The Divine Feminine by COBRA
In short, Cobra is one of those very rare sources in the alternative media with real value on this key subject. You can learn much more about Cobra here: Cobra-Intel-Map. common-confusions-questions-about-cobra Kundalini energy is very connected with the Goddess presence. His soulmate (present at many Conferences) Isis Astara was the last High Priestess (Princess Diana & Marilyn Monroe before her) in human society. In early 2018 the Cabal ( Orsini ) removed her (Directed Energy Weapon/Cardiac Arrest) from the physical plane. Cobra's mission is still to continue to help the divine feminine into power and remembrance of that history and who they are and what that role generally is in the shift of the ages. Isis Astara is still guiding this process from the non physical planes and will return after the planet is liberated. Tachyons can viewed as the Goddess Particle which Cobra has provided in different ways for the lightworkers in the shift of the ages...