positive influence in our daily

Cobra: Okay. The main energy blueprint of Pluto in Aquarius is expansion beyond the limits of the quarantine Earth. And there is a vast storage of spiritual knowledge and also physical abundance, which is connected to areas beyond the surface of the planet. And Pluto in Aquarius will reconnect the surface of the planet with those reservoirs of wisdom and abundance and spiritual inspiration.





  Why do we have to imagine rainbows stars
in the Goddess Vortex meditation? What kind of energy do they bring?

Cobra: This is classified information at this point, but I can only say this is the
most powerful spiritual technology on the surface of the planet right now.




 Cobra: Actually every planet is, I would say, the  physical planet is a physical
body of a very highly evolved entity,  which is ensouling that particular planet,
and those are very evolved  beings.


Debra: What about our beloved Earth, Goddess Gaia Sophia?  Did she choose to embody planet Earth, knowing that it would be the  last stronghold for evil in the
universe? How is she able to withstand  and transmute all the negative energy here
and the abuse that has been  done to her? What can you tell us about her?

Cobra: It was not  known that it will be the last stronghold for evil in the
universe. And,  it takes an enormous amount of patience for her to maintain the  planetary surface without any cataclysms. She is withholding the  cataclysms for the right moment, for everything to be cleared out  completely. Otherwise, we would have drastic cataclysms decades ago.




 at the Paris Conference, you stated at the time that the  Goddess
energy on the planet was very, very low, like zero. Has this  improved since that
conference, and especially now after the recent  Taiwan conference?

Cobra: It has improved since the last Taiwan conference to a degree, but much, much more improvement is necessary.




 Debra:  Yes, agreed. Is there a threshold amount of divine feminine energy  needed  that will finally turn the tide to potentially trigger the Event?

Cobra:  There is no specific threshold amount of divine feminine energy required  for the Event, it just determines how harmonious or how hard the  transition will be. Of course, with more divine feminine energy present,  the transition will be more harmonious. But with the amount we have  now, the Event itself will be quite a shocking and drastic experience  for most people on the surface of this planet.

Debra: Okay, more  motivation to get involved with Sisterhood of the Rose and also
doing  your own inner work to call in more and anchor more divine feminine  Goddess
energy. So, absolutely. You indicated that if the Lightworker  energy grid will be
reactivated, that there will be a rebirth of Goddess  energy and the feminine
principle will begin to flow more freely, and  all that can happen if critical mass is reached. How will this visibly  show up on the planet and with humanity?

Cobra: This can show up as more hope, more inspiration, more peace, more balance, less madness, and less violence on the planet.



Debra: Thank you. Okay, let's speak a little bit about the divine feminine and
Goddess energy in regard to some of this. How can we explore sensuality and sacred
sexuality to anchor more divine feminine Goddess energy? Can you share some ideas
both for those with a partner and those without?


Cobra: The key here is for you to be honest with yourself and allow the exploration of your own sexual energy. And when you are familiar with your own sexual energy, you can connect it with the heart energy, with or without a partner.

Debra: And when you say familiar with your own sexual energy, what do you mean by

Cobra: By exploring it, by allowing it, by being honest about what kind of energy that is and allowing it to flow. And when it begins to flow, it can connect with the heart energy and create a, I would say, alchemical union within your energy field.

Debra: And you've indicated in the past, I believe, that this exploration doesn't
necessarily have to happen through a sexual experience. It can be done through
various ways, even such as dancing and such, correct?

Cobra: Yes.




Debra: Back in 2018, you wrote, “Sacred Union is merging of spiritual, mental,
emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies of soulmates and twin souls. Such
merger creates a moment of no time when the veil is pierced, and this moment if
expanded is the key to physical immortality and/or Ascension.” And then you also
wrote, “As we approach the moment of Compression Breakthrough, some of the most
awakened priestesses will start using the energy of the Sacred Union to heal others
and to channel Goddess energies into the planetary light grid.” Is this something
that has begun, and does this take place only between soulmates or twin souls? Is
the moment of Breakthrough connected to the energies of Sacred Union? Can you
elaborate more on this, please?

Cobra: I would say that some beings were able to create those moments of Sacred Union that have created cracks in the veil, but it was much, much less than the Light Forces expected. So at some point in the future when there is enough light present, this will expand, but we were not there yet.



Debra: Okay, thank you. What's the difference between ancient temple prostitutes and modern professional prostitutes?

Cobra: Actually, ancient temple prostitutes were not prostitutes in the modern sense of the word. They were women which were initiated into the Goddess mysteries and were channeling sexual energy for healing. We all know what modern professional prostitutes are; it's far from how it was hundreds and thousands of years ago. This energy has degenerated quite much, especially in the last few hundred years.

Debra: Yes, absolutely. Thank you for clarifying that. Speaking of these mystery
teachings, you've said that after the Event that Goddess mystery teachings will
begin to be revealed. Is this to everyone or primarily those anchoring Goddess
energy? And is there any likelihood that anything would be revealed before the

Cobra: I would say some basic teachings will be open to everybody, and more advanced teachings will be for those who have an inclination and interest in anchoring the Goddess energy. And it is very unlikely that much of this will happen before the Event. Maybe just before the Event, but I would say not much before the Event.

Debra: Is Sacred Union and Sacred Sexuality a primary topic of these teachings? And
if so, why is that?

Cobra: It is one of the main topics, but not the only one.





Debra: Okay. And in our last interview prior to the Portal of Light Activation, you
indicated that there was very little Goddess energy on the planet. Has there been a
shift since then?

Cobra: I would say it's a little bit better, but not much better.




Debra: Can we get an update on how the Goddess temple project is going? And for
those who don't have the resources to create a public temple, is a private temple in
your own home still contributing Goddess energy to the planet?

Cobra: There are a few Goddess temples, which have been created, so this is nice. And those who cannot create a public temple, a private temple is still better than nothing.



Debra: Thank you. How is it that temples are dedicated to either a Goddess or to a
God, but never to a Goddess and a God together? Isn't the goal to bring back the
harmony of the divine feminine and divine masculine? So why not create a temple
linked to a divine couple to balance the two energies?

Cobra: That's actually a very good idea. And for those who have been able to balance those energies inside of themselves, that's an interesting task in the future.




Debra: You currently indicated that there's not a high priestess on the planet. Will
this happen before the Event, after the Event? At any point will this Earth, as we
know it now, have a high priestess again?

Cobra: This is classified information.

Debra: Okay. What about a high priest?

Cobra: This is also classified.




Debra: Okay, thank you. In the past, you've talked about female members of the
Pleiadian fleet and the Resistance Movement that are positioned on an asteroid in
the outer Solar System, and they're there to relay Goddess energy from the Galactic
Central Sun towards the Earth to assist in harmonizing humanity. Have these female
Lightworkers received reinforcements at all from the Galactic Federation of Light or
other star systems and have they expanded their bases of operations? Will they
create energetic connections with Sisterhood of the Rose groups on the surface of
the planet during the Event, when things will get volatile and Sisterhood of the
Rose groups are expected to meditate, to help calm things?

Cobra: Okay, there was a lot of improvement about those members of the Pleiadian fleet and Resistance Movement. Those priestesses have received a lot of support and their network is much stronger throughout the Solar System and below the surface of the planet. And they will contact Sisterhood of the Rose groups after the Event, then give certain instructions.





Debra: Thank you. Do you have suggestions to give Sisterhood the Rose an energy boost? In our current timeline, we've noticed a decrease in groups and
participation, and it's more important than ever now to build the Goddess energy.

Cobra: I would say that enough subquantum anomaly needs to be removed so that a new positive energy wave of Goddess energy comes from the Galactic Center to the planet. And this will be a new inspiration to create more groups.

Debra: Okay, so kind of keep going, and as you said, possibly even in a few months,
things might improve. Will there be any new invocations or meditations for the
Sisterhood of the Rose groups that may help manifest the Event in the most peaceful
and harmonious way? Or maybe even to help emotional wounding?

Cobra: That's possible at a later stage.


 Debra: Thank you, we look forward to that. So we’re going to end this by talking
about healing emotional wounds, some healing and protection questions. In our last
interview, you indicated that during the time that Pluto temporarily returns to
Capricorn, which it did on June 11th until early 2024, it would be a good
opportunity for everyone to work on their shadows and prepare for a final push until
the Event. How would you describe shadow work to people? Because many people are confused, they don't understand it.

Cobra: I would say being honest with yourself, and whatever you find inside, just first allow yourself to acknowledge it, feel it, experience it, and transform it.

Debra: Okay, because I was going to ask you, what are some effective ways for people to work on that? Is it about making higher consciousness prevail over our personal wounds?

Cobra: There are many healing modalities, healing techniques. You can use the Violet Flame, you can use certain healing meditations, emotional healing techniques, various therapies. You can use all that to transform those wounds.

Debra: Okay. How can the Goddess help us with this?

Cobra: If you invoke Goddess energy, the presence of the Goddess energy can actually help healing those wounds.

Debra: So that would be an important aspect for anyone doing some shadow work, is to call in the Goddess.

Cobra: Can you repeat that?

Debra: Oh, I just said that might be an essential step in anyone doing healing work
of their emotional wounds to call in the Goddess. 

Cobra: Yes. Yes.







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